
financial status

Surya was one in hundred .He is always aware of his negativities and has a way to subside it for time being .He is from economically backward family so he couldn't go for a high range bachelor's college. His father was a sports player ,working in film industry and wants to make Surya have a stable life.

Surya was always interested in indian air force ,sports ,and thing that challenge his abilities. He is always interested finding solutions in things that trouble others.

In over batch there is a girl named Tejaswini with a character opposite to that of Surya. She was calm , simple and very inexpensive in nature but she is also dealing with same situation with her family like Surya.

We all students joined in this college because we don't have idea about the integrated msc aviation (GDS), it's underrated value in Indian society and our college ways of certification which is not worth to get any job in any sector except in indian aviation.

So if anyone fails to get selected in aviation has no choice in life . By the time we could know these things , there where a number of events that took place to destroy our future .