

After her parents got framed for a crime that wasn't committed by them, Diane was left alone in a world with so many difficulties. With so much hardwork and effort she was able to find the answers to her questions and her true potentials in the process

Berrymanuel · Teen
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Jean is the second daughter of Aunt Tiffany who i have been living with ever since the incident with my parents happened. She has been caring for me in the little way she can even if she was cruel to me at times. Marcus and Jean were the two children Aunt Tiff had, Marcus got married a year before i moved in with them he's such a gentleman. As for Jean she has been unemployed for a long while and have been going for lots of interviews i can't even count how many but she was a kind young lady always there to give me little pep talks when i was feeling down

"I have been looking for you everywhere little one, where were you?" Aunt Tiff asked "sorry Aunt i was sitting outside trying to get some thoughts outta my head" I replied "how was the interview Jean any luck?" she asked Jean as we placed our lunch on the table ready to eat. Jean explained how her interview went with Mr Ben, how he went through her application and still refused refused to give her the job.

Thereafter i retired to my room which was Marcus old room, it was small and comfortable. Aunt Tiff's family aren't really financially stable so they weren't able to afford a big fancy mansion like mine but we were living alright with the little they had. I had papers scaterred all over my bed, and letter from my parents i got a week ago which was the last time Aunt Tiff and her husband Will visited them in prison. I get only letters from my parents i don't get to see them because Aunt and her Husband have bluntly disagreed that i follow them to see them with reasons best known to them but i was okay with the letters i was getting from them and the responses i was getting when i write to them.

Now there was this particular box in my room that looks old and dirty, it was placed on the shelf closed to Marcus old hockey bat, i've always asked aunt Tiff and Jean what was in it but they'll say it was just Marcus history books or some of his stuffs i don't know why it bugged me but i was determined to find out what always made me wanna tear that box open. So i picke up the box, placed it on my bed and tore the seal off and yeah! it was filled with history books i was gonna stop and just pack up the box but i kept going, i flipped through the pages of each book as i was about opening the third book the cover of the book felt thick i realised the book had something in the cover... I tried to tear out the cover of the book but it was hard so i grabbed my nail cutter from the drawer and i slowly tore the cover of the book off and a little paper fell out "it's a letter" i said to myself then i heard footsteps coming from the corridor so i quickly packed everything back into the box but slipped the letter under my pillow and faked sleeping posture. There was a knock "come in" I said and Aunt Tiff walked in "hey there little one, you doing some drawings again?" she asked as she walked towards me and sat on the side of my bed with me, she picked up the scattered papers on my bed which i did some little drawings on them last night she picked them up and glanced through them in amusement. She smiled but for a second that smiled faded as she saw the seal of the box ripped off "what have you done Daine!" she said in a very angry tone Aunt Tiff can be kind when she want to but she was the worst person when she's mad at you "am sorry Aunt, uhm!, i just wanted to read some books and i found some in there so i just yunno," i said to her "you don't get it Diane! you're not supposed to open it, it's not supposed to be opened" she repeated "well am sorry aunt it shouldn't be much of a big issue" i said to her then she threw the papers she was holding and across my face then i realised Aunt Tiff was really upset. "you're leaving my house first thing tomorrow" she said pointing her finger right at my face "but aunt it's just a box you can't throw me out because of that we're family" i said to her " oh yes i will throw you out dear i've had enough of you" she said shouting at the top of her voice then Jean heard the noise and ran to my room "mom, what's going on?" she asked Aunt Tiff "the only thing that is going to happen tomorrow is me throwing this little brat out of my house" she said pointing at me again "but Aunt i did nothing please don't throw me out i have nowhere to go, please" i begged her "mom' rethink this whatever she did shouldn't be that serioud for you to throw her out' i mean look at her she's just a kid mom" Jean said " i don't care about that i have made my final decision"she said and stormed out of my room "you're not going anywhere she's just overreacting okay" Jean said and cuddled me and she tucked me in and went to her mom's room to have a word with her like she said. But this made no sense why on earth will Aunt Tiff throw me out just because i opened a old rusty box she told me not to it's not worth it. But only if she was hiding something because it made no sense to me but if she's throwing me out so be it! i'm going to get to the root of this.