
chapter 03


He just left me and said nothing. I was worried because he was sweating and tension was clearly on his face.

I wanted to run after him but my hands were tied.

"Sorry dear but Dija is busy with something he will be back after some time you don't have to worry," a lady said politely standing outside of the door.

"Dija means Leo?" I asked her.

" Yes dear, if you want something calls for me I am in the kitchen downstairs," she said and wanted to leave.

"One sec, do you know when he will be back"

"I don't know, he usually doesn't come back here, and even if he does it's usually passed night or early morning and he doesn't stay for long," she said and left. Oh god I can't sit here and wait for him, why do I care about him I have to focus on my problems and right now I just wanted to leave.

I am so sure about leaving and I will leave with this chicken tray it's not the chicken's fault that I am here.

I was trying to remove my hands from the chain and aaahh shit I cut my hands they are bleeding aaauch it's paining.

But I didn't scream I don't want people to know I am trying to escape.

I think today is my bad luck. A lady came right after I cut my hands and stood in front of the door.

"Oh dear what have you done" she wanted to come in but she is not entering.

In a few sec, lots of people were gathered at the front door but no one is entering.

Now I think I can't escape from this crowd.

I sighed why the fuck did I have to be stuck in this shit.

I am losing blood again and feeling sleepy

Slowly my eyes were shutting. I slide into the bed and hear the voice coming from the outside

"He passed out call Dija" one man

"No don't call him, he will get distracted" another

"Then what we should do, we can't let him lie like this" another

"We can call Siya she can handle she can enter this room right"

"Then call her fast"

All blacked out....

I slightly open my eyes Leo was sitting beside me holding my hand when I called him he let his hand off to mine.

He helped me sit as my both wrist were tied with bandages.

"You ok? Tris baby" Leo asked.

I slapped him in the face and cried in pain as my wrist hurts I held my wrist with my left hand. Leo didn't flinch a bit he looked towards my hands worried.

"Fuck u Leo I told you not to call me baby I am not baby and at least not your baby". I told him with a painful face of mine mixed with anger.

He was not shocked like it was his daily exercise of taking slaps from my hands. the lady who was there when I passed out still standing at the door and she looked shocked when I slapped Leo. Leo looked at her and she left.

"Have you done? don't hurt yourself again or I will fucking eat you" he told me holding my hands in his.

I take off my hands to his in one flash"don't touch me".

"Okk I will not at least eat something you have lost lots of blood and you are quite low with the energy your slapped were so light I didn't feel anything" he was smiling he really likes to get slapped by me.

"No thanks, I don't want until you tell me where you gone? why no one was entering your room? who is siya? What the fuck with dija? "This was a smart move he can't say no to me now..aah you can't win Leo...

"Okk I'll tell you as every bite you take the deal?"

Ohh he is so stubborn anyway I can get my answers.

I didn't drop my escape plan I am too smart to escape from here and everything was going according to plan now I don't have a chain around my wrist.

I was thinking and the moving tray was taken by a woman.

"Thank you shely sorry for bothering you"

He said as taken that tray and put it on the bed I can see the smile on her face she was quite confident that something fishy going to happen here.

I don't want to refuse chicken but now I have a good deal.

"Sorry I need to go I'll talk to you later".leo said and smile at me.

"Wait what no way we had a deal I'll not eat of you will leave"I throw my anger at him.

"Yes, you will eat because I am leaving chicken with you and I am sure that chicken is now in the lion's mouth" he teased and leave.

What this is really disrespecting he would have stayed with me. back then he refuses to go to college if I told him to stay and he left me all alone at 8 pm now what am I supposed to do eat dinner like a good kid hell I am not going to do what he wants no never.

The sudden opening of the door scares me.

An old woman came into the room she was wearing a night-black gown two people were standing behind him they didn't enter.

She came to sit in from of me and the tray was hanging between us.

"Hii cutie you are just like Leo he has a bad temper too, he did the same thing when he was brought here, I was so scared if he will do something bad to hurt himself." She said and held a spoon to gather food into it.

"What you kidnapped him? Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"I am his grandmother he called me Nani and you can call me the same, and yes he was kidnapped by me but for his own good. he was angry like hell and cut his wrist but he was able to break the chains and we were looking at him like how to stop him, he was holding a bucket with cold water and some ice cubes in it ready to throw at us" she held full of the spoon and reached to my mouth wanted me to take food.

I took it without hesitation I was more into the story she was telling me.

"Yen waab heppen(then what happen)"I asked for food into my mouth.

"He was sure of his actions and he doesn't want to hurt old lady means me so he targeted Siya" she gave me another soon full of food

"Siha?"(siya) I asked chewing my food in please ohh this is great chicken with an interesting story.

"Siya is Leo's best friend she was the one who convince him to stay here and calm him down she is beautiful and she kind of like Leo they will make a good couple" she smiled giving me one more bite.

I feel like someone hatched my breath out of my body and I can feel restlessness in my body something is crawling in my stomach.

"You okk?" She asked me.

What am I supposed to answer I Don't even know what she is talking about?

"Yep all okk, then what happened," I asked with a big smile.

she sighed"okk then Leo threw that cold bucket of water into Siya's face, Siya didn't react she was standing smiling at Leo and asked him are you done Leo looked confused why she didn't get affected he thought that water was not cold enough so he touched the leftover water himself and cried in pain his hand was all red."

"What really, how she didn't feel anything and Leo get affected "I was laughing at his stupidity.

"Ya, there is a fact Siya loves cold things too much that's why she didn't feel it bother," she said it smiling at me like it was the amazing thing she saw today.

I got upset when I remember not laughing this hard in 2 yrs.

"Can you tell Leo to release me he loves me doesn't mean I will love him back" I said as I thought of all the pain I suffer during his absence.

"Wait.. what did he love you? when this happened no you are kidding right" she asked trying to smile but vanished when she looked at my already confused face.

"What he said to you, he lied right to tell me what he said why he brought me here" I begged.

She smiled "he didn't lie. He just didn't mention the love part we told him to explain everything to you and leave the decision to you but he said I want to explain but he will not listen never have, haha I think he is right"

I blush and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

She fed me all food by doing just one more, just one more and I liked it too I have never received this kind of treatment before.

Now I'll wait for Leo to ask him everything every single thing and yes this time I will listen to him without any blame I can do it I think so.

I byed her she kissed on my forehead and left the room.