
Final farewell (BL)

“I’m dating Natalie” Three words. Three words were all it took – to break Luca Rolets. Luca has always been in love with his Childhood friend Ezra - but he never expressed it - tightly concealing it under the guise of Rivalry. But can he handle the intensity of his feelings when Ezra begins to date a Girl?- Will he succumb to jealously or perhaps something worse - something fatal?

Natasha_Zeneka · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

The blonde stumbled, his eyes blurred by tears as he made his way to Shawcross' side of the city.

It was eerily quiet as he neared the compound, he knocked on the door of Ezra's door, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

He didn't know what came over him when Ezra opened the door. – That was totally not what he had planned to do. He brought his mouth to Ezra's – putting every single emotion he had into it – his loneliness – his despair - his passion. He desperately pressed his lips against the raven's.

"Can I have a kiss at least, Ezra?"

Ezra didn't respond – He was too stunned to do so.

Luca pulled back "I love you."

"Please, say something" he begged "Ezra, please!"

"I-" The Shawcross was at a loss for words.

Luca took it as rejection.

He pulled back. "I apologize, Mr. Shawcross, I will not bother you again."

Ezra was still in shock. He had never expected Luca to harbor such feelings for him – he had never expected Luca to reciprocate his love.

Yes, you read that right.

"Luca!!" He shouted running after his blonde.

'Dammit, Luca! Why do you have to be such an Idiot?'

He cursed under his breath, He needed to Find Luca –

"Ezra!!" A shrill high-pitched voice called out to him.

"Have you seen Luca?!" He panted out.

"Huh? Why?"

"Have you seen him?!" Ezra was panicking now.

"He was heading towards the Orcus river, he seems pretty upset, did you two have a fight?"

Ezra cursed again, as Natalie latched onto his arm.

"Natalie I don't have time now."

"Ezra you know how Luca is, He'll get over it in no time, Meanwhile about the marriage-"

"Later, Natalie – I need to find Luca"

"But the marriage – Ezra You're engaged to me now, you –


"What is wrong with you-"


He wrenched his arm from her grip, for all he cared she could go cry in a ditch.