
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Invitation from the Red Maple Baron II

After looking at the topography of the small manor for a while, Donald and the butler turned around and got on the carriage, and went to see the original lordship and now the large manor.

When he got there, Donald realized that the situation was a little more serious than that Sir Jesse had said.

All I saw was a vast and barren land, and even the weeds did not grow well here, and it looked gray and withered.

Although the area of ​​this wasteland is almost equal to half a red maple baron, the barren and dry land makes it worthless.

"No wonder they are willing to sell it together with this place. Those guys from the royal family and the noble council really have a good plan! If I didn't buy this place, it would be someone else who would buy it and accompany others. In the end, they would have to be redeemed by the royal family at a low price. Prepare Sell ​​it to the next big guy again!"

Donald crouched down and grabbed a handful of wasteland, looking closely. He found that the soil layer that was supposed to be soft and fertile soil has now turned into gray-white sandy soil similar to barren sandstone areas. In the natural environment, it has to be weathered into this situation, and there is no Gobi Desert around. It is obviously not possible in just a few decades. possible.

"Is it a man-made disaster, or is it caused by some magical beast?"

Donald, who has no actual evidence, can't tell, but the transformation that took place in this land is not natural, but has been affirmed by him.

It is difficult to solve this phenomenon, but it is not impossible. The problem is that if this happens again after he has solved the problem of soil fertility, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

So Donald decided to put the big manor on hold for the time being, concentrate on managing the small manor first, and then completely solve it when he finds the source of the mutation here!

"Anyway, the area of ​​the small manor is not small, enough to keep busy for a while."

Thinking of this, Donald assigned Codd a task, and then asked the coachman to take him back to town in a carriage. And he himself got off the car at the small manor halfway, ready to design a solemn future plan. When the butler comes back here again, he might be surprised!

Thinking, Donald's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Seeing that the carriage carrying the butler had gone far, Donald first summoned an owl and patrolled around the manor. After confirming that no one existed, Donald walked to the center of the manor and opened the book of truth.

Through the owl's perspective, Donald had a general understanding of the topography of the small manor.

The area of ​​the small manor is only about 50 acres, but most of them are fertile fields that can be cultivated.

"Well! A farm can be summoned here,..., a fence can be built here to keep livestock in captivity,..., it is more suitable for grazing here,..."

After some planning and remembering the specific situation in his mind, Donald summoned a warhorse, and for the sake of his butt, he expended a little of the energy stored in the Book of Truth to summon a saddle, and then rode back to Hongfeng. Town direction. No one around here saw it anyway, so he wasn't afraid of shocking the world and causing panic.

After returning home, Cod has not come back, it seems that he is going to do what he ordered.

At the manor before, what Donald told Codd to do was to do some shopping in the town.

First, because the manor is newly built, it will definitely need a lot of materials for construction, and secondly, it is also to deliberately spread the news that he has become a mage apprentice.

Donald intentionally let Cod spread the news of his acquisition of the mage profession, the purpose is naturally to raise his prestige and popularity, so although it will be exposed to the eyes of interested people, it will also reduce a lot of trouble. At least under the shock of his dual status as a noble heir and a mage apprentice, some guys who are hostile to him dare not take any action lightly.

You must know that as one of the former local real power nobles, the Melina family still has some enemies. They must be very happy to let the name Melina disappear from history completely. All they need to do is to break the blood of the Melina family.

The original Donald's master and servant have suffered a lot over the years. It wasn't until they sold their last property and moved to Hongfeng Town that the situation got better. Because the relationship between the Red Maple Baron and the Melina family used to be relatively close, in his territory, foreign forces did not dare to do too much.

But the feeling of being under the fence is not good, especially for Donald, who is determined to restore the glory of the family and make it stronger.

But now this situation has been resolved, as Donald expected, after the housekeeper Cod held a large sum of gold sol, made some purchases in the town, and pulled the carts and carts back to the yard for stacking, such a big move after.

At present, many people in the town know that the young master of the Melina family is already a noble mage apprentice, and it is a sure thing to successfully inherit the family knight status, and the quasi-knight and quasi-mage also bought two seats at once. Manor, it seems that the re-emergence of the Melina family is not far away.

As the lord of Red Maple Town who rules a town, the Baron Red Maple Mansion naturally has the most informed eyes and ears in the town under its jurisdiction. The news of a mage apprentice in the town immediately reached the ears of the Red Maple Baron. .

There was a mage in his own town. Although he was only an apprentice, considering the age and noble status of the other party, this had to be taken seriously by the baron.

After thinking about it for a while, Baron Red Maple summoned the housekeeper, wrote an invitation letter, and sent it to Donald's house.

Two hours later, Donald, who had finished meditating, walked out of the room and looked at the various building materials and supplies that were nearly full in front and back of the courtyard. Donald was very satisfied with the speed of his housekeeper.

Cod, who had finished what he ordered, was in the yard at this time. He brought back an invitation letter from a noble. The mark of the red five-pointed maple leaf on it was the family crest of the lord of the place, Baron Red Maple.

"Baron Red Maple? He knows it very quickly, but what does it mean to invite me over? Do you want to attack my manor?"

Holding the exquisite gold-encrusted invitation and turning it over in his hand, Donald asked himself with some doubts.

After all, he is only a seventeen-year-old boy, and he was an otaku in his previous life. He still doesn't know much about some of the nobles' thoughts.

The housekeeper Cod has some understanding of this aspect. He said to his young master who couldn't understand:

"Master, I don't think there is any malicious intent for Baron Red Maple to invite you there. Young Master, you are not only a hereditary title, but also an official apprentice of mage, and you have been favored by the first mage of North County, Master Messer, and your future development is impossible. Limited. Baron Red Maple has never invited you in the past, because the young master is just a run-down noble with no foundation. He can allow our Melina family to establish a foothold in his territory. Now that the young master has a noble identity and strength, it is very normal for the other party to want to be close to you!"

After listening to the butler's explanation, Donald finally understood, but his impression of Baron Red Maple was either good or bad, and he was grateful that he was able to take in him when he was down. Although he did not provide financial help, he allowed They settled in Hongfeng Town, which is a kind of shelter in disguise. On the other hand, he did not give the other party the slightest help when the Melina family was in crisis, which made the Melina family soon fall. Not only was the territory taken away, but also his grandfather, father and even his mother died. Deep dissatisfaction with the arrival of this former Melina family ally.

Indeed, it is rumored that the red maple baron is more utilitarian, and he will not do things that are not beneficial. But people all have feelings. When the Melina family was hit, the opponent's power was only stronger than that of the local noble Baron Red Maple. With his help, the Melina family would have a great chance to at least keep it. Half of the territory will not be weakened to the current level. And helping them Melina's family, for the Red Maple Baron, will not have much loss, at most some money will be lost.

In exchange for other nobles, it is very likely that they will help, but the Red Maple Baron did not do that. This shows that this character, Donald has already classified him as a group of people who are not suitable for deep friendship.

Therefore, Donald hesitated for this invitation.

"Uncle Cod, do you think this invites me to go or not?"

The butler thought for three seconds, then replied:

"Go! Of course I will! At least the baron can accept us to live in the town, which is also a kind of kindness. The young master can go to see how the other party's attitude is, and find a chance to repay this favor! Besides, we Melina Although the family currently has the hope of rising, it still has not recovered the lost territory. Without the territory, there is no foundation. The manor cannot recruit people belonging to the family. Therefore, you can befriend Baron Red Maple, and you can also borrow his Power, to deter some of the enemies of the Melina family! Otherwise, they will definitely hinder the development of the young master by any means!"

When Donald heard this, a light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly:

"Okay! Then I'll go see this red maple baron! As for those rats who only know how to plot behind their backs, if they dare to stretch their claws, then I will interrupt them all!"