
Finding my crush in another world

Unbeknownst to Lance Uberdain a high school student from Kiryuu high school that his life will change after a supernatural encounter. Struck by an unknown phenomenon Lance found himself in another world and in an unfamiliar body. Rethinking to what transpired, he remembered meeting his high school number one crush Alice Standford at the back of their school gym. It was a special day for Lance for he intended to confess his love for her but before he uttered the main part of his speech he was blinded by a flash of light and was transported to another place where cultivation of magic is the basis of living. Seeking motivation to live, he realized that the strong rule the weak as he wandered in this unfamiliar world. Thus, believing that his crush Alice was also transported with him. He journeyed to seek the crush he wanted to convey his feelings while also having a goal to become the strongest cultivator. “ I am different from others, to them I am the fiercest lion but to my friends, I am the most docile being in the world”. “My dearest wish is to find the girl I love no matter where she is I will find her by standing at the pinnacle of this world”

DaoistXLbe2A · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The bullied Lancelot

Amidst his grief and regret Lance grabs his head in pain, he just realized that his body contains some bruises, black skin marks and he was bleeding at the back of his head.

" What happened to me?'' My head hurts, why does my body feel so heavy? Lance remarked.

He strives to walk in the riverside to wash his face when he sees the reflection of himself in the water. "what the! What happened to my face? Trembling he saw his hands turn to be the hands of a 5 years old child. Why am I in the body of a 5 years old kid? What the heck happened? Lance questioned himself while in a flabbergasted state.

" I have to check my gender. Sign thank god I am a boy. I thought that this body is a girl because this body is so soft and my face looks feminine. Am I the son of a rich parent right?

Thinking to himself, Lance imagined what would be the outcome of him living like a young master. Laughing

"Well it's not sound bad if I am in this body but why am I in this wretched state? What happened to the previous owner of this body?"

As Lance was inspecting his body, Sounds of shouting and calling entered Lance's ears. He smiled and immediately gave his distress shout.

"Help somebody! I am here. This might be the rescue team". Lance imagined.

He immediately sat down and prepared himself elegantly as a young master would do. He assumed that those people were looking for him as their young master. Lance eagerly waited for his saviors, When he heard some noise in the other side bushes he immediately focused his attention and found two young children came out, he was disappointed because he thought that there would be adults who came along."

What would these children do to help me in this kind of situation?"

Looking disappointed Lance felt rescind when another two children came out but this time they look older than the other first two children.

" Thank god at least these two ages range from 15-16 years old, they can help me!. Smilingly looking at the children Lance beckoned to them " Guys thank god you're here please help me!."

Looking at him with a weird expression the children suddenly burst into loud laughter.

" Hahahaha look at him! Acting like a smug young noble did he bump his head when he fell into the river? or did he drink too much water? Hahahha what do you think guys?."

The children all laughed and were shouting curses and foul words towards Lance. Shocked and confused about something being wrong, Lance raged.

" What are you saying? Hurry up and help me! Lance shouted. "

But then the other child with a poked mark in the face shouted at him instead

"Cut the crap Lancelot, you trash why would we help some useless fool like you? We even prayed that you were dead when you fell into the river! Hahahhaa. If not for your sister, young miss Becky shielding you would have beaten you every single day hahahha."

Face pale and flabbergasted Lance through a bad premonition. He never expected to turn out to be like this.

Thus he thought "These guys are looking here for me to finish me for good right? What the hell, so I am in danger!".

Having thought those conclusions Lance panicked and shouted for help. "Help! Help! I am here sister Becky! Help!"

shouting with all he has he thought of what the children said to him earlier that he has an older sister so he has no choice but to ask for help hoping that his sister is nearby.

"Hahahaha it's useless if your sister is not in the vicinity. She was looking for you far in this direction. So give up and rescind yourself to fate! One of the older children said.

Panicking already Lance said,

" Don't do anything wicked you guys, or else if my sister found out you all will be punished!".

Dead tell to tale hahaha if we kill you today and let your dead body drift along the river there would be no corpses to find right guys!? Hehehe."

Hearing these children's threatening words he never imagine that children this age have already known what is the meaning of murder and killing. He feels indignant and somewhat sorry for these kids' future. Next, after hearing those threatening words Lance tried to get up in preparation to run if there were no other options. Noticing his action the children immediately form a curve circle around Lance blocking his escape.

" Where do you think you're going Lancelot? Thinking about running? Hahaha. "

The other children whispered to one of the older ones and said

" How about we let him run older brother and throw stones at him hehe besides looking at his injured body he cannot run that far. It would be more amusing that way. "

It sounds fun, alright let's do that then. Affirmed the older one.

They immediately opened a path for Lance to move and said " you can go now " said the 15-year-old child with a wicked smile. Seeing this Lance felt something was off so he hesitated whether to run or not. The children saw his hesitation and threatened him.

" Will you run or not? If not, it will drown you in the river!"

having no choice Lance warily walked when he was 10 meters away from them he saw their mysterious smiles. He shivered and he fastened his pace, while he was 18 meters away from them suddenly a fist-size rock came hurling behind him striking his back "boom" Lance felt dizzy and something slimy was about to come out from his mouth. He vomited blood and fell down.

" It hurts ahh! Why did they do this to me?.

Feeling the pain of his back he heard the laughter of these children and one of them said

" You got him big brother hahaha look at him hahaha next time I will hit his right leg. It would be amusing to watch him like a dog dragging his tail hehehe".

Watching them laughing, Lance felt that the world was making fun of him. He experienced the most humiliating situation in his life. Thus a fire of anger, rage, and hatred blossomed in his heart.

" I swear that if I pass this hurdle I will make all of your life miserable. I will let you experience the same humiliation that I experienced today".

Swearing in his heart Lance struggles to get up facing them with his cold stares. One of them ridicule and said

" look at you angrily, aren't we? Hahaha I am so scared to help me.. hahhaha".

One of the children with blonde hair said "Let me strike him, next big brother, I'll make sure to hit his freaking face!."

" Alright make sure to aim properly". The older brother with tall stature affirmed.

The younger child with blonde hair picks a pebble size stone in the river bank and he aims to strike Lance cold black eyes.

" Hehehe with this I will replace your eye with a pebble!.

As the child aimed at him, Lance closed his eyes waiting to be hit. He reminded himself to be strong and endure it as long as he survives today. He will have his revenge in the future. As the child with blonde hair was about to strike him.

They hear a loud shout in the distance " Stop! " When they saw who's coming, the four children's faces looked awful and slightly pale. They immediately run without another look who it was again and ran inside the forest. Lance was left alone, he was still closing his eyes while trembling when suddenly a soft body embraced him while saying

" Lancelot are you okay? Don't worry, big sister is here! You can relax now."

As it turns out it was his big sister Becky. Lance opened his eyes and saw that he was in the embrace of a well-shaped figure. He felt a little suffocated because his face was tightly pasted in front of his big sister's ample chest.

" Now this feels relaxing,"

he thought but then he immediately acted scared and pitiful to avoid suspicion. After a while his big sister let go of him, he then saw a breathtaking face as it turned out that his big sister was so beautiful. Her face has an oval face with a slightly pointy chin and almond-like lips as well as blue captivating eyes. His big sister smiled at him and said

"Why are you looking at me like that? stop staring at me in a daze hahaha".

Surprised in his action, Lance immediately tried to put himself in reality and smiled

" big sister I am fine thank you for saving me!".

"You're welcome, my little brother!" Becky replied amiably.

She then asked what happened to him and about those children. Lance briefly recounts what happened and his understanding of the situation. As it turns out when he fell in the river he was out here on the riverside. He found himself full of bruises and injuries and when he was cleaning himself he heard someone shouting for him so he called for help but drawn trouble instead. When his big sister heard his plight, she became angry and cursed those children.

" Damned those rascals if not for uncle Rick backing them as the head family chief. I would have already besieged those naughty children and tortured them every day." Depressed of her incapability to seek redress for her little brother she felt depressed even more thinking about it.

Sensing his big sister's situation, Lance said with a smile " Big sister it's okay I will have my revenge in the future, don't mind it too much."

"Okay then if you can walk let's go home " Becky smiled and suggested to go home to treat his injuries.

"Big sister I cannot walk properly yet please help me." Alright grab my shoulder." Becky then helped Lance walk and they headed to their mansion.