
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


With Yuna undergoing the trials of the Macalania Temple, Y'sthola busy investigating the movements of the Kobolds around Limsa, and Garnet in the 'dangerous' period of her pregnancy, Andrew was relaxing in his bed with his hands behind his head, observing with mixed feelings as Nanamo caressed and licked his dick, sitting naked between his legs.

Freeing her mouth to speak, Nanamo caressed Andrew's dick with both hands as she asked, "Does my company bother you so?"

"I wouldn't have invited you over if it did," replied Andrew, smiling wryly as he added, "It's just that, from this angle, it looks like I'm doing something very wrong..."

"Well, you're not," asserted Nanamo, pressing Andrew's dick against his stomach and climbing on top of him, nestling her pussy against his shaft and moving her hips with a bit of vigor.

Exhaling through his nose, Andrew's expression relaxed as he said, "I'll eventually get over it..."

"Hopefully 'before' I'm with child..." appended Nanamo, staring at Andrew with a meaningful glimmer in her eyes. She had discussed the matter with Garnet and Yuna, the three of them determining she would be Andrew's second wife. She hoped he would impregnate her in his Lalafell form, but even if he didn't, great changes were afoot in Ul'dah and Eorzea. Clinging to a 500-year-old tradition was significantly less important than ensuring the prosperity of her people for generations to come.

Causing Andrew's brows to raise and eyes to widen, Nanamo raised her butt slightly and guided the tip of his penis to her entrance. Then, after a series of deep breaths, she began to wiggle her hips, drawing him further inside as her pussy stretched to its absolute limits.

"I fear this is the limit of what I can achieve on my own..." said Nanamo, a thick layer of sweat developing across her body due to the strain.

"What...what do you want me to do...?" asked Andrew, swallowing hard as Nanamo confirmed his suspicions by assuring, "I'll be fine," with a narrow-eyed smile.

Swallowing a second time, Andrew grabbed Nanamo's waist and began moving his dick in shallow thrusts. Her tightness was overbearing in the beginning, but as seconds stretched into minutes, she started to loosen up, permitting his cock to sink deeper into her remarkably adaptive pussy.

Lacking the strength to support herself, Nanamo collapsed, lying limply against Andrew's body and drooling with an unfocused look accented by a somewhat goofy smile. She even laughed a bit, causing Andrew to feel concerned enough to ask, "Did you break...?"

"I'm doing greeaaaaat~" replied Nanamo, punctuating her statement by licking up some of the drool she had loosed on his stomach. Her speech and actions made her seem drunk, but trusting that she knew what she wanted, Andrew continued his efforts until more than half of his dick had magically fit inside her, causing her eyes to roll backward as she passed out. Then, identical to what he did with Yuna, Andrew left his dick inside Nanamo's pulsating pussy, allowing it to acclimate to his intrusion as she periodically exhaled somewhat disconcerting giggles...




Having arranged to meet up at 8 AM, three hours before the bar was scheduled to open for lunch, Andrew popped over to the world of Final Fantasy to find Tifa and Aerith waiting for him.

Before Andrew could even greet the two, Tifa delivered a verbal punch by stating, "I've decided...I will become a Proxy..." with a serious, determined expression.

"What about Cloud?" questioned Andrew, not minding Tifa's decision but feeling compelled to ensure she knew what she was doing.

Shaking her head, Tifa replied, "I haven't even seen Cloud in six, almost seven years. We barely even spoke when we were children, so I can't...I can't prioritize him over the world and its people..."

"Seems like you're still in the process of convincing yourself..." muttered Andrew, adopting a wry smile as he shook his head and suggested, "You should wait until you've reunited with him before making your decision. If you-"

Interrupting Andrew's words, Tifa pulled up her bra and top, exposing her large, immaculately shaped breasts.

"How bold~" chimed Aerith, clapping her hands together as she observed the scene with glittering eyes and a smile.

Ignoring Aerith's remark, Tifa asked, "Do you still doubt my conviction...?" while reaching up to cup her breasts, bouncing them provocatively as she maintained eye contact.

"You're a grown woman capable of making your own decisions," replied Andrew, adopting a smoldering grin as he added, "And, from where I'm standing, I would be a fool to refuse you..."

"That's what I thought," said Tifa, snorting through her nose as she took a moment to fix her clothes, adding, "Let's transfer over to your penthouse. I don't want to make a mess in the bar, and the walls of my apartment are too thin..."

"Don't forget about me~!" appended Aerith, alighting from the barstool she was seated upon and extending her hand for Andrew to grasp. The latter couldn't help feeling that things had advanced a little too quickly, but instead of pointing it out, he transported both girls to the living room of his penthouse.

"It really is amazing. How you can just 'shift' between worlds in the blink of an eye," remarked Tifa, looking around the living room and down at her body, nearly identical but noticeably different from what she was used to seeing.

Taking advantage of the fact Tifa was next to him, Andrew slid his hand down to her ass, stating, "There are far more amazing aspects of my job and abilities..."

Resisting the urge to backhand and suplex Andrew into the ground, Tifa crossed her arms and asked, "Are we doing it in here...?"

"That probably wouldn't be the best idea," replied Andrew, removing his hand from Tifa's ass as he explained, "This living room is the designated departure and arrival point for people transitioning to this world. I don't mind, but I can't imagine the two of you would be comfortable if another of my Proxies showed up midway through us doing it..."

"Yeah...we'll have to interact at some point, but I'd prefer it be under less 'compromising' circumstances..." concluded Tifa. As for Aerith, she didn't particularly mind but figured it was for the best if she kept such thoughts to herself for the time being. Instead, she grabbed Andrew's hand, pulling him as she said, "I call dibs~!" in a playful tone.

With Aerith dragging him to the master bedroom and Tifa following close behind, Andrew half-expected the enthusiastic flower girl to shove him on the bed and assault him. As such, he was a little taken aback when she let go of his hand, stood with her back to him, and raised the hem of her pink dress to reveal her pale, peach-shaped ass and the fact she was wearing a red thong, staring back at him over her shoulder as she teased, "Bet you weren't expecting this, hmmm~?"

"You're not wrong..." admitted Andrew, stepping forward to grab Aerith's waist, pressing his bulge against her shapely ass, and surprising her with a kiss. She briefly tensed but recovered soon after, hooking her right hand around his head and deepening the kiss as she rubbed her ass against his crotch. Her willingness indicated she was experienced, but after spending considerable time with other women, Andrew could 'feel' when his partner was fooling around or had no idea what they were doing.

"You tricked me..." whispered Andrew, giving Aerith goosebumps as he moved his hands under her dress, caressing her abdomen with the very tips of his fingers.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." responded Aerith, closing her eyes as Andrew nestled his face between her neck and shoulder, his right hand making its way up to cup her left breast. She was slightly surprised when his tail slipped between her thighs, rubbing against the transparent fabric covering her pussy, but she didn't resist. Instead, she deliberately grabbed it, pulling it taut and grinding against it of her own accord.

'Did I get it wrong...?' wondered Andrew, feeling an uncanny sense of incongruity. Aerith's actions were discernibly awkward, but she appeared to have a decent idea of what she was doing, exhibiting no real hesitation even as she tried new things.

Deciding it was probably for the best if he didn't overthink things, Andrew surprised Aerith by picking her up and carrying her over to the bed where Tifa had already sat down, beginning to disrobe. She was clearly the more apprehensive of the two, smiling awkwardly when she met Andrew's gaze and asked, "Does this place have a washing machine and a drier...?"

"It does," replied Andrew, setting Aerith on the bed and sitting between the two women, causing Tifa to tense as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Can we...not kiss?" asked Tifa, swallowing nervously as fewer than ten centimeters separated her lips from Andrew's.

"I understand your reservations," replied Andrew. "But, believe it or not, kissing will make things easier for you in the long run. I'm fine if you don't want to, but you may feel guilty or disgusted with yourself later on..."

Exhaling a resigned sigh, Tifa brought her lips closer and allowed Andrew to kiss her. To her immense surprise, it wasn't nearly as 'disgusting' as she had anticipated. Rather, less than a minute into the spontaneous makeout session, her nipples hardened as the steady acceleration of her heartbeat caused a layer of sweat to exude from her body.

Separating his lips from Tifa's, Andrew smiled and asked, "See? Don't you feel better...?" while admiring her ruddy complexion.

"A little..." admitted Tifa, her voice barely a whisper as she turned to avoid Andrew's gaze. Fortunately, at that exact moment, Aerith said, "Hey, don't forget about me," before forcing Andrew to face her, holding his head and kissing him with a marked intensity...




Though she was fairly confident in her core muscles, Tifa found herself cramping and sweating buckets as she raised her lowered her hips of her own accord, Andrew supporting her ribs as she gobbled his cock with her tender, increasingly sensitive pussy. There was no pain when she lost her virginity, likely due to how intensely she trained her body, but his size and girth stretched her insides to their limits, stimulating her every fold.

With her thighs and abs twitching uncontrollably, Tifa gave up moving of her own accord, sitting against Andrew and panting as she said, "Fine...I give up...you can move..."

"If you insist..." muttered Andrew, continuing to prop up Tifa from behind as he began a slow but forceful piston, pulling out slowly before thrusting just short of hammering her cervix. She responded by entrusting her full weight to his hands, leaning backward, gasping, and moaning as her hair tickled his face and chest.

Allowing Tifa to lie against him, Andrew repositioned his hands on her outer thighs, pulling up and forcing her legs into an M position with his hands in the pits of her knees, rapidly accelerating his pace. Fortunately for her, while the position was very intense, it prevented him from drilling her too deeply and instead allowed him to focus on the sensitive folds on the front side of her pussy. A few minutes later, though she had initially asked him not to cum inside her, Andrew released a third load deep into Tifa's pussy, leaving her twitching and gasping for air atop him.

"You...came inside me...again..." bemoaned Tifa, furrowing her brows but with a feverish, impassioned look on her face. In response, Andrew used his left hand to turn her face up, silencing her complaints with a long and passionate kiss.

Entering the room from its entrance, wearing a pink nightgown that was left open at the front, exposing her breasts and glistening pussy, Aerith, eating from a pint-sized tub of ice cream, asked, "Is it my turn again, or are you finally finished?"

"That depends..." replied Andrew, allowing his erect penis to slip out of Tifa's overflowing insides before asking, "Can you endure a fifth round?"

"I'm still naked, aren't I?" responded Aerith, placing her half-finished pint of ice cream on the nightstand before crawling onto the bed. Tifa was still lying atop Andrew's body, but that didn't deter the green-eyed brunette in the slightest. Instead, she shocked her bustier counterpart by pushing up her legs even further, making space for her to seat herself atop Andrew's cock before leaning forward to kiss the red-eyed beauty's navel...


