
Finding his lost heart

A MIRACULOUS TALE OF HUMAN GIRL AND A GHOST BOY....!! 18+ mature content , abusing language and killing is also part of this book.... If you're uncomfortable then don't read.... Daniel : He is one of the handsome billionaires fell in love with the wrong girl.... Jennifer : She is The Pure of heart , one man kind of girl fell for someone who never cherished her.... Both betrayed by the one they love the most... One suffered more than anybody can imagine , More than He deserve....!!! Other heart broke but she made one wrong decision which changed her life completely...!!! Was that their fate to meet each other like that? How can their strings attached with just one small breakable thing?.... Will they accept each other and trust after being betrayed before? ***************** Daniel"" Will you help me? "" Jennifer ' Yes.... I will ' ****************** Daniel "" I have to go "" Jennifer ' Don't go... I love you ' ***************** Daniel life was short filled with betryal people but His soul didn't vanished because there was something chained it and thus he spend many years alone in cold drk place...... Jennifer somehow found something she shouldn't and thus she Started having visions....Visions that are not just any visions but thimgs that happened with Daniel....She decided to go to that place to see what is connected with that place and then..... She Met Daniel.... Will she leave him like others did? or will she help him? Will he accept her good intentions or will he try to scare her away or most likely will they fall in love?

Mehak Zaidi · Urban
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127 Chs

♡♡ He Confessed / Such an Easy Target ♡♡

** I am not crying because of you

I am crying because my Delusion about you has Shattered by the truth of who you really are **

( Jennifer S.O.S )

It's been whole week and he is always around me.... He followed me in the university.... Followed us back home and no matter how much Merry curse him he won't stop coming after us.... He come to my place almost every evening by saying that he will help me with my assignment which he was actually doing too....and because of him my work has become easy.

but What's making me uncomfortable is that he is getting physical now.....

I mean he sat very close to me while helping me with work....He hug me while coming and going back.....He touched my hand and hairs sometimes and even looking at me without blinking...... I am uncomfortable because due to his action my heart is racing madly....It's getting hard to control my emotions and keep him away from my private zone....

- Open the door sweetheart -

' Coming '