

While sleeping on the tattered carpet Celeste dreamt of her grandma. About all the kind actions and her loving voice when she called. Eveytime she bought the new Harry Potter book when it came out because she knew she loved them. When she would answer the phone when you called to say "I love you." At the time you had no real idea of death.

In the morning she woke up with tears on her face, but quickly wiped them away before anyone saw them. Lizbeth gracefully walked down the stairs ready to go to school. She looked at Celeste and said, "Ready to go?"

Celeste threw off the blanket in a rush while shouting, "Give me one second." Running to the restroom she quickly brushed her teeth and hair. Changing clothes like a superhero, she grabbed her keys and yelled, "Ready to go!"

They drove in silence as Celeste thought. Lizbeth glanced at her sister before asking, "Do you work today?"