
Mission Failed Successfully

Entry 70:

Linus Ozias POV:

Ever since the meeting with those two devil peerages, I cannot stop smiling as they were blown away apparently by the mere presence of the blade Encarmine. I was able to sneakily put the president into a magical girl outfit using a combination of runes and creation magic.

None of the mundane will notice the outfit, but she will not be able to remove it for the next couple of days, and I may have captured some footage of it for Satan Leviathan to use as some leverage.

Was it a bit foolish, yes?

Will it put me on a worse foot, maybe? 

Will that memory always keep me laughing? Most definitely.

The only reason I decided to do it was simply because I remembered what Kara said before I left on this mission, and that is not simply to do the mission but to live, and little fun things like that remind me that I'm in a living, breathing world.

I'm currently waiting for the Fallen Angels to go rogue, and while I have eyes on almost every one of their stray priests, the cracks are already starting to show.

The meeting I had with the Devils took place two days ago, and I placed the relevant ten charges, with three charges being placed in light manipulation, four charges in Senjustu, and three in my healing aura.

The reason for putting some charges into Senjustu is to understand the intricacies of natural energy in this world and after placing those four charges, it was like the world itself accepted me.

I could feel everything, and in doing so, I put the other three charges in my healing aura in order to help purify the radically violent natural energy that surrounds the entire world.

Combining my magic and Senjustu produced its own form of magic, one powered purely by natural energy.

So to create a new form of training, I decided to constantly take in nature's energy and release it back out into the environment. It's already showing its effects as the nature around me is becoming a lot more vibrant.

Now, I have gone from low Monarch class to nearing peak Monarch class just with the additions of nature energy to my arsenal.

But I may have been off more than I could chew as well. I was meditating. I felt something tugging at the back of my mind, but due to my mental defenses that I placed charges into earlier, it was more of a beckoning gesture.

Sensing no ill will, I allowed this presence to show itself in a shared space, as I was not going to let it into my mind but into the psychic mindscape.

And who greeted me genuinely surprised me as it was a rather large woman who looked similar to Paulutena. If said goddess was hentaiafied, her clothes were virtually nonexistent.

As she spoke, the very mindscape shook. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A curious little oddity as no angel I have ever known has ever had this presence in nature. The aura you are radiating is similar to that of a nature god or goddess, and it's growing. All the more curious."

I gave a bow because I recognized this figure: "I greet the primordial of Earth, Gaea. I am Anakim, angel of the Biblical God and practicing Senjustu user."

Apparently, she finds it funny as she begins to laugh, "HAHAHA! An inexperienced Senjustu user that is rich, I have known gods that have sought a higher connection with nature, and yet you are doing it passively and are seemingly using it to train of all things."

"Has no one attempted what I am doing, Lady Gaea?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Oh yes, young angel, others have tried and gone insane trying to purify the world's energy, and even sages have trouble doing purification continually, yet here you are showing no signs of insanity nor degradation." She then stands from her throne, walking in a sultry manner befitting of a Greek deity.

In all honesty, I thank my Essences for giving me great self-control. If I were in my mortal form in this place, I would have immediately started taking pictures.

She then places her hand on my face as if studying my features as she says softly, "Why do you seek such power as I can sense your strength even if you are doing an outstanding job hiding it?"

"Need I answer Lady Gaea? I ask cautiously, with the primordial looking at me almost sadly.

"No, you need not answer as everyone has their reason, but I must ask you not to change in this pursuit as many have lost themselves, like my son Kronos and his father Ouranos, and even Zeus seeks to gain strength along with his brother Hades."

I already knew this, but I do appreciate the honesty. "Thank you for your concern, Lady Gaea. I know of my limits and flaws, but I must do what I need to do."

She then smiles and hugs me, which surprises me, and I return it: "So long as you walk upon the Earth, you have my blessing, and may your life be filled with content bliss and continuous growth."

As she finishes saying this, she lets go, and I feel the blessing take hold as I feel that I have a greater understanding of the planet, and I look at the primordial and give her a bow.

I also give myself a silent vow to improve the planet so that Gaea need not suffer.

"I thank you for this gift and know I shall use it to the best of my ability."

She then giggles and says, "There is no need for titles, Anakim, because all that walk upon the Earth are my children except for those corrupt beings that come from the underworld, as their mere presence destabilizes the lands around them."

I myself had made this assumption as the stray devils by merely existing and corrupting the areas around them.

But as I felt the connection starting to slip, all I asked was one question: "You are going to be stalking me now, aren't you?"

She doesn't answer and proceeds to turn around and whistle, which brings a smile to my face as I pat her on the head as a classic anime defense.

I may have made a mistake doing that as the look she gives me is almost primal, and then I remember that this is primarily a Greek deity, and I immediately leave the mindscape.

As I wake from my talk with the primordial, I find that I am surrounded by forest creatures like a classic Disney princess, and what makes this a bit more awkward is the fact that Koneko is sleeping on my lap.

And I remember that the little cat is part Yokai and thus is more heavily connected to nature and is likely reacting to a combination of my comforting presence with my healing aura and now Gaea's blessing. I am practically now cocaine for any natural being.

Seeing as this really isn't bothering me, I return to my meditation, focusing on my holy power and the natural energy flowing around me, and nature practically glows in vibrancy.

With each second, my understanding of each type of energy grows, and my connection to the planet also grows as I feel the primordial watching me with what looks like a very thirsty expression, which is somewhat worrying.

I may have attracted the wrong type of attention.

Because I now understand that every time I do this, I am practically pleasuring the planet, and now I know the meaning of suffering from success.

This is going to be a very long mission, isn't it?

Next chapter