
Sweet Little Kisses

Alex look at Lara for a long time after his sister went out of the study. This girl his assistant abducted mistakenly though afraid isn't in hysterics at all. She is strong but she seems fragile. She seems kind, but doesn't trust easily. This girl must have been alone for a long time he thought. But then she has child, so she has a family right?

She has the same face as Crystal but she isn't the same. He must have been stressed so much not to notice it right away. Aside from her chocolate brown hair that is currently in a bun (Crystal always has her hair black, silky straight and never out of place), this girl's character is too plain.

Her clothes simple, her face readable. And she has quite the temper too, even when she found out who he is she didn't backed down in insisting to go.

Lara on the other side, doesn't know what to think of the man in front of her. Why don't he send me home? Why didn't he recognize she's not his wife right away. His sister can easily tell alright. In her little knowledge of the rich, they are so busy with whatever they do that they shouldn't have time to bother with the like of her. Thus what is he doing looking at her all this time?

"Mr. Liu--"

"Come, I'll take you home." He doesn't even let her finish. Nevermind that's what she wanted to say anyway.

Lara followed the man. But upon reaching the car she realized he'll be the one personally sending her home. There's no one else on sight. But she did not dare open her mouth and walked right in the passenger seat when he opened the door.

He asked her home address.

"If you may please drop me off at the--"

"Your home." In a very flat tone that Lara didn't argue anymore, but gave her best friend's Jenny's address instead. She wanted to take Luke home.


Luke was sleeping soundly at the guest room when she arrived. But when she took him in her arms the boy woke up and hug her tight calling her Mommy.

"Sorry baby I'm late" she murmured while giving him kisses.

"Is okay mommy you're here now." Lara smiled at the sweetness of her son. Luke is the only blessing she got from heaven. Through all the hardships she faced the past years, one kiss from her son is enough to wash the tears away.

Even just now, one hug is enough to calm her down. Her emotions were really on a riot inside her. Who is Crystal? Why do they look so much alike? Why does Alex seem not to recognize his own wife?

But one hug from her son chase all these thoughts away. The day she learned her parents' accident she almost lost her mind. She doesn't know what to do. She just finished high school, where would she go? Her paternal relatives are in a different country. Her maternal relatives she never knew. Suddenly she is alone in the world.

Her parents left her enough money to pursue her studies at least. She was in the Conservatory of Music for two years before she got Luke. Those two years was a blur. She immersed herself in music, and apart from Jenny, she has no friends. She has no desire to socialize. When Luke came she was nervous, she don't know what to do.

Gladly Jenny was there for her. They raised Luke together. And slowly her world is graced with happiness and sweetness and little kisses.

"Mommy let's go home" Luke murmured sleepily in her neck.

"Sure baby."

She said her thanks to her best friend who waved her hand saying it's nothing and that they are family. Indeed, throughout the years, Jenny's family has been generous for her. They take care of Luke when she needs to work. The Jiangs owns a small company and Jenny together with her older brother runs it so her best friend has a lot of time taking care of Luke. Jenny does it so Lara won't need to hire a nanny besides she love Luke too.

Maybe when Luke grows up some more, she can come back to the Conservatory to finish her studies. But right now, she wants to cherish Luke everyday and give him the best she can provide.

She stepped out of the house and was shocked to see Alex Liu still there, leaning on his car waiting for her.