
Fiona (Life As A Nigerian)

This is a Bildungsroman and an autobiography of Fiona, where she tries to explain her life and also her struggles and privileges as a Nigerian.

AndyPercy02 · Teen
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43 Chs

Chapter 35| Adultery

My mum is back from Abeokuta and she and my dad started quarreling the day she came back. Most of the times it's over something unreasonable and my dad will just pick it up like it's a big matter. My mum sleeps in me and Lovina's room, that's where she's almost always sleeping though. When my mum came back she told me that my dad mistakenly called Rachael one day and he said 'hello dear', by the time Rachael told him to hold on so that she will give the phone to my mum, he had hang up.

He now called Lovina to confirm if it was her he called or Rachael, he doesn't call my mum dear, he has never called her that and that's the same thing my mum told me. Recently my mum and Lovina went to Alex house, I didn't follow them because I haven't finished my test at school and my stay at home without them was ver peaceful. My dad came home and when he went inside his room, he made a phone call and he said the same 'hello dear', I had heard it and I thought he was calling my mum but when my mum came back and I asked if dad had called her at all, she told me he didn't call her throughout her stay at Alex house.

He just bought this new android phone and he probably don't know how to use it well yet, he mistakenly called Lovina when she was at Alex house and when Lovina gave the phone to my mum thinking he wanted to talk to her, my mum was just hearing the voice of him and a lady talking about how to pay the PHCN money(Power Holding Company of Nigeria), I mean, why would he want to pay money for the PHCN, my mum had told me that the lady was talking like a lout and she just had to hang up out of anger because Alex was not in a good mood at that particular time, she had gone for a test and she found out she wasn't pregnant.

God probably wants us to see what he's truly doing that's why he has been making all those mistakes. The day Lovina went to buy the android phone he is using, he had just collected the money he use to save and he has given me part of my school fee. He was making a call at the backyard and he didn't know Lovina was there. He was telling his concubine about the food we made for him and about how Lovina went to get the phone for him, generally everything that has been happening that day in the house.

It's a big shame on him that at that his age, he's committing adultery, the money that isn't even enough for his family, he's giving another lady outside, who know if she even has a child for him.

I was sick recently and it was kind of serious, the principal had to call my mum to come and pick me up and I also spent the other day at home. So when I went to school on Wednesday, Chris started behaving wierd, he was avoiding me and when I texted him to ask him about it, he told me that I was the one that caused it, he had said that

'I ain't mad buh you have been behaving strangely when others are around, strangely in the sense that your acting snubby, cold, moody and I just can't deal with that rn'

I couldn't remember when I behaved strangely when others are around, and I've found out that he's just a pathetic motherfucker that I also don't want to get involved with right now, he wants to always want to put the blame on me. After that message I sent another message to him and he didn't reply, he turned off his read receipt on WhatsApp and he was viewing my videos and my page on TikTok. I even called him but he didn't pick or reply my calls, so I just left him to deal with his rubbish.

So after like two days, I posted on my WhatsApp status saying 'He ain't replying my messages but he stalks my TikTok account' and not long after I posted it, Chris went to unfollow me on my TikTok. It was so funny that I had to post on my status again that 'he unfollowed me' and people were just asking me who the 'He' was, a friend of mine even called me to ask what the problem was because I was posting a lot about Chris that day and when I told him what Chris said, he told me that I probably don't give Chris attention like I don't give him.

Back to my family matter, my mum doesn't want to end this year with my dad, she has been telling me that she regrets coming back to him and that she wants to move away again. But if she goes, what will I do?, I still have second term and third term to finish and WAEC and NECO to write, will I go and do that in a center?, I really don't know what to do or the questions to ask.