
Marriage Proposal

"Why are you here Ishita" Raj asks without looking at him.

"My father has thrown a party for successful cooperation between our company. And you are here with this bitch , com'n we need to go, " Ishita tells Raj while pulling from his chair.

" I am not interested in that party, and I am not going anywhere" Raj tells Ishita and move his body away from her.

Ishita gets furious with Raj replies and shouts " you are rejecting me due to this bitch. I will just...." Ishita tries to hit Nisha but Raj suddenly holds her hand in mid air and slaps her face. This attracted lots of attention which embarassed Ishita.

" Get lost from here and don't you dare to approach Nisha . She is my life ,she is .. my everything. If anything happens to her I will completely destroy you. " Raj warns Ishita and points his finger at the gate of resturant.

" You .. you just wait . I will make you mine an Thai damn bitch , I am not going to just sit silent. Just you wait..." Ishita shouts with frustrated look and leaves the restaurant.

"Don't worry darling, as long as iam with you she will not even dare to harm you " Raj comforts Nisha and rubs his hand over Nisha's hand. " Now we should finish our dinner and I also want to see the big surprise." Raj tries to make Nisha smile.

After finishing dinner, Nisha pass the box to Raj in a shy way. When Raj reads the paper first he is in complete shocked and then his expression changes to suprise and then change in excitement. And then he asks Nisha " Is this true , am I really going to become father"

Nisha nodes her head while looking down and smiling silently. After confirming This from Nisha he so excited that he hold Nisha high up and shouts in excitement " I am going to become father , I am going to become father." And they both spend their quality time together.

Meanwhile in Ishita room she was crying while holding her teady bear. After hearing sound from his daughter room Abhijeet Oberoy comes in Ishita's room and comforts her.

After some time Abhijeet asks Ishita "what happened Ishi why are you crying". And the he runs his hand over Ishita's head ."Tell me what happened I will solve it for you, if you want anything tell me I will get that thing for you . I am Abhijeet Oberoy, I will get everything that you want my darling,"

"Papa" Ishita again starts crying nad hugs her Father "I want Raj ,I want him. He has to be mine, I want him. I can't live without him , I want him dad I want him. " Ishita goes crazy while shouting.

" Don't worry Ishi , I will get him for you . Today and Now "

"Really" Ishita looks to her father with lots of expectations.

" Yes , I will talk to Amarkant Aryan about this now . You don't have to worry darling." Abhijeet says and hugs her daughter an comforts her.

And then he calls Amarkant " Ya hello, I want to talk about your and son and my daughter marriage" . Abhijeet tells him.

"Ok , but this is not right way to talk about this . Come to my house we talk about matter over a cup of tea and don't forget to bring your daughter" Amarkant tells Abhijeet and reminds him about his daughter.

In Evening Abhijeet with his daughter visits to Amarkant's house and there Abhijeet proposed the marriage of Raj and Ishita in front of Amarkant. And Amarkant also accept this Marriage.

When they were talking about the details of Marriage date , it's venue, etc. Then Suddenly Raj comes in the hall.