
What I am

In a world where people tend to judge what they see (which is the core purpose of their eyes and minds), do they have the right to damage other people's feelings?

I was born in a country that most people consider to be a great vacation spot. Because of the more than 7,000 islands that can be visited.

I grew up in the province of Camarines Norte, where living was really difficult. Because we live near the coast, my family's main source of income is fishing. We don't have food if there are no fish since we don't have a choice.

When my father was unhappy or drunk, I recall him injuring my mother. When I recall it, I cried because it wasn't just a simple scar; it was a really deep scar that I woke up from a sleep with all over what you see covered in blood, and I was terrified, wondering what had occurred. They aren't in the house, so I'm walking, walking, walking to find them.

When I recall this memory, I am reminded that everything changes, but the scar left on your mind does not. It was so profound that it makes me feel afraid when I recall such recollections.

Many people have had a chaotic past. When the problem becomes too huge and too deep, the only option is to end their life.

It wasn't the only option, though. When I am confronted with a difficulty, I pray, cry, and surrender all of the things for which I believe there is no answer.