
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Being Rid Of Two Loose Ends

Entry 24:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I continue to stare at the two members of Cauldron, Contessa smirks and asks, "Cat got your tongue, Mr. Ozias?"

I reply swiftly as to avoid suspicion, "No, Miss Fedora, I am simply trying to remember who you are, and I am failing, and I am sorry, but the Director I know quite well."

This brings a small chuckle out of Alexandria as she asks, "Well then, Mr. Ozias, you would not be opposed to having a talk with us, right?"

Veiled threat aside, I answer, "Of course! In fact, I was just about to have dinner, and I have extra, so why don't you two come in."

I motion them inside as we sit at the table, and while Marcus sets the table, Kara prepares more food for our "Guests."

From what I can sense, Connor is with Dread and Cyber, preparing the defenses for any possibility of a threat being seen.

Contessa begins, "Well then, to introduce myself, I am Fortuna Contessa. And I am a good friend of Director Costa Brown. And we are both here to discuss a proposition with you."

I raise my eyebrow at this and ask in return. "May I ask what it is and what such a deal entails?"

Contessa continues by saying, "Mr. Ozias, we are not only members of the PRT but of another organization."

She lets that sink in as I say back, "So the Illuminati, then I knew you guys existed." Alexandria did not take the joke lightly.

Alexandria then states, "There is a lot more going on than you can understand, Mr. Ozias. Please consider this deal."

I almost laugh in their faces as I FULLY understand the circumstances better than even they do, but yet they lecture me.

It's almost infuriating, but they're all idiots, so I play along.

" And what might I not be understanding, Chief Director Brown? Please enlighten me so that I may understand, as I am only a humble inventor."

I could hear Alexandria cracking her knuckles in frustration as they were not used to being looked down on, even subtly.

Contessa continues before Alexandria can break the table," Mr. Ozias, this is not a matter to joke about as this relates to the fate of all of humanity across multiple realities."

I almost wish I could smack her perfect teeth as I alone understand that as I read it, and it was awful, to say the least.

The event of golden morning changes this Earth for the worst, as they have to worry about shards cannibalizing their hosts and alternate Earths attacking them due to Zion going on a murder spree.

Before she can say anything, I raise my hand and say, " I already know about everything: the entities, all 21 of them, I might add, and the reason you are here."

This shocks them as they mentally debate on what to do next, but I continue.

" I know the sick game your organization is playing for the greater good. I know of how case 53's exist. I know why Brockton Bay exists as your experiment to cause more trigger events in order to see if anyone may develop powers to stop the end bringers."

"I Know Everything."

With this, all hell breaks loose as Alexandria attempts to punch me but is stopped by a kinetic barrier, and Contessa is held in place by Connor and Marcus.

While I may not be strong enough to stop Alexandria, this kinetic barrier will keep her in place. In addition to the stasis barriers that have been developed, I added another aspect to the shield.

I am using technology from Young Justice. Specifically, one heroine named Rocket, I believe who, uses kinetic barriers that get stronger the more you hit them, and if they can hold Wonder Woman, they can hold her.

Luckily, Contessa can't use her Path to Victory as we are all blindspots for her, and the house itself is outside the regular timeline due to the technology I created using scans from Flechette and Gray Boy.

(Gray Boy is able to form stationary time loops, and his power reverts any changes made to his body. A quirk of his power is that anything affected is heavily desaturated, giving him his namesake monochrome look.)

To sum it up, nothing in this house goes in, and nothing in this house goes out.

This house exists within the known timeline and doesn't, so the entities can't even see it as it was built using my Tinker Of Fiction ability.

(I apologize if the members of Cauldron are a bit violent. That is just who they are: extremists that see any anomaly as a threat.)

As Alexandria continues to strike at the barrier, Contessa yells in rage, " You have no idea what you're doing and what you are going to unleash. If you keep us here. The very fact that we are gone will alert the rest of Cauldron, and we wil-"

I stop her yapping by literally putting a sock in her mouth because her whole know-it-all persona is very grating.

"You will do NOTHING! As I have already planned for this, and so you both are going to go through some reeducation." I say while smiling widely.

After saying that, the nanobots in their heads knock them out, and I take them to the lab for reeducation. Both of them need it badly if I am going to operate in the future.

Luckily, I have the knowledge of how to do so from multiple sources, and they're all technology-based, so Alexandria can't resist them.

I feel like a hentai villain right now about to reprogram Taiamin, but that is a thought for later as, for now, these two need a change in perspective.

Using a combination of Jervis Tech's hypnotizing tech and various other methods, I cordon off parts of their personalities and mold the rest of them to my will.

But as punishment for their multitude of crimes, they will still be cognizant of their behaviors as they will be trapped in their own minds.

They wanted to take the choice away from people. I will do the same for them.

They will see the light. I will make sure of it.

Timeskip No Jutsu (Six Hours Later)

I now see the two parahumans kneeling before me. And it is a sight to behold as now that these two have been pacified, I can move with my plans much faster.

But first, to establish a chain of command. "What are your orders, Fortuna and Rebecca?"

Rebecca (Alexandria) states, "To continue acting in the capacity that we have been doing but stopping the creation of new trigger events and case 53's."

Fortuna (Contessa) then adds, " Also establish that the supreme leader has joined Cauldron willingly and that the Path has not changed but been improved and that improvement can never be spoken of lest we lose Earth forever."

I then say, "Good, my friends, good all events shall occur towards my design, and all will be well. Every entity and end bringer will fall, and peace and security will envelop the world."

The two then smile reverently at me and continue to bow before I send them off, but I can see, thanks to my nanobots, their inner struggles as they kick and scream to be let out, but I won't, and no one will know that they are suffering, trapped in their own bodies for eternity.

I smile as another part of the plan falls into place. I turn to my androids and say.

"It's time to take the next step."

(I apologize for the fact that my main character seems to be a complete villain in this chapter. It's necessary. These two have caused more crimes against humanity than can be counted. And I felt that the punishment fit the crimes.)

(If you need any context for the amount and length of Cauldron's crimes, simply go to the worm wiki, and it is messed up.)