
I found her first

It isn't uncommon to find similar facial features of oneself to another person. However, usually another person points it out to you, with sometimes the person being told to deny the similarity.

If somebody tells her that she looks like somebody else apart from her mother, Crystal would probably deny it vehemently, being the narcissist she is.

But, she saw it for herself. She saw two reflections of her in the mirror, the other having brown hair. Same eyes, nose, lips and even the height! The other girl has pinkish white skin while she has flawless white. But the similar face can't be denied.

If she was a celebrity, a fan might take up cosmetic surgery to look more like her. But she didn't follow her mother in that way. Furthermore, hearing that girl's reluctance in buying an expensive dress, with her wearing simple clothes, how can she afford such procedure?

She look at the photo of the girl in her phone that she secretly took. Lara Lee.

Without another thought, she dialled a man's number from her phonebook. He was her suitor from high school who joined the military following his family.

"Babe, took you long enough to call me back." The man greeted from the other line.

Irritation riled up inside Crystal but she pushed it back. Thank the heavens he didn't change numbers. He gave it to her when they graduated however she has no interest in him, until today, and it is for a different reason.

"I need you to do something."

"Nothing comes for free, baby." He chuckled.

Damn this man! He is still as arrogant, probably more so.

"Sure. Name your price. However, you must keep this confidential between us." She warned.

"Sounds fun. But I don't need your money." She felt anxious with the tone of his voice but she proceed anyway.

"Then what do you want?"

"Dine with me. It's been a lifelong dream." She can almost see the corner of his lips curl up as he said that.

Actually the guy is good looking, and a good catch too. Too bad she is set on marrying Alex Liu, if only to prove her grandparents she isn't stupid like her mother as they say.


Then she gave him her instructions.


It took another three days for the guy to call her back. With it an email reporting comprehensively about Lara Lee.

Oh, she just lost her parents last year. An only child of an average parents, studying Music at the Conservatory.

However as she scanned the pictures following the word format report, her eyes went wide. Lara's parents, Charles and Lana Lee.

If she found that she and Lara had similar faces, then this time she might as well had look at her own face smiling with a man she doesn't know! Her fingers trembled as she click the other photos.

There were photos when Lara was a baby, growing up, celebrating birthdays. All in those photos with her parents. Playing on the playground, attending school, visiting the country side. It was a picture of a happy family.

Tears fell down from her eyes and she angrily wiped them away.

This! This ain't real!

Dialling that suitor's number again she asked him to investigate Lana Lee this time.

"I already tried looking into it, clean slate. Her information is only from the time she married Charles Lee." He said from the other line.

"How can that be?! Have you looked into your base?" She was referring to the classified information that only the military has access to.

"Babe I just joined here remember? I can try asking my dad about it but you know I can't guarantee..." He remained skeptical.

"Send me whatever you can find." Agitated, unsure what to do or think anymore, she has to get him to help her. There's just no one else she knew that would help her uncover this under her grandparent's noses.

The guy on the line sighed. He really likes Crystal and it doesn't really matter if she give nothing back. He may seem arrogant but he is actually a nice guy. The girl he loves for almost three years is in dire need of help. After telling her he will see what he can do, he ended the call.

That was two chapters of throwback haha gomenasai gomenasai I promised a romantic dinner but I just can't seem to stop writing about this part.

13/15 for this week

I can't believe my imagination is still strong after answering math the whole day.

Let's see if I can write some more of Lara, or I might turn to Dreamcatcher instead.

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts