
Fiona (Life As A Nigerian)

This is a Bildungsroman and an autobiography of Fiona, where she tries to explain her life and also her struggles and privileges as a Nigerian.

AndyPercy02 · Teen
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43 Chs

Chapter 16| Hard times.

At last, school was going to resume in a week time, I was so happy I was leaving home finally and at the same time I was sad, my dads job was about to stop, the governments said bike riders shouldn't work in streets anymore and that they only work on express roads. It's so clear to us that if bike riders stop working in streets my dad's work has stopped and how will I survive, not only me, my sisters, especially now that my brother is so broke that he can't afford eating twice a day, thank God Selena is out of the business.

One afternoon, I was coming back home with my sister from the filling station and she was telling me her plans of going away from home after her sign out since mum and dad are not ready to give the freedom, we all had opportunities, from the first born to the last but they never allow us to do things especially my dad, our life would have been better, you know.

Rachael and her fiancé have been so broke, universities are on strike and where her shop is is a student based area, my mum has been blaming her that why is her name not in her and her fiancé shop?, why is she still living with him and why isn't she calling to check on her?. I can relate to the fact that she should at least call even if she doesn't have money and that she had made some mistakes and I also want my mum to relate to her recent situation, she should understand that she wasn't like that before and everything has a reason.

I feel so out of the family honestly, I hate to say this but, my mum is a pain in the ass most of the times, only my brother and a tiny bit of Rachael make me feel alive but they also don't understand most of the times. Words can't describe how I feel, I'm so empty, void, null, I've been avoiding this chapter but I guess that's what will make me feel a little bit better, pouring everything in my mind down.

I talked to Eliot one time and he told me about his feelings, that he still likes me but the interest in the relationship is gone, it's been almost 10months and we haven't seen at all, I'm not angry it's normal, it's hard to keep up with ourselves, he doesn't have time for me anymore so there's no way I'll tell him what's running in my mind, he was a good partner, telling him things made me feel better but I can't change anything.

I met this guy I've been crushing on since the day I set my eyes on him , we were still in teenagers class at church then, it felt good to see him again after a long time, we've never said anything to each other, but we used to chat, I broke the curse by drawing him back with his hand and said 'hi' and he responded, I collected his number from my dumb close friend Grace, and we started chatting since then, I really like him but I don't want a relationship so I keep the friendship zone between the both of us and also me and Eliot are more like in a situation-ship now.

On Friday my dad came back from work, he looked cool when I went to meet him, but he told me he didn't buy anything as he does something in his car, he came home and he sat down, he started to fidget.

"What is wrong?" My mum asked him.

"One chance" he said still fidgeting

My mum asked him again what what wrong and he started to explain. He finished collecting his ATM(Automated Teller Machine) and he went out of the bank, someone called him and told him his name and said he was from the bank, he sent two account number precisely to my dad and he told him to send money to those two account number to be sure that his ATM is working very fine and the money will be sent back into his account , my dad sent eighty thousand Naira to the accounts and the dumb lady handling the POS machine also sent another thirty thousand, all together it was one hundred and ten thousand and the money isn't my dad's, in short my dad was duped and they got him badly, I know what will happen if it was one of his child that got duped, he or she will end up wishing to be swallowed by the ground.

Something annoying also happened between me and my mum this morning but I don't like to talk about it now maybe the next chapter. I stop here now, words are out.