
Finding my little sister in another world

A big brother crosses into another world to search for his little sister, who was forcefully summoned years ago. As he navigates this strange new realm, he uncovers the horrific fates of previous summoned individuals and the sinister plans of the demons. -------------------------- Featuring: - A big brother who loves his little sister more than anything else. - Smart and sexy MC - Beautiful girls of all races. - Technology, AI and Guns versus magic. - Anime inspired. - The story is fast paced, light novel style that is easy to read. --------------------------- Update daily --------------------------- Warning: Many chapters are dark with elements like slavery, gore, betrayal, revenge. Some chapters have sexual contents in it. Please be careful.

BlueberyTempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


After finishing our breakfast, we retreat to our room for privacy to plan our day. There are two things I want to discuss. First, regarding the black market incident a few days ago, or in other words, the Bromrik incident.

"I'm surprised we got away this easily. It feels too good to be true. To think he was the only one who showed up."

If Bromrik and Curtis were aware of us coming to the black market, there was no reason other people wouldn't know. If that was the case, there would have been others waiting to see the outcome of the fight, and when Bromrik died, they would have come in to capture us for an easy six million crowns. 

However, that didn't happen.

"You're right," Sophia nods, brows furrowed. "Now that I think about it, I find that weird as well."

How Bromrik knew about us is one thing; the way he organized the whole event so that every vendor in the black market got out of his way was fishy as hell. Secondly, that big battle with so many casualties should have made headlines, shocking news for the whole city or even the whole kingdom. According to Sophia, Bromrik had many connections. That guy was a big shot both in the underground world and in aristocratic society. His death should have created a huge reaction. However, things have been eerily quiet. When a tidal wave crashes, it's typical that smaller waves follow. But this? This is unusual. The water shouldn't have calmed down this fast.

"Wait!" Sophia gasps. "So, what you mean is, someone cleaned up the mess for us?"

"Yeah, that seems to be the case."

But who?

And why?

That someone must be either a person or an organization with significant influence in the underground market and, for some reason, uninterested in the bounties on our heads. But what are their motives? What do they plan to do?

One thing's for sure.

"Sophia, we've been watched. And I'm sure they're watching us right now."


Sophia gasps, beads of cold sweat forming on her forehead.

It isn't just a deduction based on recent events; it's a feeling that I'm having right now. Ever since I came down to the dining room for breakfast, I have been having this odd sensation of being watched. But even with Sapphire's surveillance, I cannot pinpoint who or where they are hiding. I can be wrong, though, since the whole "sensing someone watching you" thing isn't scientifically proven, but as an enhanced human who has sharpened every sense to the highest level possible and gotten rid of all the bullshit inputs…

That vague sensation shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Is something wrong with my brain after getting healed? Or could it be an undocumented side effect of Phoenix's tears? I have so many questions.

"So, do you have any idea who this entity might be?" I ask Sophia.

"Ah...N-no. I – I don't…" she replies. "Sorry, I - I didn't even realize that we are being watched in the first place."

"Oh… I see…"

That was an extremely obvious lie, boldly written on her face. The pale complexion, the darting eyes... It is as if someone is holding a knife to her neck, warning her to keep her mouth shut. 

But to see Sophia this nervous… I'm intrigued.

"Anyways, there's no point worrying for now," I say. "If they wanted to kill or capture us, they would have easily done so. We need to stay cautious but not let fear control us."

"Y-you are right," Sophia nods.

And there it is, a slight relief on her face immediately after I say that.

"Let's move on. Next is the other thing that I want to talk about."


I am eager to learn more about this world as quickly as possible, so my first thought is to head to the library. However, Sophia insists we visit the Adventurer's Guild first. There are two main reasons for this recommendation.

Firstly, the Adventurer's Guild is one of the few organizations that can issue something known as an "Identity Card." This functions similarly to Earth's identification documents, and obtaining one is crucial for us to be able to engage in various activities within this world. The cards will display our names and ranks. Speaking of ranks, there are five in total that match with five different colors - gray, green, blue, gold, and crimson, with gray being the lowest rank and crimson being the highest rank.

And then, there is the second reason: Our rank determines our access and privileges; it specifically influences our ability to enter the Library, with only those of a high rank able to access the upper floors. And it isn't just limited to the library; being of a higher rank also provides us with additional benefits, such as special discounts and deals when purchasing equipment, or the opportunity to join certain organizations or events. Therefore, to access a wider range of knowledge and resources, we need to rank up.

In other words, power and status are everything in this world.

"And I guess, there's also a way to simply buy a higher rank?" I inquire, curious about potential shortcuts.

"Yea…" Sophia responds hesitantly. "But, I really don't recommend it. It's not worth the cost, and besides, we are currently out of funds."

"Huh? What do you mean 'out of funds'?" I raise my eyebrows. After being a multi-billionaire on Earth for so long and hearing that phrase again, it feels weird. 

Sophia then elaborates further on our financial situation. As a wanted person, there's no way for her to access her stored money in the commercial guild anymore. The remaining money is not enough to buy a high rank.

"Well, we aren't entirely out of funds, you know?" I say, reaching into my bag. I have a total of twenty platinum bullets. Curtis had taken four, and I had shot one. That means I still have fifteen left.

I place the remaining bullets on the table.

"Whaaat!? You still have that many!?" Sophia exclaims, her eyes wide.

"Yes," I flash her a grin. 

If I had known how valuable platinum actually is in this world, I would have brought more. But based on the market price, these platinum bullets will be able to sustain us for a while. After that, I will need to find a way to make money.

"Let's go to the black market and exchange ten of these for some money. I need to keep the rest just in case we need them again."

Sophia nods, agreeing with my plan.

With that, we head out into the city, ready to tackle the day. The weather is perfect: the sun is shining, the sky is clear, and there is a gentle breeze in the air. Our first stop will be the black market to exchange our platinum for other currencies, followed by a visit to the Adventurer's Guild.