
Chapter 159

In the evening, a driver dropped Maria at Sasha's house.

Lisa sighed in relief when saw the driver stepping out of the car and walked Maria to her, she didn't want to see Augustus's face at all.

She took Maria to the home and they chatted alot, as they both were making chocolate cake batter. Maria said to Lisa. "Mommy, do you know Aunt Giovanna had brought me a gown just like her to wear on her wedding."

Lisa paused, seems like her mind had already forgotten that they are having wedding in just a week.

Lisa frowned deeply and continued adding ingredients in the batter. "Mommy daddy loves you but he is marrying Aunt Giovanna why?" She asked in silliness.

"Your dad knows what he is doing." Lisa said and then handed her the bowl to mix. Maria took the bowl and started mixing it together.

"Mommy if I ask for something will you give me?" Maria asked suddenly.

Lisa checked the temperature in the oven and turned to her. "Anything my princess wants."