
I'm So Sorry, Sugar

Your head lolled back onto the back of the couch and Lucifer cussed again. "Well, you'll be going back sooner than anticipated," he said nervously. Your head shot up and you stared him in the eye. "So help me God, if you don't take me to whoever it is can heal me, I will never speak to you again. I've been back for three days, and it's more beautiful than anything. I don't want to go. Not yet," you whispered in a voice too calm to be natural. He looked down at you his blue eyes and you could see the battle going on in his head. He laid down beside you and nestled up against your neck. "I can't lose you to him. Not him, or those vile Winchester's, or anyone. Especially not him," he said in a soft voice. You wanted to ask him who, but the words wouldn't form. It wasn't as painful as last time, but you were still so scared. Then Lucifer flashed you somewhere alone.

It was a room with a beautiful mural on the ceiling and a big fluffy bed against one wall. A fire burned low in one corner and a man had one hand above it leaning closer to it. "Cas, I ain't up for it. Stop trying and go flirt with 'the beautiful man with such green eyes', okay?" he said. You shuddered from how cold everything was and you coughed. It made everything hurt. "Help," you wheezed. He whirled around to see you reaching out for him with one hand. His eyes widened and then he turned back around. "Just a hallucination, ignore it," he muttered. He didn't think you were real, you realized. "Please," you spluttered. It took everything. He snapped his fingers, then looked at you again in horror as you didn't disappear. HE didn't move for a split second, then sprinted to you. 

He pulled you into his lap. "What's my name?" he asked. You felt another pair of eyes watching, so you traced his name on his thigh, but shook your head no. His eyes lightened and his hand wavered over the wound. It closed and you shut your eyes gently. "Thank you, brother," said Lucifer from the dark corner of the room. Gabriel smiled and snapped his fingers, sending the holy oil trap up in flames. Lucifer was taken aback. "Now out. I think we need a minute," said Gabriel, snapping again. Lucifer was gone. He sighed in relief and put his forehead to yours. "Oh, kitten, I've missed you. You broke out of the memory charm. It's supposed to be crazy painful, even lethal in some cases. How?" he asked. "Just your name. That's... that's all I remember. And the tall man, Sam, I remembered his name, but that didn't hurt. Things, like books and songs, they spark this feeling I just can't shake. But I only remember names," you confessed. His eyes lost their light. "So you don't remember anything about us? Not how we met, the things I said, the way we were, those nights together?" he asked, the hopelessness spreading in his voice. You shook your head. "Just the feelings. Like safety and strong and I think I loved you," you said. "I sure as hell did, baby," he chuckled. There was a ringing, so soft in your ear. 

Gabriel picked you up in his arms and moved you both towards the bed. He sat on the edge, scooting up towards the headboard slowly. "You have to hold onto me if you want to stay, okay? Don't let go, no matter what. I can't lose you again. Do you trust me?" he asked. Your mind went to Jem and how you had trusted him, but Gabriel was different. "I think I do." The ringing got louder and you wrapped your arms around Gabriel's neck, burying your face into his chest. He smelled like a Jolly Rancher and the cologne he always wore before. The scent brought back a memory. The memory of a late night entangled with him, his lips leaving a trail of light kisses into your hair line, his arms tight around you and his voice whispering the sweetest words. It was so loud, you wanted to cover your ears. "I know I loved you!" you shouted over the ringing, but he didn't reply. The room got brighter and then Lucifer was back. 

The ringing had stopped, but it was still bouncing around in your head. "Thought you could get rid of me, little brother? Remember, you learned all of your tricks from me," he said with a smirk. "Maybe you should refreshes, eh?" teased Gabriel. "Don't taunt him, Gabriel," you warned quietly. "So you should probably give her back, or it won't be good. She doesn't even know you. She's mine, you know," Lucifer continued. He took a step closer to the bed and you wanted to scream at him, but Gabriel had said to keep quiet. "No way, I had it first! Daaad! Tell Lucifer to play nice! You might be older, but I'm apparently more mature. She's mine," retorted Gabriel with a stern look. "Alright, I'll take her," said Lucifer, drawing closer. "You will do no such thing, Lucifer Morningstar," you said in a low voice. He seemed taken aback by your words. "Sorry? You don't even know him," he argued. "I think we both know I do," you kept going. Gabriel's grip on you tightened and you tensed against him. "I can clear you again, make you forget every time! You are MINE!" he roared. "I AM HIS!" you screamed back, unclasping your arms to ball your fists. Lucifer smirked, took four more steps and ripped your from Gabriel's arms. "I knew you'd break eventually," laughed Lucifer as Gabriel grabbed the angel blade from his desk and threw it at his brother. But he transported you somewhere far away from Gabriel.
