
Fire: Ai's Redemption

A little boy looks through the window of a police car. Everything around him has been set to flames. His favorite toys, his favorite comics, everything he had ever loved and owned. He adjusted his cap and looked away from the fire. He grabbed the seatbelt, and a singular tear ran down his face. It seemed like just another ordinary day for him.

PJComix · Action
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A little boy looks through the window of a police car. Everything around him has been set to flames. His favorite toys, his favorite comics, everything he had ever loved and owned. He adjusted his cap and looked away from the fire. He grabbed the seatbelt, and a singular tear ran down his face. It seemed like just another ordinary day for him. Getting ridiculed at his place of schooling, coming home to a nice, loving family. Unfortunately, it wasn't a normal day at all. His parents had sent him to his grandmother's house so she could take care of him, and it seemed like a fire had spontaneously engulfed his entire house. Citizens nearby gathered around the flames as if it were something they had never seen before. Most of the citizens stuck their hands out, as if gathering for a campfire. The snow around the house melted rapidly, flakes of white taking their positions. The boy looked up once more. A blizzard was starting around the entire block. Finally, his singular tear fell onto his arm. Suddenly, the tear evaporated into thin air in a second. The boy looked around him. Flames were swallowing the car he was sitting in, and they seemed to be coming from a human source. The policeman in front of him quickly dashed out of the car and tried to rescue the boy, but his hands seemed to retain large burn marks when he recoiled. Suddenly, it seemed like he was passing out. The flames around him grew stronger and stronger, and he finally passed out after a minute of keeping up. When he woke up, the entire neighborhood had been swallowed in bright flames.