
Finding Her Destiny

Charlotte Rose is the next future queen of the Crescent pack in one of the kingdoms from the north. All of her life she has been taught how to rule the kingdom. However she is in a battle with herself, because she wants to rule the kingdom. At the same time she feels in her heart that there is more to her destiny. Her life flips upside down as the Prince from the well known Blood moon pack runs into her. They have a connection that she doesn't know how to explain. She wont know if he is her mate until the golden moon appears in the sky. This is a story about romance, adventure and a lot of twist-and-turns throughout the story. Once Charlotte is faced with her true destiny, will she choose to follow it? Or will she choose the destiny that she was born into? Continue reading to find out more.....

Grace_Rivers · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Carriage ride

I gave a quick hug to my parents before walking over to where the carriages are waiting.

When I turned the corner Lord James leaned back on the doorway talking to Luke. He was running his hand through his hair when he spotted me.

His smile started to fade as I got closer, however he held his hand out to help me into the large carriage.

I smiled as I gazed at the ground then slowly started to make my way towards his eyes. Taking every moment to memorize his body in his royal suit.

He had on a royal blue suit like mine, with a gold tassel that hung over his muscles shoulders with grace. Once I was fully in the carriage he stepped in.

He swiftly pulled the door shut and motioned for us to go. Then all at once the horses began to take off.

"I didn't want you to join me on this journey."-Lord James

I let him sit  in silence as I decided what to say to his response. I was surprised he didn't want me to come with him on this journey.

Earlier he was about to rip my dress off and now he is distancing himself away from me.

"Well my Lord, I could care less about what you would prefer. Because anywhere you go I will go."

I said as I turned my body towards the window. I could tell he was trying his best to smile at my response.

I watched out the window as countless trees paced by in flashes. Then Lord James decided to speak again.

"We will be stopping at my fathers kingdom before we make the journey to the other kingdom I mentioned before.However we should arrive there around nightfall tomorrow."

"We are about to meet the king of the blood moon pack!" Arie said in excitement as she twirled around in my head. I rolled my eyes and continued to look out the window as the night began to take over the land.

After hours of silence, I decided to speak. "So do you have any advice for me Jamie?"

I said as I started to peel my eyes from the window and gaze upon the handsome man sitting in front of me.

A smirk crossed his face as I said to Jamie, "You must be on guard in my kingdom, you must have heard the stories about it."

I leaned closer towards him." Yes I have." Then I leaned back and rested my head upon the backing of the cushioned seats in the carriage.

I slowly fell into a deep sleep. I awoke to an empty carriage and no movement.

I rubbed my eyes to the harsh sunlight beaming into the carriage window. I reached for the handle when someone opened it for me.

"I am pleased to see you have finally awoken, my love."

I nudged  him to the side as he got back into the carriage."Is that bacon I smell?"

"Yes, we stopped to eat something before we got back on the road. However you looked so peaceful while you snored, I didn't want to bother you."

"I do not snore!" I said angrily. "Here I fixed you a plate to eat on the way." Once I had the plate firmly in my hand the carriage took off.

Hours later as the darkness of night was placed upon us again he spoke once more, after being silent for hours.

"Look over that hill. That is my castle." He said as he leaned over me and pointed out the window.

As I gazed out of the window of the carriage, I could see torches lighting the way to a huge gray castle in the distance.

Once the carriage was fully stopped Jamie opened the door and jumped out before lifting his hand up for me.

I took his hand while looking towards the castle gates that were now open. A line of maids and guards were waiting for our arrival.

Even as we passed by them Jamie still held my hand. Until one of the guards walked up to him. He slowly dropped my hand as the guard started to speak.

"Lord James, I am glad to see you back at the kingdom. Shall I wake your father and tell him of your arrival?"

"No, I will speak to that old beast tomorrow, right now I want to get into my bed."

Jamie said as he took my hand once more and the guard bowed as he went back into formation.

I could quickly tell that Jamie had alpha blood running in his veins by how much the people at the castle respected him.

We walked up the stairs and down a few hallways until we made it to one of the rooms.

"I place your things in here, Lord James." A maid said as she bowed her body as she gazed upon Jamie as if he was a god.

"Thank you, you are dismissed." He said as he gestured for her to move so he could walk into the room.

I was still at a lost of words because if this was his chambers why would he still be holding my hand.

"My Lord, I was going to help the lady out of her clothes before I was dismissed." She said in a shaky voice.

"No need, I will do it myself." He said as he pushed her gently to the side as he made his way into the room. I was shocked at how large his chambers were.

The bed itself looked as if multiple people could sleep in it. However for tonight it would just be me and him