
Final Genesis

In Genesis, the environment system has been disrupted by years of failed experiments, leaving it the only livable place on earth despite its toxic air and dust. Tesla Iota, a fierce and strong fighter, thought she knew everything there was to know about her home, but when people start to go missing and unexplainable deaths begin to occur, Tesla realizes that there is more to Genesis than she ever could have imagined. As Tesla investigates the mysterious occurrences in Genesis, she discovers a shocking truth that threatens her world as she knows it. Now, Tesla must fight to expose the truth and put an end to the dangers that threaten the very existence of her home. With pulse-pounding action and a cast of unforgettable characters, including the tenacious Tesla Iota, "Final Genesis" is a thrilling science fiction adventure that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. Will Tesla be able to uncover the truth and save her home from destruction, or will she become a victim of the dangers lurking within Genesis? Find out in this gripping and unforgettable tale of survival and rebellion in a world gone wrong. [Another book: Princess Assassin] --- Instagram @merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/7Q3VDZE3

merakifiction · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

Chapter 15

"She passed out right upon entering Genesis," Noi continued.

Aidan's face lit up with the possibility that there might be other livable places out there, given the credibility of President Shelvy Irwing's words.

Even Nadia seemed to waver.

"You didn't bring everything with you?" Reuben asked. It looked like they were unpacking.

"Why should I? We're going back home soon, I'm sure. This is just a phase," Noi sounded resolute in her desire to return home. I almost felt sorry for her misguided hope.

Reuben paused for a few seconds before replying in a bleak voice, "Noi, dear, going back might be difficult now."

"That's why I'm not saying we should go home now. Did I say that? I didn't," Noi retorted.

"We're fortunate that Shelvy still needs our skills. But if she's responsible for Jordan's murder, then going back may not be an option."

Noi let out a subtle groan. "It's a fact that Shelvy doesn't like you, and it's your fault for being overly loyal to Jordan. You always agreed with every small decision she made. I told you that politics are volatile, and friends of today may become enemies tomorrow.

"I will have to meet Shelvy later to convince her that we're still useful to her administration."

During their conversation, I learned that Reuben was a faithful officer in his role, remaining loyal to the core while serving under the Prime Minister, Jordan Pachis.

On the other hand, Noi only served the winner, whoever that may be.

She smacked her lips and said, "But that's not the issue right now. Tell me honestly, why would you believe that stupid conspiracy? It's not Shelvy who killed Jordan. She only has eyes on science. Someone who has never left the research lab wouldn't be able to pick up a knife and stab it into someone's flesh."

She took a deep breath and said in a more determined tone, "I'm telling you, it's Maiora!"

We certainly had never heard of Maiora before, whatever that referred to.

Noi continued in a disgruntled manner, "That damn secret organization! They really get on my nerves. There must be a spy lurking close by. Otherwise, how could they know how to mess with us?"

"We should have known if there is a spy among us. Jordan was perceptive; it's unlikely that someone who betrays us can go undetected for so long. She would have identified that person," Reuben interjected.

"Pft! She's dead now. So much for being perceptive. You're always like this! Jordan this, Jordan that! If it were another woman, she would have divorced you immediately. Don't you realize that your behavior might bring negative implications?" Noi ranted.


"I know you were lured by her ideals. Look what has happened now. Idealism won't ensure our safety. Don't you know? In politics, our greatest enemy is humans. Not toxic air. Not monsters. It's our fellow human beings that we should fear."

Noi spoke with such confidence that Reuben couldn't argue with her. I could see how Aidan got his tendency to pursue his ideals from him.

And I also saw how Noi became a key strategist in the public relations division of Parliament.

Not only was she brilliant, but she was also one step ahead of others, able to anticipate what others had not yet seen.

I bet the mandatory documentary that all citizens were forced to watch every morning was her idea.

Its essence was to remind people of the history of Genesis, but the underlying purpose was to maintain order among citizens and prevent a riot against the government.

She wanted to show that living in this world alone was already a tedious task, let alone planning an uprising or such.

"You don't understand," Reuben countered. "She cared about her people, and she genuinely wanted to save the world. That's why she spent a lot of money on research."

"Researching other livable places on earth? Is that what you call saving humanity? She wasted money on that. I still couldn't believe that she sent people outside, knowing that it would kill them. It's a terrible way to manage a country."

Research on other livable places on earth? This was the first time I had heard about it. And judging from Aidan and Nadia's expressions, it seemed to be new to them as well.

"Those missing people must have found a place to go to, Noi. And finding that place would be a significant breakthrough for our research. What if we can confirm the existence of the Green Zone?"

"Do you even hear yourself, Reuben? Are you supporting Maiora now? It's not just that. There's also that thing with the HRD-21--"

"Hush! Lower your voice!" Reuben cut her off mid-sentence. HRD-21 sounded very suspicious. He continued quietly, "We shouldn't talk about this outside the Parliament office."

Noi brushed it off casually, "Who would hear us? There's no one here. That Medicine Brewer wouldn't tell on us; she barely leaves the house."

"Still, it's better to be safe than sorry," Reuben said, his voice low.


Aidan placed a messily-cut square leather cloth on the table, bearing the big letters 'A.M' in a fancy font. Below was what I assume to be a symbol.

A drawing of two shovels with double blades, piled on top of each other like a cross.

Behind it, a triangle with a singular line crossing its crest horizontally, creating a small triangle at the top.

Beneath it, written in small letters, was 'Ad Maiora'.

"He said it was derived from an ancient language, Latin, which means 'for the greater good'," he explained.

Just a few days ago, we had heard Noi mention something called Maiora. Now, this supposedly secret organization had come to Aidan with this alleged identification.

"I guess it's not a secret organization anymore," I commented.

"How did you have it?" Nadia inquired.

"Someone gave this to me," Aidan replied. "A skinny boy with a mischievous smile. He was very fast, almost as fast as you, Tes."

Immediately, those characteristics rang a bell. "Does he have unruly hair?"

"Yes! Do you know him?"

I stood up and exclaimed, "That's the boy! That's the one I told you about, who attacked me with the rich girl."

"That was him? No wonder something about him felt familiar. He told me his name. It was Aubin."

"Why did he give it to you?" Nadia raised another curious question.

If the boy was the same person who attacked me, why did he give the cloth to Aidan and let me walk away bare-handed? What did he want from Aid?

"They have the same goal as me, that's what he said. To find the Green Zone. To see real plants. To live like humans used to."

"And?" I prodded him for more.

Actually, I kind of knew what the organization wanted from him, but I wanted to hear it from Aidan's mouth.

He wet his lips and said, "He wants to recruit me to join the organization."

That's what I thought.

To be continued...

Don't forget to check out my other book, Princess Assassin.

In this historical fantasy romance, brace yourself for a treacherous journey as you navigate the intricate web of royal palace politics and high society.

Discord: merakifiction

Instagram: merakiconstellation

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