
Find the way

In 2030 in Tokyo, more than a thousand people disappeared in one night. They are abducted and taken to a maze where they are forced to play a "game" where they have to kill each other to survive. Only one in a thousand people can survive. Will our hero, who has lived a life as an ex-gang leader, manage to survive? READ THE STORY AND FIND OUT.

IAmFine · Action
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7 Chs

The event starts

Jin knew that Suzuki was watching him, so he went far enough in the darkness until he was sure she couldn't see him anymore.

He threw his rucksack in the wall with anger and sat on the ground.

" I really want to see your ways, Suzuki!" Jin muttered in anger.

He took out a conserve food from his rucksack and opened it.

He was preparing to eat when an idea came to his mind, so he immediately put the can of food next to him.

" Smartwatch turn on." His watch immediately lightened the place." Due to my special privilege, can you make some dots look different from others on the map?"

" Do...Do you want to turn on the Special Mark privilege?"

" Turn it on!"

" P...Please choose the dots you want to mark?" The robotic voice asked while making a new option appear on the smartwatch's screen. With this option, Jin had to choose the dot and touch it.

He didn't hesitate and touched Suzuki's red dot.

" Y...You have marked the dot. From now on, the marked spot or dot will be purple."

"Ah, one more thing." Jin quick marked the dots of Suzukis friends." Can you inform me when other people are approaching the marked ones?"

" Analysing...Sorry, unable to detect people anywhere in this place. Final notice people do not exist in this place."

" What do...Oh sorry. I meant can you inform me when other dots are approaching the marked ones?"

" Y...Yes!"

Jin ate and leaned on the wall to take a little rest, but he fell asleep.



" Suzuki, are you really alright? Sawa asked while running behind her.

She was walking ahead so fast that everyone had to run behind her.

" You would be safer if you were to go with him!" Shimizu added.

" Listen, you two. You should support me.

He thinks that he is always right. But does he really need to kill anyone he comes across? There are other ways. Am I right, Yasumi?"

" You are right. We have our ways!"

" Shimizu, can't you be a little like your boyfriend?" Suzuki asked in a mocking tone.

" And those ways are?" Sawa and Shimizu asked at the same time, ignoring Suzuki's question.

" They are...Um...Let me think." Yasumi felt embraced as he couldn't find any suitable answer.

" We need to find someone from the red team, and we will form a small team!"

" That's right! But first, let's rest here and eat. We can think better with full stomachs!" The way Yasumi was saying it sounded very innocent and kind. Like they were on a picnic in the park.

They took out the food and started eating.

They were having a great chat while eating.

The time was fleeing fast while they were chatting without worries in the darkness. They didn't even bother to look at their smartwatches to look at the timer for the event. It was like they were really on a picnic.

But then the terrible reality brought them to their senses.

" All players! The Second Chance event will start in ten seconds. Before that, I want to wish good luck to everyone. Now let's count down together. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Zero.

The Second Chance event officially starts!" Chronos's voice sounded really happy. Like he already prepared popcorns and is just waiting for the show to start.

" What are we going to do?" Sawa and Shimizu asked in a panic. Yasumi was also in a panic, but he didn't show it.

" Don't panic! Pack your things!"

As they were packing their things, suddenly Yasumi felt something cold on his back.

Without losing time, he put his hand on his back. What he touched froze him.

It was a gun.

When he tried to look back, they heard an unknown voice.



"Beep!Beeeeep! Unknown dot is approaching the marked ones!" Jin immediately woke from his nap and checked the map.

He placed his rucksack on the back and was ready to go, but then he noticed that the man who approached Suzuki's group didn't make a move.

' What is he waiting for?" Jin thought." Is he waiting for the event to start? But when the event, starts he will not be able to kill them!" Jin checked his smartwatch.

" Oh shit, fifteen seconds before the event starts! Well, I guess that bastard will come. Three, two, one!"

" All players! The Second Chance event will start in ten seconds. Before that, I want to wish good luck to everyone!"

'Here he comes!' Jin thought.

"Now, let's count down together. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Zero.

The Second Chance event officially starts!"

' Listen to his happy voice, what a bastard!'

' Well, I better hurry.' He then started running.

When he approached where Suzuki's group as he saw the man holding the gun at Yasumis back.

" Ckckckckc?" The man was making this sound with his tongue." Don't turn back, or you will die! Keekekek!"

' Well, I will not interfere, so let me see your ways, Suzuki.' Jin thought while watching everything leaned on the wall.

" Which team are you from?" Suzuki seemed calm, but her fear was the greatest.

" We are from the read team!" The man's voice was like a voice of a psychopath.

" We are from the red team too, which means that you can not kill us! Yasumi said.

" Kekekeke! Drop all ammo you have, rifles, guns, and grenades. Then, I can consider letting you go!"

" Huh! Why would we? You cannot kill us!" Shimizu said while Sawa noded.

" Kekekek! I changed my mind. I will not let you go. Although I cannot kill you, I can do many other things. I will let you be my slaves, and you three girls will have to satisfy my desires every day. As for the man, I will kill him when the event ends!"

" You dirty..."

"Ehh,ehh, eh. Me dirty what?" The man said, placing the gun on Yasumi's forehead.

" You dirty dog!" Jin said, placing the gun at the head of the man from behind.

" Who!" The man shouted.

A moment he wanted to turn behind, Jin said with a calm but still deadly voice.

" Don't turn, or you will die."

" You cannot kill me. I am from the red team. I bet you are from the red team too. HAhahha you cannot trick me!"

" Too bad I am from the blue team."

" Huh, I don't believe it!"

" Turn behind if you don't believe me!"

When the man tried to turn back, that was the end.

" Bang!" A clear shot in the head killed him immediately, and the moment later, the corpse fell on the ground.

" Now, how should I kill you four?"

" P...Please don't kill us! Yasumi shouted.

Suzuki and the other two girls were too afraid to say anything.

" So this is how you do the things, Suzuki! Indeed a better way, to die, of course!"

"Jin?" Suzuki asked with doubt in her voice.

" Yeah, Jin. Who other?"

"Jin, you really came." Suzuki jumped right into his arms and placed her head on his chest.

After a few minutes of crying at Jin's chest, Suzuki felt embarrassed. Her face immediately turned red, and she pushed Jin back.

" How did you know that we were in danger?" Sawa asked.

" That's a secret!" Jin smiled kindly.