
Finding My Path [Hiatus. Back 2 Jan 2025]

This is a slice-of-life story, and mainly about the MC's journey in finding his Path in Life. Release schedule: Saturday and Sunday (1 chapter) at 6pm (+8 GMT). Extra chapter on the last Sunday of the month. ------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Smith has always lived under the shadows of his famous father, Kyle Smith, Country Tz's idol (or what Country K would call him: the Nation's Husband). In public, Kyle is the young genius, who propelled the Smith Industries to greater heights and international status. The youngest CEO in the history of.Country Tz. The man who is known for his devotion and love for his wife. In the shadows, Kyle is the sole heir to the Kato Clan's secret arts. A ninja that is also the best assassin, known as Ice, for the Underworld. In short, the perfect man. So how can his son ever measure up? Join Alex on his journey as he seeks to find his own path in life. He is accompanied by his twin sister Ariel and childhood friends, Fleur and Ziad. Together, they are known as the Fantastic Four. [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose Image taken with permission at https://pixabay.com/users/stocksnap-894430/ ------------------------------------------------------- Hi All, This is my third novel, my other two being: 1. New Life: Second Chance, COMPLETED (magical realism)> This is the story of Kyle Smith, murdered (leaving behind two kids) and reincarnated to the past. Slice of Life story, action/romance, Labeled magical realism due to the reincarnation concept. 2. Courage to Love, COMPLETED (contemporary romance) > A spin-off of NL:SC. A story of Lianne Yang, the daughter of Kyle from his first life. This 3rd novel, is a sequel to NL:SC. Each book is stand-alone, but I do recommend you reading NL:SC first. Mainly because it makes the experience richer. However, even if you don't, you won't be lost in what happens. WARNING: Reading this novel first, before NL:SC means you will read lots of spoilers for NL:SC, especially on the pairings.

PsyberRose · Urban
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116 Chs


The impact of the scene was, to put it mildly, rather breathtaking.

Side-by-side, the two stood.

One small figure, standing up straight and staring at them with cold, piercing blue eyes. By his side, a figure so dark that one would have had difficulty seeing if it wasn't for the light illuminating them softly from above.

As it was, one could see a dark figure, with blazing red eyes, staring at them intently.

Fyre gave a slow smile as she leaned on her beloved's arm, placing it right between the valley as she said, "You're right. He did go for it."

Kyle chuckled under his breath, something unbecoming of Ice, before reverting back into Ice.

"He's my son," Ice replied coldly.

Fyre laughed at that, rubbing herself on his arm as she turned her head towards him, "Do I hear a little bit of pride in that tone?"

Ice snorted, "Your imagination."

Cinder watched his parents' performance in front of him without batting an eyelid, not perturbed by the way his mother was blatantly plastering herself on his father.

Fyre turned her head to look at her son, satisfied to see that his facial expression had not changed at all upon her behaviour.

Though one would criticize her for her lack of decorum, Fyre did everything deliberately and within the limitations that she had set.

Her standards and views were completely different from all the studies and reports of experts, due to her Clan's Seduction Arts.

On the one hand, she agreed with the experts that showing parental affection is good. Children watching the parents showing such natural warmth and closeness as something that is reassuring.

This was important in their family, more so due to Alex's initial hostility towards his father. He was very close to his mother, so he needed to see and accept that his mother loved his father unconditionally.

Of course, there would be 'limits', that is, experts stressed that affection that is too s*xual is uncomfortable for children and breaks a boundary.

Fyre agreed to that.

Well, to a certain extent.

What experts regard as "too s*xual" wasn't exactly the same as Fyre's standards.

Thus, whilst Fyre agreed that what happens behind closed doors, should remain behind closed doors - what exactly that was, was different; especially considering Fyre did like people watching.

Of course, that did NOT extend to her own children.

It was simply to show that Fyre, a Seduction Art Ninja, would naturally not have the same mindset as 'normal' society.

Just like how society generally cannot accept the concept of a 'dominant' and 'submissive' in a BDSM relationship as being something pure and beautiful in its truest form.

Thus, in this situation, the basic concept was still the same.

Experts have stated that if kisses are a normal greeting among relatives and friends, a child will think nothing of seeing his parents kiss hello or goodbye - but only a peck, nothing more than that.

Flirting is fine as it can demonstrate a dimension of romance in the relationship. It's fun and loving - but nothing to suggest that they would be up to something more later. So while a pat on the backside is okay, groping it is not.

Fyre scoffed at all of that.

A peck on the lips? Heck no.

Only patting her husband's fine behind? Not on your life.

However, no matter what she did to him - or how he responded - it was all only that. Blatant shows of affection and there were no lust or desire in their eyes (or behaviour) when they did so in front of their children.

That was the difference.

So, the children would view such actions as normal.

This was another reason for the open display of affection.

To get their children used to it: to accept and see such 'deep' shows of affection as something 'normal'.

This wasn't to say that her purpose was to make her children start going around being so 'free' with others (so to speak) but not to be too innocent and be seduced or be so easily tempted when others try to get to them in that manner.

One would think they were too early to be exposed to such behaviour but that, in Fyre's mind, is ridiculous.

Children are far more intelligent and far better to adapt than one would give them credit for. Don't make it look like it's something 'dirty' and needs to be hidden, and they would accept it.

More importantly, they wouldn't hide such actions or be too shy to ask their parents when the time came, i.e. when they become adolescents.

So, right now, Fyre was more than satisfied that her son did not flinch at her behaviour, nor showed any disgust.

Unhappiness, perhaps, that she was just so close to his father and perhaps a little bit jealous - but not unacceptance.

"So, Cinder," Ice said, nodding at them curtly, "What will you be calling him?"

"Xander," Cinder replied.

He would have preferred Cerebus (the Hellhound that protects the Gates of the Underworld in Greek mythology), or even Ares (the Greek God of War) but Max didn't know those names and wouldn't respond to it.

Xander, however, was familiar with so that had to be used.

Maximilian Xander was Max's full name and Alex would often call him by his full name whenever he was being firm when directing something new, or scolding him.

Alex sighed.

Then looked at his father resentfully.

If he had known Max would have been his partner when he went out as Cinder, he would have gotten Max used to other names!

Seeing the unhappiness on his son's face, Ice's mouth twitched.

"Fun fact," Ice began slowly, tilting his head.

Cinder's expression didn't change.

"Dogs can adapt to a change in name, and even respond to it," Ice said slowly, "If … Xander … performs well tonight, change his training back home."

Cinder raised an eyebrow.

Ice looked at him seriously, "When you're doing defence training, or when you're teaching him to kill, use his new name. When you're playing, don't use it."

Cinder's eyes widened and he understood.

So Max would learn to be more ferocious as Cerebus, and docile as Max.

Just like him, his pet would have a hidden identity.

Cinder looked down at his wolf pup, who did not look or behave like his silly Max did at times. He couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Then he jerked his head up as he thought of a keyword his father had said. He looked back at his father and repeated, "Kill?"

Ice gave a smirk, "It's what we do, so naturally, what he should do as well."

Cinder looked at his innocent little pup and had doubts in his heart.

Irritatingly, his father answered the unspoken question. Irritating, because his father did that all the time - how could he know what he was thinking?!

"I believe he can," Ice stated, "He's wild enough, but only time will tell. I give him three months. If he can't do it, then he's not a suitable partner for you."

Cinder wasn't happy and turned to glare at his father.

Ice sighed as he stroked his car, using it to calm himself and not blast at his son. That would only be counter-productive.

Cinder had to understand and more importantly, accept the outcome if it was not to his favour.

Cinder came closer, now focusing on the car.

He had never seen this car before, but he had heard of it. How his father had one particular precious car that he guarded like a treasure.

At that time, he thought it was ridiculous for his father to be so attached to something like a car. Seeing this car now, however, Cinder could understand the obsession.

A little bit.

He reached out to touch it as well, but the back of his hand was smacked by his father.

"We're not using this," Ice responded then jerked his head to the side.

Cinder turned to look and saw two motorcycles there.

Cinder's eyes went wider and his eyes had a sparkle to them.

Sure, his father's car was great but this.

THIS was the Harley Davidson LiveWire Motorcycle.

Cinder loved motorcycles.

"You'll go out on your own one day, so it's best to get your pup used to this mode of transportation," Ice told him, walking over to the bikes.

"He's used to the car, but not this," Ice told him, sitting on one bike while Fyre went on the other.

He jerked a thumb behind him, saying, "Take that pouch and put him in it, then get behind me."

Ice watched in satisfaction when Cinder came obediently. If he had shown any sort of protest, he would have ended this family outing immediately.

Cinder took the pouch, which was actually a backpack that had a hole at the top. This could be tightened by pulling at the rope.

"For now, this is best as it would restrict his movements," Ice told him as he watched Cinder put his wolf pup in the backpack, "Make sure you protect his eyes from the wind, by using my back as his windshield."

"Shouldn't we get him goggles?" Cinder asked as he wore the backpack to have Max in front of him. He then climbed onto the bike easily.

Ice shook his head, "You need to get him used to it first. We'll get some custom-fitted ones and you can decide on the pattern. For now, it's enough to use my back as a shield. We're not going far anyway."

As Ice started the engine and the familiar jet-engine sound of the Harley filled the air, Cinder asked, "Where are we going?"

Ice grinned as he started off, "Oh, just to clean up a drug den that thought they escaped the sharp eyes of Uncle Nitocris."

Cinder couldn't help the identical grin that emerged on his face.

Don't kill me. The Family Outing will take two chapters, so that will be next week.

I'm sure you guys can already figure out how Cinder and Cerebus will be like in the future - when he's a teenager, that is. heh heh.

Take care everyone! Stay safe. Numbers is 21,000 here. CRAZY for a small country like mine. *sigh*

PsyberRosecreators' thoughts