
Finally Waited Until The Night Of The Genocide, Picked Up Attributes A

Travel across Hokage to become a boy named Uchiha Chiba. The night of genocide is about to happen, but fortunately the god-level pickup system has been activated. [Pick up 100 Chakra attributes, Chakra+100] [Pick up Body Flicker Technique, Body Flicker Technique fusion degree +1] [Pick up 50 points of pupil power, pupil power +50] Chiba approached Obito: "Add me on Genocide Night!" On the night of genocide, join hands with Itachi Obito and finally open Mangekyō! [Pick up 100 points of pupil power, pupil power +100] 【Congratulations on breaking the limit of your pupil power and breaking through the Mangekyō Sharingan】 A few years later, Chiba and Itachi returned to Konoha. "Danzo, here I come, you damn it!" "Third Hokage..."

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35 Chs

Joined Obito, Itachi And Konoha's High-Level Responses


There, an Uzumaki happens to emerge.

"Boy, you are still worse...!"

Obito's contemptuous voice came from Uzumaki, but it stopped abruptly.

He looked at the Short Sword piercing through his head in horror, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I had been maintaining the state of Hollow just now in order to be cautious.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm dead at this moment!

He raised his head to meet Chiba's looking down eyes, with an extremely solemn expression.

"What exactly is this guy's pupil technique?"

"He seems to know the location where I will appear in advance. Could it be that he foretells the future?! Hiss!!"

Obito was taken aback by his own guesses.

If that's the case, it's a bit invincible, at least one-on-one.

Chiba looked down at Obito calmly, not surprised by this result.

In the future he saw just now, Obito has been using Hollow's ability.

Obviously he said he didn't care, but in his heart he was extremely vigilant about Chiba's Mangekyō ability.

Chiba doesn't really want to kill Obito, though.

After all, Obito has to take himself to the Akatsuki organization to take the lead in starting the fourth ninja world war.

To make a great contribution to your drop business.

And Obito's Kamui and Wood Style haven't been obtained yet, how can he die.

[Pick up 100 points of pupil power, pupil power +100]

[Pick up 1000 points of Chakra, Chakra amount +1000]

Seeing that the system prompts that there are no Kamui and Wood Style, Chiba feels a little regretful.

But he still put away the Short Sword, looked at Obito calmly and asked in a cold voice:

"Am I eligible now?"

Obito came back to his senses, tried his best to keep calm, and said forcefully:

"Your pupil technique should be to predict the future, not bad..."

Chiba was speechless for a while.


I am really addicted to playing Madara.

He interrupted Obito directly.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me what you want to do here?"

Obito froze and looked at Chiba with a frown, hesitating in his heart.

After calming down, he also understood that Chiba's ability is really difficult to deal with in a frontal battle.

He even felt that it was even more difficult and incomprehensible than his own Kamui.

But Chiba can't always drive Mangekyō, and the wide range of ninjutsu is useless even if it is foreseen.

But it's useless to understand, I'm still in Hollow now, and the time is only 5 minutes.

The agreed day of genocide is approaching, if this guy is alive...

After pondering for a moment, Obito tentatively asked:

"What do you think of the Uchiha clan?"

Finally got to the point.

Chiba breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of disdain on his face.

"The Uchiha clan is hopeless."

Obito's eyes lit up when he heard that.

This guy seems to be able to fight for it, and can help him balance Itachi.

"Then it's okay to tell you, I'm planning the Uchiha genocide."

After finishing speaking, Obito stared closely at Chiba, seeing that he looked a little contemptuous.

Afraid of being slapped in the face again, Obito hurriedly said:

"Besides me, the one who carried out the plan was Itachi who also activated Mangekyō."

"And Konoha's senior management will secretly help us to ensure the smooth progress of the plan!"

"Even if this is not enough, there are still many Kage-level experts in the organization I have secretly formed over the years!"

Seeing Chiba's solemn expression, Obito's eyes flashed with joy.

He hurriedly increased his strength and said:

"You're right, the Uchiha clan is hopeless."

"The Itachi they rely on is on my side, the rebellion is impossible to succeed!"

"Do you want to take Uchiha against the entire Konoha, as well as me and Itachi?"


Chiba frowned upon hearing this, looking very worried.

"Join us, Chiba!"

"You have such strength, even this operation may help you fully unlock the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Have you forgotten what happened to your parents? Is such a Uchiha family worthy of your protection?"


Chiba nodded unconsciously, then looked at Obito in astonishment.

This shit can come back.

Pretending to hesitate, Chiba said solemnly:

"Even if I join you, what happens after the clan is exterminated?"

Obito heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally let go, so he smiled and said:

"After the genocide, I can recommend you and Itachi to join my organization, you won't be disappointed!"

Chiba looked at Obito solemnly and nodded.

"Okay, I'll join you!"

"But Konoha's senior management needs you to explain. If they attack me, don't blame me for leading someone to kill them first!"

Obito nodded happily.

"Rest assured, Third Hokage and Danzo know what to do!"

"Before I act, I will notify you in advance."

Chiba nodded, chatted with Obito about the details and left.

He naturally doesn't trust Obito too much, only his own strength is the most real.

So, he went back to the police force and continued to pick up attributes.


the other side.

After Chiba left, Obito pondered for a moment and disappeared in place.

He found Itachi and told him about Chiba's joining.

"Chiba turned on the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Itachi was very surprised, thinking that he met Chiba some time ago, he didn't notice it at all.

"Can't you kill him?"


Itachi quickly calmed down, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Obito shook his head.

"Chiba will definitely be very vigilant during this period, and his pupil technique is likely to be of the precognitive type. It is too difficult to kill him."

Itachi's face was a little gloomy.

Foresight pupil skills are too troublesome, especially they don't know how far the foreseeable future is.

If you fail, Sasuke is in danger!

Thinking of this, Itachi let out a sigh of relief, still not daring to take risks.

"I'll go and explain to Third Hokage."


Itachi came to the Hokage building and reported the matter to Third Hokage.

Third Hokage suddenly turned pale with shock.

"What did you say?! Uchiha Chiba opened Mangekyō Sharingan?!"

"How can this be?"

Third Hokage's first reaction was disbelief, and his second reaction was to suspect Itachi was deceiving himself.

Konoha has been established for nearly 60 years before it released a few pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Why does it feel like Chinese cabbage now.

Shisui died, Itachi opened his eyes, there was a guy who called himself Madara outside, and Chiba came again.

It's hard to believe.

Itachi naturally sensed Third Hokage's suspicion, but his expression remained calm and he said:

"Although I haven't met Chiba's Mangekyō, the guy who calls himself Madara has fought him and confirmed it."


Danzo, who had been waiting outside, pushed the door open and walked in, and said with a gloomy face:

"Hiruzen, absolutely can't agree to Chiba joining the genocide plan, I don't trust him."

He glanced at Itachi fearfully, but didn't say a word.

So many strong men of Uchiha have survived, does this genocide still have so much significance?