

BLURB: The rude and bossy Ava Munroe thought she had it all, but she never did. Wealth and riches couldn't afford her the one thing she secretly desired the most. Whereas, enthusiasic but broke Kane Waylen wanted more from life, having a lot to offer, but was limited. Through a rude encounter, fate causes their path to cross which sets both of them on a path to new discoveries. Exploring possibilities beyond their usual boundaries. Will this journey of discovery be to their good or to their detriment? Will the social class difference between them put them further apart or draw them closer?

Kaci_3540 · Urban
Not enough ratings
54 Chs



"What a day? And this is just the beginning of my journey with her," Kane said, and took a deep breath. He stood by the entrance to his family house trying to get himself together before knocking on the door.

He looked at himself a bit, wondering what was wrong with the suit he was wearing. The suit was perfect in his eyes. He chuckled softly, wondering what Ava was seeing that made her dislike the suit.

"Anyways, she's of a high class," he said , and walked towards the door and knocked. Stephanie responded immediately.

"Hey, were you standing by the door?" Kane asked, as he walked into the house wondering. Has Stephanie responded to the door too quick than he expected.

"Yeah. I couldn't wait for you to get home," she said, smiling softly.

"Okay? Is anything wrong with mom?" Kane asked, and quickly walked into the living area. "Mom! Mom!"

"Mom is perfectly fine, nothing is wrong with her," Stephanie responded, as she walked in to the living room as well.

"Huh? You scared me," Kane said, and sighed, pulling off his suit jacket.

"Let me help you with that," Stephanie said, as she walked towards Kane.

"How was work?" Stephanie asked, as she helped Kane with his suit jacket.

"It was good," Kane lied, as he never wanted to explain anything to his sister.

"Okay. Hope your boss wasn't hard on you? Because I heard some bosses are usually hard on their staffs."

"No, my case is kinda different. I love the job," Kane responded, trying hard not to say anything to her.

"Alright then, I will be in my room," she said, and headed to her room.

"Hey son. You're back already?" Melanie asked, as she walked out from the kitchen, holding a kitchen towel.

"Yes mom," Kane said, as he walked towards his mom and came her a hugged.

"How was your first day at work?" Melanie asked, as they both sat on the couch.

"Did you say first day at work?" Kane asked, and chuckled awkwardly.

"Yes?" Melanie responded, wondering why his son asked such a ridiculous question.

"It doesn't seem like a first day at work to me mom," Kane said, staring at the television.

"What happened? How did it go?" Melanie asked, suspiciously.

"A whole lot happened today mom. It seems like I have worked there for a whole year," Kane began explaining to his mom.

"Okay?" Melanie responded, placing the kitchen towel on the table, as she stares at her son.

"You can't believe that, I almost got killed today-"

"Holy G- why? How? Oh my goodness, you're not going back there anymore," she was shocked at what Kane said, she never expected to hear such news at all.

"No mom, am fine. Look mom, it was all my fault okay," Kane said, trying to calm his mother's nerves.

"Go on, tell me everything that happened."

"First of all, I got there and it happened that, she didn't like what am wearing," Kane explain, looking at his mom.

"You mean the suit I used my last savings to get for you?" she asked, feeling disappointed. Her countenance changed immediately.

"Hey mom. She was just being hard okay, and everyone knows how difficult she's to work with."

"But am going to be fine. We need the money, so I will try my best to do whatever she says."

"So how are we going to get another suit for you," Melanie asked, worrying.

"I think you need to hear me out first, before getting worried."

"She gave me an envelope containing two thousand dollars, and asked me to go meet a particular man." 

"Though it's wasn't clearly stated if the money was for me or not. So I reached out to the man. He sent me an address. But I mistakenly gave the cab driver a different address."

"Why will you do that!"

"It was a mistake mom. And I regret it," Kane said, fearing his mom was going to blame him.

"It's one of those address from Johnny."

"Son, I have told you to stay away from that guy. He is a bad guy," she angrily scord him.

"I have mom. I have."

"Go on," she said, paying rapid attention.

"While the cab driver drove me to the location, I came out of the car and paid him his money. Then I reached out to the man, that was when I realized I had given the cab driver a different address."

"And I didn't know what to do, as the cab driver had already left. Just shortly after, some bad guys came and took the money from me. I tried fighting them, but one of them gave me a pouch on my abdomin."

"And I couldn't do anything to them," Kane explained, staring at his mom wondering what her response was going to be.

"So how did you get back to the office? And what was your boss's reaction?" Melanie asked, wondering.

"Hmm. I almost got fired. Infact, I was fired but I don't know what made her changed her mind."

"Thank God she changed her mind. You have to be careful next time."

"So what about the money? Were you asked to refund it?" she asked, wondering.

"I don't know mom. She didn't say anything regarding that," Kane said, wallowing in confusion.

"Hmm. Thank God you came home safely. Go refreshen up and come down for dinner."

"Alright mom. Everything will be okay mom," Kane said, tapping his mother's shoulder as he headed to his room.

"So you lied to me," Stephanie said, as she was by the staircase listening to their conversation.

"Huh? Have you been standing here?" Kane asked, as he was startled by her question.

"Yes. I never wanted to interrupt your conversation," she respectfully responded.

"Am sorry okay. I needed to explain everything to Mom before saying anything to you," Kane calmly apologized.

"You know I want the best for you and mom. And I will do anything to make sure you go to college."

She smiled and gave him a hug, and headed to the living room.

Kane headed to his room to refreshen up.


Lina was seated in her living room watching some romantic movies on the TV. The more she watches the more she turnes herself on sexually, romancing herself as she watches the movie.

It was taking too long for Mr John to arrive. She wanted Mr John to meet her in that atmosphere, as she dressed sexy in lingerie. 

She waited and Mr John wasn't forth coming, and she was already weat ready to have sex. She Headed to her bedroom and brought out her vibrator so she could take care of herself.

She likes watching those series as she uses those vibrators, so she quickly rushed back to the living room with those vibrators.

Taking her favorite position so she could use the vibrator, she heard the doorbell ran.

"Come in!" she said in a loud and romantic voice, as she smiled softly. She left the door open so she doesn't distract herself by opening the door.

Mr John coldly walked in, meeting her in that state.