
Finding my little sister in another world

A big brother crosses into another world to search for his little sister, who was forcefully summoned years ago. As he navigates this strange new realm, he uncovers the horrific fates of previous summoned individuals and the sinister plans of the demons. -------------------------- Featuring: - A big brother who loves his little sister more than anything else. - Smart and sexy MC - Beautiful girls of all races. - Technology, AI and Guns versus magic. - Anime inspired. - The story is fast paced, light novel style that is easy to read. --------------------------- Update daily --------------------------- Warning: Many chapters are dark with elements like slavery, gore, betrayal, revenge. Some chapters have sexual contents in it. Please be careful.

BlueberyTempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Chosen heroes

As the ritual ends, the door swings open and many people walk in. Leading the group is an old King with silver hair, dressed in a crimson, gold-embroidered robe and wearing a golden crown. Beside him walks a woman of ethereal beauty and grace, much younger than him. She is dressed in a sparkling silver gown adorned with crystals and gems, a silver tiara resting on her head. A queen, or a princess? I can't really tell.

Following them is a diverse assembly of individuals. Judging by their medieval-like attire, they consist of nobles, warriors, knights, and scholars, similar to those I have seen in video games and fantasy movies. In just minutes, the room is filled with over a hundred of these individuals, yet everyone maintains their silence.

As the King approaches us, I notice his eagle-sharp eyes scanning us, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Valeria, Noble heroes. You have been summoned to our world in its most perilous time to assist us in our struggle against the advancing evil that seeks to engulf everything! I am King Alaric, the sovereign ruler of this kingdom," the king says.

He isn't speaking in Japanese, nor English or French, and yet, for some reason, I can understand him clearly.

"Ermm… is… is this a mistake?" The high school girl is the first of us to speak. "I'm so sorry, but I don't think we are noble heroes at all… Eh? Wait… What… is this language? Why am I speaking it like it's now my mother tongue?"

I notice this as well. It seems like the ability to speak this new language has been mysteriously bestowed upon all of us. Hearing it, understanding it, and speaking it has now become as natural as how a fish instinctively knows how to swim, or a bird can freely fly without thinking. It is fascinating, but it is indeed a weird feeling that takes me a moment to get used to.

"Eh, I think you've got the wrong guys," says the pizza delivery guy. "You see, we are not heroes or anything."

"Yeah, and even if we are," the red-haired boy adds, "why should we help you? We didn't even ask to come here! You just kidnapped us!"

I choose to remain silent for the time being. The red-haired boy is right. Whether they are kings, queens, or magicians, they are all just kidnappers, kidnapping people from Earth against their will.

Yet, King Alaric listens patiently, then tries to calm us down. "I understand your confusion and fears. But it was not our intention to bring you here against your will. Our kingdom, our world, is facing a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. There was no mistake. You are the Chosen Heroes. Please, only you can save us from the Demon God!"

"Eh? Chosen… heroes?" the high school girl murmurs.

"Demon… God?" echoes the red-haired teenager, his voice overlapping with the girl's.

"Yes. So please forgive us, because we had no other choice…" the King bows slightly, placing his hands on his chest.

We stay quiet for a moment to gather our thoughts.

"Wait!" the pizza delivery guy suddenly speaks out. "Guys! Is this like some sort of light novel scenario?" he speculates. "You know, the isekai stories and anime?"

"Ah! I read those stories too!" the girl exclaims. "They are quite popular. Typically, individuals from Earth are summoned or reincarnated in another world to become heroes!"

True to her words, "isekai" is a really big genre in the anime and manga industry at the moment, with hundreds of new stories being published every month. The Japanese term "isekai" roughly translates to "another world," so they are basically stories that involve individuals being transported into another world by one means or another. Over the years, I too have seen countless literature with a similar setting and plot.

But to reduce this situation to a mere light novel or game scenario is such a foolish idea, underestimating the dire matters at hand. After all, fiction is just that—fiction, filled with unrealistic characters and events. However, this is real life, with real consequences. There is no such thing as plot armor in reality; here, one's survival depends solely on their skills and choices. While dispatching monsters in video games might be entertaining, confronting the harsh realities of life-and-death battles against the forces of evil, witnessing atrocities of war, could overwhelm even the strongest. Not everyone is equipped to handle acts of violence and bloodshed, particularly young people like them. If they are to stand a chance at survival, they need not only remarkable abilities but also the unwavering mental resilience akin to that of a seasoned soldier.

And it seems like the girl is the first among the kids to realize that.

"Ermmm… but… can we really do that? Save the world? I mean… I don't know how to fight at all," she voices her concern.

"Ah… you are right," the pizza boy agrees. "I can't even kill a chicken, let alone some monsters…"

"Haiz…" the red-haired boy sighs. "This may sound embarrassing, but I'm actually terrified of seeing blood. There was one time I saw an injured person in a traffic accident, and I nearly fainted on the spot."

With this realization, their initial excitement quickly fades.

"Your Majesty, is there no one in your world capable of fighting the demons here?" the red-haired guy asks the King. "As you can see, we are just teenagers; there's no way we can kill monsters! None of us have even held a sword before in our lives!"

And he is absolutely right.

Except for me, the other summoned individuals are just mere children. Their bodies are weak, like mere twigs in comparison to the knights standing next to the King. And now, they are expected to go against the Demon King? How does that make any sense?

"Please, there's no need for concern; we will provide all the required training and support," the king insists. "And you may not be aware, but your presence here is no coincidence. Being chosen means that you all have hidden talents and powers. After all, you are the legendary heroes! You may not look strong right now, but that will definitely change in just a few years. You all have the potential to become the strongest in the world!"

"Wait!" the pizza delivery guy exclaims. "By hidden powers, do you mean something like cheat skills and abilities? Or perhaps there's a hidden system or something?"

In most Isekai stories, the protagonist often has a "cheat ability." It could be something very, very absurd like getting stronger by walking, devouring other people's skills, or even the ability to kill with a single thought. So, depending on the type of cheat skills they could acquire, this entire situation would change drastically.

But the king looks confused for a moment. "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with your terminology."

"Ah, I mean... are you suggesting we possess abilities that make us extremely strong, abilities exclusive to us compared to ordinary individuals?"

"Hmmm, there is indeed something like that," the king nods. "What you termed 'cheat skills' are what we refer to as 'blood talents,' representing the hidden potential within your body. Each of you has unique talents, allowing your power to grow ten times, or even a hundred times faster than normal people. If you wish, we can help you awaken your talents right away!"

"Yes, please!" the pizza delivery guy responds instantly.

"But what if we don't want any of that? What if we just want to go home? Is it possible to go back?" I voice my first question.

"Absolutely," the king assures without any hesitation. "We fully understand the magnitude of the task we're asking you to undertake—fighting demons and even gods—and we pledge to provide all possible support and privileges to you. However, if you still find our support insufficient, we can reverse the summoning spell and send you back at any time. But please consider it; your unique talents are desperately needed in our predicament."

"Oh, thank you," I say. "That's very reassuring to hear."

The king then proceeds to detail the array of privileges and benefits that the kingdom intends to bestow upon the heroes. He promises titles, power, wealth, status—every conceivable luxury and advantage, everything a person could ever dream of. It doesn't take long for the other boy and the teenage girl to be swayed by these offerings, and they readily agree to assume their roles as heroes.

As for me, yes, of course, I am going to stay too. I need to find my sister, after all. But to reverse the summoning spells to send us back home?

That is just complete bullshit.