
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Make or Break

'Congratulations on placing fourth, you will receive 14 points' Lucian heard an automated voice sound as he lost consciousness teleported into the cloud bed.

A few hours later when Lucian as he got out of he cloud bed he was surprised to not feel any aches of pain from the fight.

As he walked through the mirror wall he found his parents sitting in meditation in the main rooms.

As soon as Lucian walked his mother and father opened their eyes. "Where'd you learn moves like that I thought I hired a sword trainer?" His father said his tone jovial making his words seem more playful.

"Ah I wanted to try something new… they were kind of ruthless out there." Lucian said as he stretched his neck before taking a seat in front of his parents.

"It may not seem like it, but the impact this event carries can make or break a light family youths future, I'd say it's worse for those that choose not to take it because they miss just the opportunity to receive so many resources." Lucian's father spoke while his eyes shined as if he was a child talking about his favorite holiday.

"Eh aren't most of the light family like crazy rich?" Lucian asked wondering why getting resources from a tournament could be so detrimental.

"While I can't say that is untrue, the world and universe are. Instantly changing and growing so even people at the pinnacle of strength. Must continue the journey of growing that strength lest a new unknown threat trample over them…" the father spoke until he made a long pause before he abruptly continued.

"With a high ranking a youth and nearly open up the doors to the universe for their family to have free reign in so to say… that's how abundant the winnings here are, that plus no matter how hard any youth may try they won't kill their opponent things can get very serious." Lucian's father finished.

"I see" Lucian said as he nodded and began to thing with his chin rested on his hand.

"Oh you fought so well out there! I am going to have a word with their parents that's for sure the way they tried to gang up on my little Lucian" Lucian's mother spoke affectionately as a brief spark of anger flashed across her face remembering how the fight ended.

As his mother spoke a large magnificent purple blanket appeared while an array of mouthwatering food appeared atop the blanket there were meats cooked to perfect temperature still leaking juices, what appeared to be a rice and vegetable mix with a creamy aspect.

"A meal perfect for my little fighter." Lucian's mom said with adoration in her eyes.

Lucian wasted no time as soon as the food was in his sight. It was as if this was what he was waiting . He immediately grabbed a steak and a tray and began to eat while filling his tray with more foods.

"So what do you think for the combat group, you think you can beat the others?" Lucian's father asked his eyes filled with a youthful excitement as if he were the one vying for fame and glory.

"Hmmm" Lucian sealed his current bite of food before him hummed while he thought.

"They all seem pretty talented, much more than I'd expected." Lucian responded completly avoiding the question causing his fathers excitement to die down slightly.

"Its alright son if to place too 10 that's better than I did, and the doors open to you will have many more opportunities." His father spoke attempting to comfort his child still excited about the riches their branch of the family would receive once Lucian finished the tournament.

Lucian continued to eat until he felt conformatbly stuffed as his belly began to pudge due to all the food he had consumed.

"I don't think I will even not be surprised with how much you eat, but if your energy reserves really are that large then I understand." Lucian's mother said with a laugh.

Lucian only gave her a glance before he closed his eyes relishing in this nice meal and his parents company.

They continued to talk more about the tournament mostly about weak points his father had noticed during his bout but after a few hours his parents left to their home on the light family estate.

Estate was a large understatement considering the light family estate took up an entire planet. As you'd expect of a place on that scale the land had been fragmented with people of power given positions to govern certain portions.

Lucian left alone finally not feeling as full anymore he decided he would freshen up in the shower area before resting and preparing for the next tournament.

'I forgot to ask about that weird cave.. but if I can find it..' Lucian thought to himself as he walked towards the shower area.