
Chapter 21: Party Girl

Dear Diary

Last night was perfection.

Brian and I spent the entire night holding each other until early this morning when the sun began to rise. His mother had come into his room and seen us huddled together on his bed. I thought we would get into trouble, but she simply smiled and shut the door.

Brian had fallen asleep sometime around one in the morning, while I stood awake trying to memorize everything that was him.

I had forgotten how peaceful he looked while sleeping. He had an innocence about him that made him seem younger than his eighteen years.

I had leaned over to retrieve my cell phone, eager to take a photo of him sleeping so peacefully when I saw it. Or rather him.

The demon was there, sitting at Brian's desk, holding onto the frame of the two of us. He wore the same sinister smile he has worn for the last few weeks.

It hadn't worked.