
Finding my little sister in another world

A big brother crosses into another world to search for his little sister, who was forcefully summoned years ago. As he navigates this strange new realm, he uncovers the horrific fates of previous summoned individuals and the sinister plans of the demons. -------------------------- Featuring: - A big brother who loves his little sister more than anything else. - Smart and sexy MC - Beautiful girls of all races. - Technology, AI and Guns versus magic. - Anime inspired. - The story is fast paced, light novel style that is easy to read. --------------------------- Update daily --------------------------- Warning: Many chapters are dark with elements like slavery, gore, betrayal, revenge. Some chapters have sexual contents in it. Please be careful.

BlueberyTempest · Fantasy
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72 Chs

The rebel’s hideout

With another phrase from Sophia, the massive boulder rolls back into place, sealing the entrance and plunging us into near-complete darkness. For a few moments, the only sounds are our breathing and the soft shuffle of our feet on the stone floor.

As my eyes adjust, I see Sophia pulling out a small crystal from her robe. She mutters something under her breath, and the crystal begins to glow softly, illuminating our surroundings. We stand at the beginning of a vast labyrinth, the stone walls cool and damp to the touch. The air carries a musty, earthy scent, the unmistakable aroma of deep underground caverns.

As we venture deeper, the labyrinth stretches out in multiple directions. It is literally a maze of winding tunnels and chambers. Stone archways lead to rooms of varying sizes, some as small as a closet while others could comfortably fit a dozen people. Despite the complex structure, there is an eerie absence of life—no sounds of chatter, no torches burning, no movement.

Following the main passage, we find remnants of the rebels' existence: old weapons, tattered banners, empty food containers, and scorched fire pits. Some rooms are clearly intended for sleeping, with worn blankets and thin mattresses scattered about. Others have tables with maps, indicating they used to be strategic meeting points for the rebellion. Then, I notice the dark stains on the ground and walls—blood stains. A battle must have taken place here.

After scouting around for a moment, I gently lower Yumi onto a bed in one of the rooms. The girl remains undisturbed, her face serene and untroubled in sleep. Sophia sits on the bed as well, wrapping an old blanket around her body.

Turning to Sophia, I finally voice the question that has been nagging at me since we arrived.

"How did you know about this place?" I ask.

Sophia sighs. "This used to be the main base for the rebels who opposed the king's rule. They believed in a better kingdom, one free from tyranny and corruption."

She pauses, her fingers tracing patterns on the wall. "But they failed. The king's forces discovered the hideout, and a battle ensued right here, in these very corridors. The rebels fought valiantly, but they were outmatched."

"But, if that's the case, then why are you still alive? Weren't you with the rebels?" I press.

"Yes, but not really," Sophia replies, her laughter bitter. "I was actually a traitor. I sent the king information collected from the rebels and led the knights here to destroy them."


Now intrigued, I want to learn more about Sophia, so I ask her to tell me more. This is not a command, so the master-slave contract will not enforce this. She can choose not to answer if she is uncomfortable. Even if I could, I don't want to push her too much anyway.

"Well, there's no reason to hide anything from you," Sophia says and proceeds to tell me about the whole thing that happened.

This woman's past turns out to be much darker than I thought. 

A long time ago, there was a girl named Rosaria Valeraine.


Rosaria was born into privilege, a scion of one of the empire's most distinguished noble families. The Valeraines were highly respected, influential, and their legacy spanned generations. They were a family of mages, with members extremely gifted in magic and practiced high-level magecraft. But it all came to an abrupt end one fateful night when everyone was murdered, and the entire mansion was burned down. It was a massacre that shook the whole kingdom, attributed to the demons who were enemies of the Valeraine at that time.

But this was just a diversion from the truth.

Because it wasn't the work of demons after all.

On that horrendous night, a loyal maid sacrificed herself, drawing the attackers away and ensuring young Sophia's safety. Hidden within a trash bin, the little girl bore witness to everything. The orchestrator of the onslaught was none other than Archduke Eldric Harrow. He wasn't just the King's top mage but also a close confidant of Sophia's father. Sophia had met him many times before, so that was how the girl recognized his voice. It was such a cruel fate. Who would have thought that one of the people she looked up to the most would one day be the one who killed her whole family?

That harrowing memory haunted Sophia. She swore revenge, but she knew it wasn't the time. She was too young, too weak to do anything. She needed to be patient, to grow stronger, both in influence and power. Thus, she changed her name to Sophia Lysandra and started over, taking the last name of the maid who saved her. Over the years, she immersed herself in the arcane arts, diving deep into forbidden lore and mastering illusion magic, leveraging both her beauty and talent to broaden her power and influence within the Kingdom.

Yet, revenge wasn't something she could accomplish alone. So she discreetly sought out like-minded individuals, those disenchanted with the King and his closest advisors. Thus began her association with the rebels, where she rose quickly due to her competence. However, Sophia was aware that overt resistance would be met with insurmountable force. She needed to be within the heart of the enemy's territory to truly strike a fatal blow.

With calculated moves, Sophia managed to get herself positioned within the royal court, serving as both a royal advisor and the royal mage. Yes, this may seem like a traitorous move, but in truth, she was just playing a much longer game. By day, she was the King's trusted confidant, but by night, she plotted with the rebels, passing on crucial information. 

However, as days turned to years, Sophia began to realize the massive surveillance and intelligence network the King commanded. The rebels' plans were always one step behind, their moves anticipated.

"Those guys were just not good enough," says the enslaved woman coldly. "So they needed to go."

That's why she betrays them, providing the King with information that leads to their capture. It's a cold, yet calculated move. By sacrificing the rebels, Sophia earned the King's trust, thus better positioning herself for her eventual revenge.

"Ha, but I just ruined it, didn't I?"

Now, knowing the whole backstory behind this woman, I feel quite bad for what I just did to her. Not only did I enslave her, but I also made her a fugitive. 

However, was there really any other option for me? 

Each person is driven by their unique goals and motivations. Sophia's and mine just happen to collide. And, considering she betrayed her own allies, it's not as though she's in a position to complain.

"It's alright," Sophia responds, exhaling deeply. "I overestimated myself against the king and that damned Archduke. Even with a hundred more years, I doubt I'd succeed in taking them down anyway. But you, on the other hand…"

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows, understanding her true intention. "Is this why you decided to tell me all of this? To use me as an instrument for your revenge?"

"Yes. And is there any problem with that?"

"Ha, of course not." I laugh. 

Knowing how wicked and scheming this woman is, there is no chance in hell she'd be completely loyal to me, even if I enforce the slave pact. There's even a high possibility of her betraying me in the end.

But that's fine.

It's just the way some humans are. Both she and I are opportunistic creatures. As long as our goals align and our enemies remain mutual, we will be able to work together just fine. Besides, I really need her talent and knowledge to navigate through this whole new world that I currently know almost nothing about.