
Chapter 17

Charlene had been the only one to leave a bad aftertaste, and Edie knew she shouldn’t judge all women by one lapse in judgement. But she wasn’t sure she was ready to let herself get caught up in anyone else just yet. A relationship took time and effort or it fizzled out, as she’d learned in the past. And she had too much on her plate already. Plus there was the fact that Joanne was essentially a client, or related to a client, which might get messy.

Still, she couldn’t deny the immediate attraction she felt to Joanne. Part of it had been the mussed clothes and wide-eyed, just woken up stare when they first met. But it went deeper than that, as Edie found out over lunch. Joanne was very pretty, and forthright—she spoke her mind and knew what she wanted, and her obvious interest in Edie only added to her appeal.