
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs

White Egg

The Apocalyptic Shires appeared in front of Adela in an inastant as the clamoured their blazing hooves leaving a fiery imprint in the fabric of space.

Just as they appeared the divine dragon changed its form into that of a man, he stood almost 2.5 meters tall, was clean shaven with a soft and round face.

His stature was moderate as his muscled didnt make him bully but were clearly defined. His hair was a pale green with strings of white within, while his eyes were golden resembling shining stars.

He had taken human form with a magnificent white, green and golden robe that had the image of a large dragon with world ending tornadoes painted on the back side.

Aioleus bowed his head slightly towards the apocalyptic shire acknowledging their presence that caused the beast to return the gesture while they remained pulling the carraige.

The same man with black hair that was wearing the suit vest appeared like a ghost as he opened the carriage door while bowing towards the light family matriarch.

"May we start our journey ma'am" the man said as he gestured towards the door.

"Yes thank you Lionel, how long will the journey to the Cestra galaxy be?" Adela responded while nodding slightly to Lionel who stood tall upon seeing this.

"Approximately 7 hours, unfortunately the carraige cannot handle the Shires top speed, the research team is making steady progress on advancing their formations and technology." Lionel spoke.

"Alright thank you, let me know if there is anything that you need Lionel." Adela spoke before she entered the carraige.

Lionel nodded waiting to see the divine dragons actions. After a moment of intensely gazing at the scene below the divine dragon smiled and followed Adela into the carraige.

Inside the carraige was far more room than it looked on the outside, it looked as though they had entered an extravagant foyer with red soft couches embroidered with gold and small jewels. While everything sat on an enchanting rug with magical properties.

Along the walls were ornate lamps sitting on small tables in each corner while from the inside it appeared as there were large windows or rather one large window that ran along the four walls.

The window was from Aioleus waist to the ceiling which was a full meter above Aeolus head making the window about 2 meters tall itself giving Lucian and Althea an amazing view of the planet and the surrounding solar system.

"I am sure your parents explained some of this to you already, but we had your parents bring you here today as a sort of trial, also forgive me. This is the divine dragon Aioleus." Adela said while gesturing towards the mysterious man that had entered with her.

He turned his head back from the window he was gazing out of and his eyes locked on Lucian for a moment before he gave a slight nod before his gaze went back to the window.

Lucian and Althea's eyes went wide, unlike the Matriarch and the Family protector the man infront of them almost emitted no aura, it was as if the god of beast was nothing but a sleeping puppy but, just the awe he inspired entering the carraige, his inhuman beauty and the image of the dragon on his robe that looked alive spoke status and power.

Hearing this Althea stood and gave a slight bow greeting the divine dragon "I am Althea it is a pleasure to meet you…" she coughed slightly before continuing, "your child would have been better with me than with the dimwit."

Hearing this Aioleus laughed heartily as he looked back inspecting Althea more carefully. "Yet another brazenly youth, so long as you two reamain true to yourselves the light family will be in good hands." He said while walking towards Althea.

He put his pant on her head while in his other hand appeared a white egg almost as large as Althea's torso, my friend asked me to find a suitable candidate to look after his child and I choose you.

Seeing the Althea was dumbfounded as she held her hands out accepting the almos 80kg egg in her hands."Wha-what is it?" She asked.

"You wil have to wait and fine out." Aioleus spoke with a smile before he sat down relaxing on one of the luxurious couches.

Just like with Lucian the egg sent its energy into Althea inspecting her and who's hands she was in.

After sending its energy into her the ex warmed and winked in size considerably to the point it was able to fit in her palm with its shell growing considerably more sturdy.

It did not retract its energy instead it simply parted with the energy it had sent into Althea that wormed her entire body as if that was the place it belonged.

"It is customary for light family youths to choose a suitable beast partner at the age of 16, however as part of the trial for the potential heads of the light family we provide the opportunity to contract a more rare beast, this was something the first light family patriarch implemented." Adela said while examining Althea closely.