
Chapter 28: College life

I listen as professor Goldberg goes on and on.

I check the time on the far side wall and notice only fifteen minutes have passed since class began. I yawn for the hundredth time and slump down further into my desk. I should have just stayed in bed this morning, but I knew I couldn't do that. I promised Mary at our last video chat session that I would attend every class and not spit in my grandparents faces with the money they had given Chrissy and I for college.

"Alright everyone, open up your books to page two hundred seventeen, and read along with me." I lean over to retrieve my book and hit my head on a hard object. I rub the pain away, squinting as I do so, and turn to whatever I hit. The girl beside me is rubbing her head as well and we both chuckle at the fact that we bumped heads with each other.

"Sorry." She whispers, and I shake my head at her.

"It's not your fault. It was mine. I didn't even notice you were bending down to get your book as well.

"I'm Amelia."
