

*There is fire on the mountain run run run run to your house, but when the fire is in our house where do we run too* What happens when the people that are close to you are responsible for your down fall? What happens if you can't trust anyone, and every one is a threat to you? What happens when a young girl was rescued by the police force and no criminal was apprehend? Join her on her adventurous journey of love, lost, betrayal, and friendship as she is on a mission to find out who she really is?, or even better who she really was?, as she is determined and will not stop until she finds out what happened to her. Is her past the answer? Find out what happens to Habiba in her quest in "FINDING HABIBA"

mu_eedarh · Fantasy
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166 Chs


(Monday the 12th of August, the day of her rescue)

Woowoooo, wooooowoooo, wooooowoooo,"

The sound of the Siren of the police as they came in to pick me up.

"Hello?... Hello?... Hello?"

The police men shouts at an innocent girl who lies on the floor *shit* that innocent girl is me. I was lying down on the floor beaten nearly to death I could not move a muscle.

"There is a girl, and she needs help bring in the ambulance. "

He shouted at his telephone.

"What in the hell happened?" She was asking as if I had a clue.

A female police officer said while bringing in a stretcher which they took me in.


Well that was two weeks ago and obviously I fell so much better, no not really but if better is I am not dead and still in one piece and I fell a bit at home then yes, you can call me better.


"Can you hear me?"

"I said can you hear me?"

"Can you hear me?" A policeman shouted at me!

"Yessss! Yesssss! Yessssss!"

Dear policemen,

Don't you know that I was captured two weeks ago, and I escaped comma just this Monday and I have been diagnosed with amnesia due to injury and shock so please let me fell like the queen and stop bothering me I am tired already. So don't add to my stress.

 Yours lovely miss sick.

He snapped me out of my thoughts with his deadly glance that made me realized I have not answered his question.

" y.....e.....s.....s.....s"

I said as those words came out of me with fear and anxiety, in my mind wondering why my mouths were too heavy to be raised up. I finally gave a nod.


The officer said with a light smile!

"My name is detective Yusuf and this is my partner" ..... It took a long time before I could move my head to the direction of his hands!

" Detective Janet nice to meet you dear" the woman said in her nice, sweet and kind voice.

"What's your name!, Miss...." She signed out to me expecting me to make a sentence


That's not the type of question you should be asking me, here I go.

Any moment from now *my name isssss*.

What why the hell can't I remember my own name

oh my darling GOD ..... No it can't be who am I, I don't even remember my name then who..... Mom, dad!! Are those even real words, I am scared.

" Hmmmmmmm hmm"

Those were the only words that came out of my mouth, I continued to breathe as I started felling my body sweating, and I was getting hot.

  I breathe profusely as light started fading around me, it was only a matter of time before I.

Yes I passed out "give her a break" the beautiful nurse said as she came smiling into the room. They all left and the nurse got me back again as she whispered into my ears.

"Go to sleep habiba, very soon it will all be clear to you"

What who is she I struggled to fight but my lips were sealed and I did not understand why, I suddenly felt a slight pain in my elbow, as I looked down words she was removing a needle from my flesh and I started filling dizzy as she had just injected me with a sleeping dose.


"Haabibaaa haarunna" a deep and loud voice shouted from behind.

" Habiba, habiba get down your full" an angry voice screened while dragging my skirt.

" I am sorry, sorry I screamed

The big and hefty man had nothing to lose as he rose his hands above covering the window which was our only source of oxygen and light, I was panting profusely as my heart was pounding as I was screening and no one heard, I believed there was no one in this abandoned house as his hands were about to reach me.

Bam it happened like a movie and I woke up just to realize that it was just a horrible night mere or afternoon mere I guess cos it's still afternoon.


A nurse shouted as I jerked on my bed repeatedly like a drum. 

"Doctor, doctor, doctor" the helpless nurse shouted repeatedly as it seems she was clueless of what to do.

After a while the doctor came in, and I was stabilized, I gain consciousness slowly and my sight was blur as if snow fell down my lashes. I tried to gather my thought as I heard a familiar voice coming towards me, it said in a low voice.

"Do you think that what the other girl is saying is true"!

A policeman muttered to his other college as they walked closely to me.

" Habiba haruna" they said I couldn't help but stare straight into their eyes. As if that was my name. They left without a word and unconsciously I began to talk to the almost gone officers.

"Is_is th_at myyy" my voice shivering and my body shaking as I continued "my_my my name?" I asked in confusion.

" Yes according to the girl who was rescued alongside you around the same axis" the officer said happily

Which girl?, there was another girl and I don't know about her.

" Glad you're felling better" he added as the door shut behind him leaving.

" Thanks I stayed in a low voice.

Dear girl who was captured alongside me,

How do you know my name?, and why don't I, even if the dream I had said the same thing how can I trust you, we were together but I know nothing about you, why?

 Yours angrily.

I said as I moved deep and deeper into my thought, which lasted for ever.


It has been weeks since I came to this hospital and yes I am really felling better now, if wheelchair is what you mean by better than yes, I am temporarily paralyzed.

" Good morning miss haruna" a nurse said staring at me in the eyes, this was a different nurse, really after that incident with the name-calling nurse I haven't had an encounter with her again.

"Good morning nurse marry" I said with a smile, this is the nurse that was specially allocated to a special patient me.

"How are you doing my lovely" she asked and I answered

" Been better there was a long period of silence which she broke by saying.

" You won't believe what just happened

Me not Showing any interest in what she was about to say*as if I cared*

 "What?" She was already fixing a thermometer under my arm as she said in a low voice!

"Your parents are outside" 


"What"..." Are... Is.... They.....real" I mumbled in a slow and horrible cracked voice, I managed to put my self in order and asked again

"Are they really my parents? " The nurse looked at me with pity as she already knew about my condition, and so she said with a smile that wasn't as light as usual!

" Hab, of course they are the police confirmed it yesterday as they brought things that belongs to you like your bag pack, phone and so on. They are even with your birth certificate dear".

After a long while she continued!

And the other victim agreed to all their stories and also they march perfectly with everything here, so baby no need to panic okay your memories are not far they just need to be triggered and going to familiar places will definitely work the magic, trust me" she assured me with a worm smile.

She said while parking her dressing materials.

I was injured in the head but not deep as I moved in slowly into my taught ... Never mind the doctor warns against thinking or any form of mental tasking for now sooo, Nothing, In case I forget.

Dear GOD,

thanks for loving and caring for me as a human I believe what happened is in my destiny and it could have been worst but you know what is best for me and you chose to let me go through this task to increase my faith and trust in you.

 Thanks yours faithfully unknown.

"What" the ugly policeman standing in front of me said as he saw my smile that almost turned into laughter because of my subconsciousness wrote unknown to my letter to my GOD which I kinda still find funny because *duh* I don't know my name but I guess habiba is not a bad name Right.

Dear brain,

As we will have it your cerebrum is not well functional, I don't blame you. On your register of permanent memories that I will not lose again write this in capital letters please? ?💖

NAME: HABIBA HARUNA. And I will give you the rest in formation later.

 Yours bodily. 

*this dumb are you to put an emoji on your letter, so unprofessional of you*

" What is wrong with you, I am talking to you" the police shouted.

" You should not interrupt her thought she needs her self consciousness right now" a calm and gentle yet seductive voice of a young fellow who seemed to have been watching me the whole morning interrupted before I could say a word.

Turns out he is a doctor in the hospital, *No sorry* I mean to say he is my doctor, *I mean it when I say my Doctor*. I can already fell better just by looking at him and his hot *I mean hot body*.

Dear hotty of the day "Dr",

give me two doses of you cause baby that's all I need to get better, I have been bed sick for two weeks but you can take me home now baby, yes, you can take me to heaven because we will burn hell with this you exceptionally hot body of yours we will go places my love.

 Your darling kiss.

" Hi love you seem to be on a good mood"

What did he just call me love?

" Yes" I said with a loud smile. Keep calm idiot he only did that because he does not know your horrible name and dummy he is trying to be nice to you full.

" True" I said aloud while given off my smile with a horrible excuse for a smile that does not fit my beautiful face.

" What?" He muttered in a low and caring voice!

" Nothing doc…t.o.r Must"

I said trying to read his name of his laboratory coat.

"Dam somebody get me some ice because I am evaporation here". I muttered in an extremely low voice which I think he kinda heard cos he gave an unpleasant smile.

He gave me a long stair till he left which made me fell as if he heard me or wait he is black Superman, so he hears everything, and he is hear to save the day, *no he is just here to collect my report*.

"Sweet dreams princes this time it was the voice of my lovely nurse...

"Hmm what's her name again?" I said aloud as she heard me and came over.

" Habib's you will get the hang of it soon" she whispered gently on my Cotton soft pillow, which my lovely bruised head was on.

" Yeah" I answered with a nod while trying to find the best sleeping position.

" nighty night" I whispered with a loud yawn, she switched off the lights and bam my head was filled with questions!

Who am I?, am I going to get married to the Dr?, what do they want from me?, if they really were my parents, why haven't they come to see me?, why?, how?.

None of these makes any sense, I don't think I can cope I should just throw my self off a rooftop and end my pain there. *I guess time shall tell* those where the only words that took me to sleep. Finally, tomorrow will answer all my questions I believe.

But if there is something I am sure of it's my religion, I know that I am a Muslim but I don't really know who I am or where I belong, I am indeed lost....

Hi gyes if you really love this book support  with a review and also comment on the book, tell me what you lime about this character cheers. I will see you next in my beautiful chapter bye, till then.