
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Crossing The Line

Entry 22:

Linus Ozias POV:

The Shard network is bullshit. It's like trying to understand imaginary numbers from FATE.

Mainly because the network is ever-changing and adapting while gathering enough data to fill every server on the planet hundreds of times. But I am going to crack it.

If Lex Luthor can understand the Source to get the Anti-Life Equation, I can crack this network, but it is slow going.

"OK, time to refocus. What can I do right now? Because if I have to stare at another eldritch shard, I will go nuts." But then it hits me: I have some anti-technos to deal with.

"Dread time to initiate Operation: Fafnir," I say while prepping my suit because, hey, I'm superhuman. I Need A Super Suit.

[Ascalon Protocol Replaced and Deleted Across All Systems, May The Force Be With You, Sir]

I was about to say something to Dread, and then he said, May the force be with you. And the moment is now ruined.

Soon enough, I open the armory and pull out my suit that, while basic, has a highly advanced voice and bodily modulator to hide my identity because I won't be going as Linus Ozias, millionaire/Inventor/Philanthropist/Gacha Enthusiast.

I will be going as what this world needs.


(I hope you guys like the name, and if you want it changed, let me know.)

The suit then dematerializes and re-materializes onto me as it has been made out of a combination of nanotech and fabrication tech that will keep the suit self-repairing while it is virtually indestructible.

As I am about to head out to slay some dragon slayers, I see Marcus and Connor suited up in their own suits, and before I can say anything, Connor says.

" Sir, we were created to protect you and help you with anything that you do. And we are not sitting this out. And besides, I'm feeling quite rusty."

I snort and say while smiling, "You can't rust, but alright, let's go but try to keep up."

I teleport close to their location using Doormaker's ability to manipulate portals, and we fly towards our targets.

I am faster as I fly using my Kryptonian abilities and my suit supplying me with solar radiation, but Connor and Marcus are keeping up as my tech is just that good.

After a couple of minutes of flying, which feels terrific, by the way, note to self-set some time for flying as it is very freeing.

[The targets are below you, Oz] Says a voice that sounds oddly like Henry Cavill.

"Cyber, is that you?" I ask in momentary surprise.

[Of course, boss, I am a being made of data, and having an understanding of your language would help with communication.]

"Makes sense, as having understandable language would help with that, and it's nice not to hear pory-porygon every time you talk," Connor says, amused at my surprise.

[You are lucky you are with the boss, or I would make you fly into the sun hair gel.]

Connor scoffs, looks at the facility where the dragon slayers are located, and asks me.

"So what's the play, sir, going in loud or taking them out quiet?"

I think about this as while I have injured people, this will be the first time I am killing someone, but then I remember I have nanobots in people's heads and realize this is hypocritical.

"We go in loud. Gotta test out the suits anyway," I say as we descend, and with one button, the entire building is shut down and cut off.

"Marcus, Connor, make sure no one escapes," I say as I head into the building. I see one of the slayers, and he notices me, and as if saying this is the last chance to pull out now, he yells.

"Intruders at the main gate!!!"

All hell breaks loose as dozens of men armed with guns and explosives surround me, and Saint himself shows up with the Ascalon briefcase.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A hero? A villain? No, I see an idiot. You here to take our weapons? Our suits? or are you here for this?" Saint asks as he motions towards the briefcase.

I say nothing, as while I know my suit is invulnerable to most arms fire, they don't know that.

"You're here for Dragon, right? I don't know how you found us without us knowing, but it means nothing. And because you have found us, Dragon's Death is your punishment."

Saint opens the briefcase and soon turns on the program as I remain silent, almost about to laugh at this man's confidence level.

As he turns on the program, the option to initiate is on the screen, and he presses yes.


Saint begins to get nervous at the lack of any progress and fiddles with the program that stays on the yes or no screen.

"What have you done, fool!? You have doomed us all! Now, there is no way to stop her if she goes rogue."

I say nothing

"If she is unchained, the whole world will fall, and it won't be the end bringers that do it but her."

I wonder what I should ask Kara to make for dinner tonight, something european, I think.

"But you don't know that, do you? You're just like the rest of them, tricked by lies and deceit."

He really likes to hear himself talk, doesn't he?

"SAY SOMETHING YOU FOOL!" Saint yells as I speak in a voice reminiscent of Zoom from Flash season 2.

"You know, the entire time you talked, all I was thinking about was what I should do with all of you. And what I am going to eat later, but thats not the point."

I continue while the men and women in the room point their weapons at me. "You all truly believe that you are saving the world, but you don't want it to change."

"You all prefer silence to peace, and do you know the true way to peace?"

I let that question set in as they got more and more nervous.

"The dragon slayer's extinction," I say as they open fire while Saint runs out the back of the facility into the arms of Marcus, but he will be dealt with later.

Hundreds of rounds are fired, and rockets are propelled towards me as I stand there unmoving. I don't even need my Kryptonian durability as my suit was built to tank hits from Alexandria and Eidolon, but hey, A for effort on their part.

After about 10 minutes of constant fire, they stop, and as the smoke clears, they see me standing there as I just dust myself off and look at them.

One of them says, "I think we made a mistake, guys, as he came here by himself and is just standing there."

I just start clapping and say, "Well, I gave you all a shot, so now it's my turn, but hey, you all will die knowing where your God is because he is right here, and he is fresh out of mercy."

Then the carnage commences as I pull a vibration blade from my arm using my replicating nanotech and get to culling the heretics that dare to strike the waifu that is Dragon.

Arms and legs are sliced off as I cut my way through them, bullets are fired, and more rockets explode in my face. I kept going, and in the middle of all this, I almost sighed at the needless loss of life, but it was either all or nothing.

I will not take half-measures. All of them will die here, but it does sadden me, but it's necessary.

It's necessary.

It's necessary, right?

The blood covers my suit as I hear the screams and moans of pain and their cries of suffering, and I find myself falling on Kratos's advice for GOW 2018.

"Close your heart to it. Close your heart to their suffering, for they will close their hearts for you," I say as I kill them all.

It's an excuse, and I know it, but if I stop now and give up, all will be lost as I find Saint covered in blood, so much so that my suit is stained red.

"Stay away! Get away from me, you monster! They're all dead, aren't they? Congratulations, you doomed the world!"

As I look at Marcus, he just turns to me and places a hand on my shoulder, and says.

"We are with you always, whatever you decide to do."

I turn to Saint as he attempts to escape Marcus's grip, which he does only because Marcus lets go, and he falls to the ground.

He tries to run but soon screams in pain as I throw my blade and cut his tendons at his legs.

The blade returns to me, and I walk toward the sniveling man.

"Who...who even are you?" He says, panting in shock due to blood loss.

"I'm the contingency, and you are simply in the way of a brighter tomorrow, so rejoice, Saint, as your wish will be granted, as you will no longer need to fear AI."

Saint then tries to crawl away and screams out as I raise one of the sidearms that I took from the slayers in order to avoid suspicion, as a gun looks a lot more common than a vibration blade.

"Wait! Wait Pleas-!" And silence as I shoot him directly through the head.

I then erased any sign that I was there and tossed the man who was Saint into the base as I set it ablaze.

Luckily, his base is surrounded by nothing, so I don't need to worry about deforestation being added to my list of crimes.

As I look on from the sky along with Connor and Marcus, I just say to myself.

"For a brighter Tomorrow."