
Finding Something New Again

Suffering, pain, agony, grief, existential dread, death, hunger. Just a small list of reasons one might hate life and all that it entails. But what if you were simply bored, all day long, every year of your life. You could find some solace, of course. A new game, finding a hobby, learning a new skill. Searching day in and day out for some sense of satisfaction in your dull life. Would you ever be content with the world if it had nothing that could interest you? All 6 wanted was something new. Not a new game, not a new hobby, not a new skill to show off. A new planet, full of life and magic, and things to discover and explore, places to go and people to fight. Yet, how could he expect something like that to happen in his dull, bland, boring world. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own the cover. If the original artist would like me to add credit or have it taken down, please contact me My discord is Gbvh#9729, contact me about anything!

Gbvh_Writes · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Presence And Learning About The Log

Rather than attacking the spider immediately, which was his first instinct, 6 decided to hold off on doing so in favor of observing the spider's actions. He hadn't had the chance to watch one of the spiders up close like this, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to see if he could learn anything about them.

Since it didn't seem to be able to see him, there should be no harm in it, and he could rest up until he was comfortable with moving around again before killing the spider.

As it was weaving a web, it seemed like the spider planned on remaining here for the time being, so there was no rush.

The web that it was making was reminiscent of the canopy like webbing that he saw the giant spider laying upon when he first entered the nest. The room was smaller, much, much smaller, but so was the spider, almost proportionally.

More significantly, despite being a smaller spider, the threads of spider silk it was weaving the web out of were much thicker than the ones he had seen the massive spider laying upon, despite being made by a spider that was only the fraction of the size.

6 was only assuming that the massive spider had made its own nest to lay on, though. He didn't get a good look at the entire spider, so for all he knew there could've been millions of tiny spiders laying on top of the spider that made the nest for it.

Bringing himself back to reality, 6 looked curiously at the spider who had just finished creating a basic looking web, suspended from the walls of the room.

The web itself was parallel to the ground, though the spider was walking on the underside of the web, upside down in the room.

It approached the center of the finished web, slowly lowering its body with a strong of thread attached to the web above it.

Once it lowered itself to nearly halfway the ground, it stopped. All of the spider's legs folded in, into what 6 could only assume was the spider version of the fetal position.

At this point it looked like a ball hanging from a piece of string.

6 cocked his head to the side, unsure about what the spider was doing.

Not longer after, the spider snapped open, returning to its regular spider shape, and quickly dropped off of the thread suspending it, falling down to the ground with a soft screech.

Though the screech was soft, hardly even audible to 6 who was inside the room, it strangely began echoing, as if the screech was multiplying itself.

Whatever the screech was, which 6 could guess was some kind of signal to other spiders, he didn't intend to just let the spider do it.

Somehow it had noticed him in the room, despite not looking at the spot where 6 was before and 6 not moving from his place since long before the spider entered the room.

6 took off, racing toward the spider as it began running for the door.

The first mistake the spider made was not leaving the room before letting the screech out. Since it was still in there with 6, there was no way he wouldn't take the opportunity to kill it after it ruined his hiding spot.

With a quick jab through the head, the spider fell to the ground.

6 sheathed his knife as he ran out of the room, knowing he had to get away from here and find another, hopefully more long term, place to hide.

There would already be a high number of spiders in the area looking for 6 because of the fight not too long ago, and thanks to the dead spider in the room 6 had just left, they would know his general location, meaning every spider in the area would likely be on the way.

It would be foolish to expect to not run into at least one spider trying to leave this area, as it should be basically surrounded at this point.

He would have no choice by to run past whatever spiders he ran into.

Killing them as he passed by was acceptable, but stopping for a fight was absolutely a death sentence, if this situation wasn't already one.

As the first person here and no prior information about the nest, he had no idea how violently it would respond to an intruder. Perhaps the entire nest was on the way here, in which case, he could only rely on Trivrium's teleport to save his life.

Just as 6 expected, he ran into a group of spiders heading in his direction very shortly after leaving the room. Even though it was only a small group of regular looking spiders that he could most likely deal with easily, he still ran right past them, crushing the heads of two of the spiders as he jumped onto them to get past the group.

Several other groups and singular spiders stumbled upon 6 as he ran, forcing him to continue searching throughout the maze like nest for a place to hide, as once even a single spider saw him, it didn't matter how stealthy he was, as it would simply call out to the rest to expose his position in some way.

He needed to either get out of this nest, or get far, far away from where he is now, before so many spiders showed up that the couldn't turn a corner without running into one.

After a few hours of dodging, hiding from, killing, and running away from spiders that happened to stumble upon him, 6 finally stopped running in one of the passageways.

He hadn't run into any spider or made any noise for quite some time now, so he was safe to take a short break at the very least, which he needed after having run for so long.

6 had good stamina, but everyone had their limits, and he would soon be approaching his.

A safe and easy exploration of the nest was never something 6 expected to have the luck of experiencing, but everything had been pretty non-stop ever since he entered. Between the shock of finding out just how massive the spiders here could be, to finding out just how massive the amount of spider here was, to fighting and then being forced to run away, 6 had pretty much been working without rest.

Save for the break he took in the room with that weird web weaving spider that managed to discover him, which was only a few minutes, during which time he had to deal with his wound and the pain that was to this moment aching throughout his entire body.

Maybe the web weaving spider that discovered him was using some type of skill that helped it search for things. That would explain the strange behavior of it, as it was the first spider in this spider nest that 6 had seen actually doing a spider-like thing, namely the web it was making.

Perhaps it amplified its senses somehow, allowing it to hear 6 in the corner of the room.

Remembering that he had a log that he could check through, that allowed him to view things that happened in battle and other various things, he decided to check it to see if it mentioned anything about how the spider detected him.

But first, he wanted to ask Trivrium about how the log worked.

'What all does the log show me? Will it show me everything that happens around me, or does it only show what happens to me and the results of actions that I take?' 6 spoke in his mind.

[The adventurer's log details information of many things. All things that happen directly to you will be shown. All actions that you directly do will be shown. But there are exceptions. It is limited by your perception. Things you know nothing about won't be explained. For example, it may say something like 'Your strength has be reduced by 10%', without telling you why. Frankly, however...it is purely subjective, and at times unreliable.]

'How can it be unreliable?' 6 asked.

[The log is controlled by the same entity which grants the adventurer's blessing. This entity does as it wished, and will share or withhold whatever information it likes from the log. The only thing that is guaranteed is that it will never be biased. It will never withhold information to benefit one person at the expense of another.]

'I'm sensing that the way it goes about doing that is by just harming everyone with the information it withhold, right?'


'Okay, okay, I can live with that. Now, I know this probably ain't the best time for this, given that I'm in a big ol death trap full of things with far too many legs and the eyes to match it, but the log mentioned health before, after I killed the spiders. What did it mean? I myself don't have a health bar or anything of the sort, so it that exclusively for creatures or something?' 6 asked as he briskly walked down a webbed passageway with his hands on his head.

[Health is basically a means to measure how much damage you have dealt or received. If your attacks cause no real harm, no health will be lost. Any attack that causes any amount of health loss, no matter how minimal, could eventually kill something. As an example, if one were to throw a pebble at a creature, and it removed one health, it could take 10,000 similar pebble throws to kill it, for a total of 10,000 health. But if you crushed it with a boulder, it could do 1,000 damage and kill it instantly.]

'Hence why I have no health bar, gotcha gotcha. Thank you.'

As the conversation came to an end, the passageway that 6 was walking down did as well. Oddly, every opening that he passed by on this passageway were rooms.

At the very start of the passageway, the rooms were relatively small, abut as he ventured further down it, the rooms successively grew larger, bit by bit, until the very last one, which was the largest one so far.

It was even larger than the room he found the first massive spider of this ill-fated expedition he was on.

Now, at the end of that passageway, he could already see that this passage led to another massive cavern, akin to the one that had millions of teeming spiders he stumbled upon earlier.

Though he was in dire need of rest, 6's curiosity was too strong to not at the very least take a peak in the cavern, to see what was inside. If it was another massive amount of spiders, it would be good to know what he was resting next to.

It distracted him from checking his log, telling himself that he would look at it once he check out the cavern and could rest easily.

Inside the massive cavern, much like all of the rooms he had passed by in the passage leading to it, it was basically empty. It had no sprawling webs, no spiders covering the floor and all of the walls, nothing like that,

The only thing within the cavern was a giant webbed pedestal in the center of the room, and atop this pedestal sat a single, enormous spider, unlike the one's 6 had seen previously.

It was thick, almost muscular look, like a fat tarantula. The legs of the spider were much small in proportion compared to other similarly large spiders, as if it was another species entirely. Additionally, the spider was standing on the ground, whereas the rest of the gargantuan spiders he had come across seemed to lay on their webs.

Before he could even consider looking at any any further, a blinking red warning sign appeared in front of his eyes, courtesy of Trivrium.

[Run! Run! Run! Run! The spider in front of you has presence, you cannot be discovered by it. Run immediately, do not look back, do not be seen or heard. Run!]

If any readers happen to be reading my notes, please leave a review, comment, and vote for me! Thanks a million :)

Gbvh_Writescreators' thoughts