
Let That Sink In

You stood out in the middle of the field, staring at where a door once was. Rain began to fall and they mixed with your tears, the thunder masking your sobs. It was still cold out from it being March, but you didn't care. So you slowly sat down and stared up into the rain, not even listening to Lucifer's horribly off-key singing. "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say. Sunshine she's here, you can take away. I'm a hot air balloon, I could go to space! With the air, like I don't care baby by the way!" he sang even louder than before. At this, you snapped and whirled around. "I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I've lost everything that's ever mattered to me and you're ? Do you want me bad? Well, congrats! You've lost me forever, Lucifer! I hope you stay locked in the Cage alone forever, locked away with yourself forever! I was wrong to trust you at all! You're not misunderstood, I feel nothing but hatred for you! You're sick and evil and twisted and cruel and vile and horrible and appalling and repulsive and I don't hate you, I  you!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, hurling yourself at him. 

You knew you'd just go through him, but it still made you even madder. You screamed and yelled and cried out for revenge, but the only thing that happened was John came out to meet you, holding you tight as you thrashed and screamed. Dean and Sam watched from the porch, but you didn't care. After almost twenty minutes, your throat was on fire and no more tears came out. You stilled suddenly and slumped back against John's chest. "What a temper tantrum! Does Daddy need to punish his little girl?" asked Lucifer in a childish tone with a smirk on his face. You looked right through him with a defeated look on your face. John picked you up and carried you inside, stroking your hair gently when you were still limp. Before he crossed the doorway to go inside, Dean took you from his arms and took you the rest of the way. Sitting on the couch with you in his arm, he asked you what was wrong, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. So he settled for just holding you. 

"Dean, we have to get her out of those clothes before she freezes. (Y/n), either we do it or you do. Pick your poison," said Sam, holding out a pair of sweatpants and one of your shirts. You stared at him and traced the letter's S-A-M-'-S  P-L-A-I-D on the back of Dean's hand. He tilted his head at you, so you did it again until he understood what you wanted. "Go grab one of your flannel's," he ordered. When Sam didn't go, Dean nodded at you. Sam understood and went to get one. He was back quickly and handed it to you. You took them silently and left the room to change. 

You chose to change in the bedroom you shared with Dean and Sam. Opening the window, you stuck your hand out and felt the gentle rain on your hand. "Take your clothes off, (Y/n)," edged on Lucifer. Another tear slid down your face and you quickly changed, ignoring Lucifer's catcalls. You were so cold. Slinking back out to the living room, you found Dean still sitting, minus the shirt that you'd soaked. Now that you looked at him, he was actually kinda handsome. That hard chest, the full lips and his shining green eyes that you were seemingly seeing for the first time. He slipped a dry shirt on, finally noticing you. "Come here," he said, holding one hand out to you. You took it and sat down beside him, throwing a leg over his. His warm hands covered your cold one and he pulled your head into his neck.

 Another tear rolled down your cheek and then another, soon changing into another weeping session. "Shhh, it's okay, (Y/n), nothing bad's gonna happen to you. I'm gonna keep you safe and nothing is going to happen, (Y/n)," he whispered, pulling you tight against him. You wrapped a hand in his shirt, holding him like he was the only thing holding you down to reality. "Oh, poor boy's trying to comfort you like he can make a difference!" snickered Lucifer. You turned around to glance at him. "What are you looking at?" asked Dean. You didn't reply. "You have to talk sometimes, sweetheart," he continued.

Sam was still leaning against the doorway with a bottle of beer that he'd taken from John between his fingers. By then, you'd fallen asleep. Only for a moment, but Sam obviously thought it was enough to talk about you. "Something happened with Gabriel. I don't know what, but she looks like she's seen Hell. Do you... Do you think he dumped her? He was always attached to her at the hip," said Sam quietly. "I don't know. I hope he did. He pissed me off, just wasn't right for my (Y/n)," replied Dean, brushing the hair from face. "  (Y/n)? Possessive, aren't we?" teased Sam. "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" screamed Lucifer in your ear and you sat up and fell to the floor. The boys stared at you, but you were occupied with looking at Lucifer. "(Y/n)? You have to talk to me, princess. Tell me what's wrong," said Dean in a low voice, staring at you. Lucifer was laughing hard enough to hold his ribs. Sam had come to your side and had a hand on your shoulder like you were about to blow up. You pushed passed him and went straight for the bathroom. You slammed the door behind you and locked it just as Dean ran into it.

"(Y/n), open the door," he demanded, obviously frightened of what you were going to do. "Come on, (Y/n), we're just trying to help you," chorused Sam. "Oh, they're trying to help you! How adorable!" grinned Lucifer. "Can't you just leave me alone? You've done enough, now please, let me sleep. I'm so tired," you begged in a weak voice. "Sam, go get Dad or Bobby," you heard Dean say, but you didn't care. You were tired, tired, tired.

It'd only get worse.