

In a dying world ridden with poverty and corruption. Where evil grows by the day. A young schoolboy is thrown into the middle of a war that has been raging for millennia. The protectors, or gods as they were once called. weak from all the battles and the ignorance of their creation who just refuse to acknowledge their divine presence are on the losing side of the war with the dark forces. Their greatest enemy and the greatest threat to earth had been freed, and he in turn had freed his powerful minions. Revenge on the Protectors was his first goal,then the complete destruction of Earth would follow. In a last-minute bid to ensure that earth is not lost and that there is at least some form of protection for the world. the last 12 protectors feed all their powers into an accessory that falls into the possession of Ethan who manages to unlock this power. [ Congratulations, you have been granted the multi-God system! ] "You've got to be kidding me!" Ethan mumbled under his breath before bursting into laughter. "A system of all things. in today's era?" he asked the man by him who just looked on puzzingly. what was the boy talking about?, and by the gods, what was he doing? the man asked himself as the boy started tapping the air as if orchestrating a choir. Will Ethan continue the fight with the dark side? Or will he choose to do his own thing in a world where he has nothing to lose? -------------- Just to be clear. The world is completely fictional so do not compare it to our real-world or even the universe :# ===== P.S I don't own the cover. If the owner has any issues, I can take it down. ===== Join my discord channel below for more info about the book or if you simply wanna hang out and talk about everything godly. https://discord.gg/hQtzSCKn8a

Fortune_daine · Fantasy
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271 Chs


It had been three days since Ethan met the strange large man in the trenchcoat. In the span of that three days, things had been somewhat smooth. school had gone on like normal.

Dred still wasn't back from wherever he had gone to. Mr.Twist was now on the topic of how different Tele-tubies had different bone structures and how to identify a tele-tuby from studying its bones.

Ethan had learned to shut him out by now and could now focus on his cleaning without trouble. The only newsworthy thing so far had been the growing number of dead animals in the woods and nearby parks. Some people had even complained of their pets and livestock being eaten by wild animals.

This didn't bother Ethan too much since all the complaints were from those living near the woods. He figured that as long as he was in the town, he will be fine. He thought as he made his way to his job.

It didn't take him long to arrive at 'the corner paradise'. Upon arrival, he saw Jaem already serving some customers and waved at him. He was on his way to the changing room when he bumped into Ellie who was exiting from the females changing room.

"Oh, I'm so sorry... shouldn't have walked so close by the door", Ethan apologized red-faced.

Ellie was a beauty. She was petite with short auburn hair that fell to the left side of her head. Her right side had been faded lightly thereby giving her a somewhat military look but on her, it looked just cute. Ethan sorta had a thing for her but hadn't even thought of acting on it. Maybe in another life.

"Don't worry, it's no biggie," Ellie replied with a grin. Ethan was feeling hot all over so he decided to excuse himself.

" Well...I gotta go change. You know, shift and all " he said as he made to continue on his way but then Ellie called out again, " Hey wait!".

"Yes?" Ethan turned to Ellie with a questioning look. "Have you by any chance seen Megan in town?", Ellie asked Ethan.

"You mean that grumpy friend of yours? No, I haven't." Ethan answered. Ellie nodded but said nothing. "Why, is anything the matter?" Ethan asked the girl.

"That is the problem. I don't know. She's not home and her foster parents don't care. Her phone cannot be reached no matter how many times I call her. I'm worried Jerry might replace her if she doesn't return soon. I know she needs this Job. Though I can't tell just how long I can keep covering for her."

Ellie answered, worry evident in her voice.

"Now that I think about it, she wasn't here yesterday. hey, she also wasn't here on Tuesday" Ethan exclaimed. Ellie just nodded.

"The last time I saw her was Monday. I haven't set eyes on her since. I have told Jerry she is sick so would be absent for some few days. Hopefully, that should buy her some time until she arrives".

"Don't worry, I'm sure she left on a trip of sorts and lost her phone along the way. She will be back in no time. you will see"

Ethan reassured the girl to which she nodded and beamed at him. "We go to the same school, don't we?" She asked.

"Yh..we do", Ethan answered.

"We should hang out more. I like talking to you", Ellie revealed to a flustered Ethan.

"Su..sure. I enjoy talking to you too", Ethan answered. Inwardly he was doing flips.

Ellie had just told him she liked talking to him. Sure, it wasn't exactly a big deal but it was still something. This meant that maybe he had a chance with her after all.

"Well, I gotta go now. you know, shift and all", Ellie teased him. Ethan chuckled a little.

"sure, later I guess" he replied.

"Yh, later", Ellie answered as she made her way to the front to start her shift.

Ethan watched her go for a while before making his way to the boys changing room with a goofy smile on his face. 'i have to start thinking of clothes nowadays. I gotta get me some nice clothes so I can catch her eye more often, he shook his head as he thought this. Keep dreaming furball. He berated himself with a chuckle.

Further away in a dark, damp cave lay a group of people numbering 20 in total. All were male except five. And all were adults in their late twenties or maybe even early thirties except 3 people.

One of these kids was a black-haired female who had a frown on her face. Her name was Megan. Unlike the other people, Megan wasn't groaning or growling. Yes, she felt hungry. very hungry, all of them did after that large man bit them. But that was where her confusion started from.

She knew hunger, she had gone hungry for days on end before. But this hunger was different. Her stomach felt like it was on fire. She could feel her muscles tense in immense pain but she refused to scream.

She remembered when the large man had abducted her. She had thought he was going to kill her but he had only brought her to this place and tied her up along with some others. Later he had brought more people. And just the previous day he had bit all of them.

The man was weird..very weird. He seemed to like the taste of blood. Previously he had tied them up with a large rope, but after he bit them he gave them a simple command to stay, then he untied the ropes binding them.

Megan couldn't talk for the others but she in particular had tried to escape, but try as she might she couldn't move. It was like her body was no longer listening to her anymore.

Now the man was out but none of them had even tried moving. They knew it was useless. Megan thought of her only friend, Ellie. How she missed Ellie. She didn't know if she would ever see her again though. The large man didn't look like the kind to just let them go.

Still lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the footsteps of the large man approaching but she caught the smell of something else in the air. Something that smelled so good the others were visibly drooling from the smell.

Then from the entrance, she spotted the large man making his way towards them with something big on his shoulders. 'is..is that a cow?' she couldn't believe her eyes. He had a dead cow on his shoulders and that was where the heavenly smell was emanating from.

"I am sure you are very hungry by now. Well, I brought food. It's been a while since I played 'teacher'. Normally, when I turn someone I allow them to run wild. They kill and eat a human here or there and then soon find out that they are no longer human without me saying anything to them. You on the other hand are fortunate to get the easy way out due to my lord's command." Here, the large man sighed.

"I am here to tell you that you're no longer humans. You are now werewolves. Blessed by the moon with immeasurable power and immortality. I am your Alpha, and as your Alpha, you will have to obey me whether you want to or not.

Tonight we will match out and create more of our kind in the town of mid-mount. I know some of you still doubt my words, but that's why I brought proof" saying this, he flung the dead cow from his shoulder unto the cave floor and shouted out a last command. "Now eat!!!".

The moment the words left the man's lips, the twenty people including Megan fell on the carcass like a bunch of ravenous animals. Growling and pushing each other as they fought over the meat.

The large man let out a booming cackle as he watched the commotion. "Nothing beats experience in the field of teaching," he said as he fell into another fit of laughter.