Claude seethed as he left the nunnery without Camellia.
Why does everyone and everything require the grand duchess's attention? At this point, there has to be a problem with the system.
"Lord Sergio is with Lady Jessica right now, my lord," Caruso reported as he joined Claude going up the main staircase.
"What? Where?"
"In her room."
"And you let them be?"
"Lady Jessica said it was all right, my lord."
"Why would you trust the word of a child?!"
"Because… it's Lady Jessica, my lord," Caruso replied as he took the grand duke's coat.
Claude strode down the main hallway as he swept back his hair. He'd noticed the young fool running out of the car toward Lia at the nunnery while he was waiting for her. If he hadn't recognized him, Claude would have punched him then and there.