
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

The Treaty Of Kuoh

Entry 106:

Linus Ozias POV:

The room is left in utter shock as Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel look positively radiant at their reaction to my new form.

Azazel is the first to act as he asks tentatively, "Is that you, Anakim?" I nod as I respond, "Yes, I am still me, but more as I have taken our Father's position and divinity as that was my original purpose."

Sirzechs then interjects, "How did you accomplish this feat, Lord Anakim?" I then show him the formerly sacred gears used in my ascension, which, after being combined, lost all their power and are only relics now.

"True Longinus, Incinerate Anthem, Alphecca Tyrant, Innovate Clear, Annihilation Maker, Blade Blacksmith, Telos Karma, Dimension Lost, and The Sephiroth Grail were all lost in my ascension. Each one a piece of Biblical God all combined to grant me his knowledge and power."

The revelation of the loss of all these gears weighs on them as I say, "Each of their abilities was given to me and are thus amplified by my newfound divinity. The only thing I lack in comparison to our late father is experience."

The devils seem nervous, which is understandable as I could reignite the conflict. But to assuage them, I say, "You need not worry about me continuing the war as everyone at this table is weary of conflict, and it is time to evolve, to change with the times, as humanity is advancing at a rapid rate, and soon enough, the supernatural will be discovered yet again, and so we must prepare."

Azazel then asks, "How so, Anakim?" I then smile as I present a tiny fraction of my accumulated technical plans, which leaves them baffled as I continue, "My company, Celestial Tales, is currently in the process of dealing with the mundane world as we speak, and once the Supernatural is revealed, it shall be on our terms."

The room breeds a sigh of relief as I explained further, "This world is not the end, my friends, but the beginning as we shall extend our reach to the stars and all the planets that lie beyond this solar system."

I then look to Sirzechs as Ajuka looks ready to orgasm at the knowledge presented. "Regarding the devil's population issue, I have created some solutions that will present no drawbacks to the users, but I must ask that Evil Pieces be more heavily regulated to lessen the number of stray devils across the world."

The Satans nod in agreement as the pieces were only a stopgap and presented with an actual solution. The pieces aren't needed except for rating games.

(Don't worry; eventually, the evil pieces will be phased out entirely.)

I look to the Fallen as I state, "Regarding the Fallen, I am able to rid them of their fallen status and return them to pure angels should they so desire it, but know that they will be treated with higher scrutiny than others for a decent amount of time."

This news further shocks them as many attempts to recover from falling have been researched, and no solutions were found. Barquiel then asks, "Have there been any changes to the rules of Heaven, Anakim?" I nod as I explain the changes, ranging from the ability to swear to having sex.

The last one relates explicitly to the need for a loving relationship for repeat attempts from both parties. One-night stands are allowed, but any children conceived must be cared for.

After a couple of minutes explaining the rules, the Fallen seem content, knowing they may return to Heaven should they desire it and if they have not committed any heinous crimes.

Now I refocus the conversation: "Let us refocus on the matter at hand negotiating the peace treaty, and before we begin, let us allow Lady Yasaka to give her stance."

The kitsune gives me a wink as she begins, "I think you all for listening to my demands, which are not rather hard to do as it is simply a more strict form of punishment for those that harm my people or attempt to convert them to another race as I ask that any and all biblical faction members be punished should the conversion or harm be criminal in nature."

We are not in agreement as the demand is rather simple to do as it is just simply more security, which I have already given her as I have provided members of my order to protect the city and the Yokai quarter.

Her other demands relate to various territory distribution across Japan and other places worldwide while also debating different borders for the church, Fallen Angels, and Devils.

You may notice that none of the church higher-ups are here, and that is for a reason: I do not trust them as other than Dulio, Griselda, and Vasco, the church needs to be purged of its corrupt members.

My order has already taken care of being of the more corrupt aspect of the church and eventually all positions while I would be replaced with trustworthy individuals or members of the Iscariot Order.

The treaty is then written up by every member present at the meeting and acts both as a truce and non-aggression pact with promises to aid other members of the treaty should they find themselves in crisis.

But to avoid being taken advantage of, the other members have a choice to take a vote on whether or not they wish to aid their fellow members, but the vote itself can be vetoed by the higher members of each faction.

In relation to civil conflicts, only members of that specific faction may take part unless certain criteria are met, and it is revealed that the civil conflict is mostly just out of the government and an identifiable terrorist organization.

Among many other boring things, we all proceeded to agree to create a new city that would allow for every member of each faction to come to and trade as well as greet other members of the different factions.

The city will be known as Trivium or Crossroads in Latin and will be made in the Underworld within the next couple of months with help from every faction involved.

As the meeting winded down and the treaty was written up and signed by everyone, I sent a copy of it to Asgard so that they could sign it or simply look it over for any revisions they wished to make.

This treaty represents the first step towards peace, and eventually, fallen angels, angels, and devils, along with Humanity, will rise to the stars, and with the advancements made for the human race, they need not worry about lifespan-related issues.

We shake each other's hands in solidarity as Sirzechs says, "Let grudges be put to rest, and the future be bright for all of our factions, and I thank you, Anakim, for your aid in making this happen and not  continuing the conflict."

I nod as I shake his hand. I find the war to be pointless at this stage as the primary aggressors are dead, and anyone who remains is living on borrowed time.

Since the Khaos Brigade has essentially been dismantled, they did not come up in the meeting as I've already taken care of almost every major faction, and all that remains is dealing with Hades and making sure he has no ill will towards the alliance.

The last two members of the old Satan faction, specifically Shalba Beelzebub, Creusery Asmodeus, and Katerea Levithan, have been captured and await their fate, but not before their blood is taken to be studied.

Oh, I forgot to mention that with every devil pillar, I have already collected a sample of blood from each one of them, even some of the extinct ones, which I revived using my Sephiroth Grail.

Now, I have a bloodline for all of the 72 pillars, along with the Lucifer bloodline from Rizevim Lucifer and Vali.

Eventually, I will be able to examine the different types of magic that each bloodline can produce and replicate, but that is for the future.

As the conference ends and the various faction members teleport away to return to their territories and discuss changes to their factions, I hug Yasaka tightly as the war is now over, and progress can begin.

"You've done well, my precious angel. Now let us return home as Kunou is waiting for us," Yasaka says as I nod to Michael,  Gabriel, and Uriel as they return to Heaven to inform our fellow angels of the treaty.

I then follow my precious fox back to Kyoto to celebrate this glorious day along with Nurahyrion. 

I mentally sigh as I will probably have to heal many hangovers over the next couple of days, as the Yokai can definitely party.

(I apologize if the treaty was anti-climactic, but without the various terrorist organizations and conservative members of each faction being taken care of and solutions to the problems of each faction being represented, I believe the treaty would go very smoothly.)