
Is Jacob jealous!?

After my classes were over yesterday, I had to go straight home because my mom had made dinner.

Of course it was delicious as always but I couldn't wait to go to sleep just so it could be morning again and I can have a new day to do new things.

That's the thing with me. Sometimes life can get pretty fucked up, but I tend to look at the good things in life, I mean you only live once. Why waste it with misery and sorrow.

I'm just an advantageous kinda gal. Very atomistic some might say. I do pretty messed up things tho just cause I like to live life on the edge, make mistakes, do that thing your to scared to do, I don't do regrets.

But besides the fact, it's pretty fricking awesome I met the people I did yesterday and I'm not gonna let anything take that away.

I just woke up about an hour ago. Got ready and now I'm making my own breakfast. Mom I guess left early for work, she has to do that sometimes. She actually is a Nurse at the new hospital in the city, that's why we moved here. So she has to take early morning shifts which is fine. I walk to school all the time anyways.

I quickly ate and grabbed my bag, before walking outside and seeing my light blue bike that my mom set in the front. Perfect.

I hop on and head to school.

After arriving at my huge school and parking my bike I happened to see my little new group of friends hanging out by the stairs of the entrance.

Tessa, and Ben sitting on the little bench. Ethan leaning against the railing, and Jacob sitting on the brick wall.

Walking up the steps Ethan was the first to see me.

"Hey newbie pleasure seeing you this early."

He says grabbing the others attention towards me.

"Well you know couldn't wait much longer to see my new, strange friends."

"Hey I'm not strange, that's all Ben." Tessa jokes.

"What!? I am not strange I'm intelligent unlike Mr. Dumbo over here." Ben says, referring to Jacob.

"Hey hey know need to at each other over here." Jacob says putting his arms up in surrender. "Look what you did Cece. You already have us raped around your little finger." He says with a smirk.

"What can I say. I have that effect on a lot of people." I joke right back with a smirk.

"Mhm" he mumbles.

"Anyways. I didn't think y'all were a morning group."

"Ya we just like to hang out before school sense we barely have any classes together." Tessa says.

"Ah I'm actually pretty sure I have almost every class with at least one of y'all."

"Lucky you." Tessa jokes.

"She's not wrong." Ethan clarifies.

"Actually ya. You have second with me and Ethan." Ben implies.

"Right and you have third and sixth with me." Tessa also adds.

"And fourth with me." Ethan says.

"Fifth and seventh." Jacob says with a nod.

"So it just leads to first which is homeroom." Tessa says.

"Wow I guess y'all are right. And I have Jace in first."

"Who's jace?" Jacob asks.

"Why you jealous." I joke. And he just scuffs.

"He's just one of my new friends. He's also new here."

"That makes sense. We would have known him if he wasn't." Ethan says.


*bell rings*

"Alright well I gotta get going. My home room teacher doesn't like to wait."

"Ya. Have fun with jace." Tessa says exaggerating the E In a flirty joking way.

"Shut up!" I joke back and then flip her off.


(First period)

"Uh hey Cerara." Jace says.

"Hey! How was your first day yesterday. I guess we only have one class together."

"Ya I wish we could have had more. I didn't really have anyone to talk to. But other then that it was nice."

"Oh really I'm sorry."

"No worries. Did you meet any new people?"

"Ya actually I met this friend group. I think they really like me." I joke.

"Oh that's good for you."

"Did you find someone to sit with at lunch?" I ask.

"No. I just ate in the bathroom."

"Omg no! What luck do you have?"

"A lunch."

"Oh really!? I do too. I guess you got there before me because I didn't see you. You can eat with me and my friends today at lunch I'm sure they won't mind."


"Ya of course!"

"Thank you."



"Jace! Hey!" I had just gotten out of fourth period with Ethan but I had to go to my locker so Ethan just headed to lunch.

"Hi Cerara."

"You still gonna eat lunch with me and my crew?"

"Ya sure. Lead the way."


"Hey guys! This is jace. Do you mind if he sits with us today?" I ask everyone as I approach.

"Oh so this is the jace Cerara was talking about." Tessa explains with a grin.

"Uh you talk about me?" He asks shyly.

"Well ya I was just telling them about jap I have first period with you!" I said before leaning on the table next to Ben who was to busy reading a book.

"So can he sit with us?"

"Sure!" Tessa says. Before Jacob says no right after.

"Wait why J?" I ask him.

But he doesn't say anything.

"Of course you can ignore him." Tessa says. Jace sits down next to me and Tessa while Ethan is on the other side of Ben and Jacob is beside Ethan. I can help but look up to Jacob who is just starring down at the table in his thoughts.

Ethan nudges Jacob so sweet of he was ok but he just pushes him away.

"Are you okay Jacob?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I'm fine." He says short and simple before standing up and walking away.

"I'm gonna go follow him." Ethan says before getting up grabbing his things and trailing beside Jacob.

Jace then got up and moved to where Jacob was sitting to give us all more room.

"What was his problem?" I wished to Tessa.

Jace was to busy on his phone and Ben was still reading.

"He just has trouble letting new people in."

"He didn't have trouble with me?"

"Well that's cause your a hot enthusiastic girl who doesn't take no for an answer." Tessa laughs.

"I guess you right. But he shouldn't act like that. I was just trying to help jace meet new people."

"Ya. It's just hard for Jacob. People tend to walk out of his life very easily. Maybe he was just scared jace would take you away from him."

"Why does it matter if he does? Jacob barely even knows me."

"Well I'm just saying. In general. I mean jace could take me away from him too who knows."

"Ya I guess. It's just weird."

"Maybe he's jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Maybe he does thing you will pick jace over him and you will leave him."

"Your joking right! Jacob barely knows me!"

"I don't know man." She starts judging me playfully.

"Maybe he's got a thing for you." She jokes.

"With a hot best friend like you. Trust me. He doesn't." We both start laughing.

"What are y'all laughing at?" Ben asks.

"Wait where did the boys go?"

Me and Tessa look at each other and back at Ben and just start cracking up.


After lunch I went to my fifth period, which I sit right next to Jacob. And the whole time we wouldn't talk to me at all. We just at I'm silence the whole time. Was he mad at me?

Idk but this class was so boring today I ended up falling asleep and I didn't even remember that I did until I woke up with my head laying on Jacobs shoulder. At first I freaked out inside. But then I realized. He didn't wake me up, or move me. He just left me to sleep with my head resting on his shoulder. So maybe he wasn't mad at me? Or maybe he just didn't want to be rude? Either way a small smile appeared on my face and I ended up falling asleep again.