
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


'I need a secretary...' thought Andrew, reading through his messages with a slight frown. It was entirely his fault for linking multiple worlds one after another, but there was a lot going on.

Yuna, who was presently using his left arm and shoulder as a pillow, had acquired the Aeons up to Bahamut, so she, Rikku, and Paine were helping Shinra with his research by collecting spheres using the Fahrenheit. In a way, it was like they were playing out the events of Final Fantasy X-2, but two years in advance.

Y'shtola, though she still arranged for them to meet every other day, had calmed down considerably after her heat subsided. Now, she spent most of her time conducting investigations for the Scions, apprising him of her findings so that he wouldn't be surprised if she abruptly called upon him during an emergency. However, as she didn't want him imperiling himself, she would only call upon him as a last resort.

Interrupting Andrew's thoughts, a message from Tifa appeared in front of the twenty-six screens of backlog, trade reports, and transfer notices he had been perusing. His status as System Administrator allowed him to see what others were moving between worlds and where they were going, so one of his duties was auditing and balancing accounts to ensure everyone obeyed the terms of the trade agreement they had drafted. It was a royal pain, but since Alexandria obtained 12.8-20.5% of the money earned from interworld trades as a facilitatory tariff, he was obligated to keep track of things and submit reports to Interworld Alliance.

Reading Tifa's message, informing him that Cloud had finally appeared after nine days of uncertainty, Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. When he first arrived in the world of FFVII, it was December 1st. Andrew knew the story kicked off in early December, but the absence of Cloud had left him feeling anxious. He also felt a little guilty about not taking action to save Zack, but if memory served, the raven-haired SOLDIER should be 'spared' so long as they defeated Sephiroth within the Singularity.

'You okay...?' asked Andrew, causing a 'Tifa is formulating a response...' message to appear at the bottom of the chat window. Nearly three full minutes later, her response was a curt, 'I'm fine,' followed by a succinct, assertive, 'I don't regret my decision.'

'Neither do I,' replied Andrew, a faint smile developing across his face as he asked, 'Should I come over, or do you have everything under control?'

'I'm handling it,' responded Tifa, indirectly affirming she didn't want him to come over. Andrew might have been suspicious of her if he were a jealous or less assured person, but as Tifa had been eagerly bouncing on his cock a few hours prior, he was fairly confident she wouldn't do anything behind his back. If she did, well, he wasn't exactly starving for companionship...




Though Cloud suffered a 'slight' mental breakdown after learning the truth about his origins and status as a SOLDIER First Class, he bounced back quickly after three days of unconsciousness, during which he experienced visions of the past and, more notably, the future.

With Cloud coming forward with what he knew, Aerith ultimately decided to do the same, revealing that she also had visions of the future. However, contrasting what Cloud assumed, she revealed that their visions weren't of things to come but events that had transpired in an alternate reality, an alternate timeline that someone, presumably Sephiroth, was trying to fuse with their own.

When asked why only she and Cloud could 'recall' the events of another timeline, Aerith speculated it was due to their exposure to Mako and their connection to the Lifestream, the essence of life as well as the 'memories' of all living creatures, including the planet itself. In the alternate timeline, Cloud had been exposed to the 'source' of the Lifestream during his final confrontation with Sephiroth. As for Aerith, she was a Cetra, meaning she was attuned to the Lifestream from birth, but she had also become 'one' with it after activating the planetary defense magic, Holy. After that, she became the main force preventing the spread of Sephiroth's influence and his attempts to 'corrupt' the energies of the Lifestream, turning the planet into a vessel he could pilot through the cosmos as he pleased.

As outlandish as Aerith's story was, Andrew's existence and the fact that Cloud also possessed memories of the alternate timeline were enough to convince Barret and the members of his Avalanche cell, Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge, that they were speaking the truth. As such, the goals of their cell became three-fold: thwarting Sephiroth's ambitions, sabotaging Shinra's interests, and killing Hojo, the apparent root of most of the evils they were fated to face...




Staring at the figure across from him, a breathtaking beauty with pale, blue-tinged skin and a voluptuous body clad in silver ornament, ornate lingerie, and a wispy blue shawl, Andrew, evading a spear of ice aimed at his head, couldn't help remarking, "This tech has 'a lot' of potential..."

Seemingly capable of understanding his words, the blue-skinned woman, possessing pointed, elf-like ears, hip-length teal hair fastened into a high ponytail, ice blue eyes, and large hooped earrings, giggled in amusement as she floated a few centimeters off the ground, her graceful movements resembling a dance as she continued firing icy projectiles at him.

Evading the projectiles with such precise movements that he seemed to 'stutter' like a stop-motion image, Andrew waited for a lull in the woman's, Shiva's, assault before closing the distance between them instantly. Then, even though he knew his actions were being monitored, he caressed the inordinately large and floating woman's bottom, marveling at its softness even as a layer of frost covered his hand.

Spinning away from Andrew, Shiva released a burst of frigid energy from her entire body, pushing him away as she struck an elegant pose with her left hand pointed toward him. A powerful surge of frigid wind flowed from behind her, but thanks to his Body Temp Ability, Andrew just shook off the ice build-up as he remarked, "Guess I should get serious." while staring at the miniature glacier forming over him.

As Shiva dropped her hand, causing the glacier to fall, Andrew 'surprised' her by charging directly at it, fiery energy veiling his body as he struck the pointed tip of the glacier with his palm. Pain and an icy chill permeated his hand and forearm when he initially made contact, but it was only briefly as the glacier gained a fiery red hue, exploding into countless particulates of water, ice, and condensation.

Emerging from the cloud of vapor, Andrew caused Shiva's eyes to widen as he grabbed her face with his right hand, grinning as he mused, "We're going to have a lot of fun," as his hand started to glow like a piece of hot metal, fresh from a kiln. Then, before Shiva could release a high-pitched scream, he unleashed an explosive plume of fire-elemental energy from his palm, destroying her head and causing the rest of her shapely body to disperse into fresh, powdery snow...




As Andrew removed a fairly badass-looking visor, a device that allowed its wearer to experience a startlingly realistic combat simulation, realistic enough to put someone in a coma if they didn't decrease the pain settings and suffered a serious injury, a silver-haired youth remarked, "Wow. That was very impressive, Andrew. But, while I can understand your interest in such things, please abstain from any activities that might 'obfuscate' the data I collect."

"Sure thing," replied Andrew, returning the device to the youth, a 'young' cyborg named Chadley. He had a slim build, fair skin, medium-length silver hair styled with bangs, and startling blue eyes, but he wasn't a real person. At least, most wouldn't consider him one. Andrew, however, saw no difference between the youth in front of him and someone like Zidane and himself, so he had a pretty favorable impression of Chadley, ruffling the boy's hair as he mused, "Just don't be too surprised when I ask you to make me a version that can be used for things 'other' than combat."

Understanding what Andrew meant, a wry smile adorned Chadley's face as he replied, "So long as you continue helping me to collect combat data and bankroll the development, it shouldn't be an issue."

Punctuating his statement, Chadley handed over a large crimson Materia, adding, "This is the Shiva Summon Materia. Please use her responsibly..."

"No worries," replied Andrew, placing the Materia in his Item Box to give to Aerith later. He knew what Chadley was worried about, but while Shiva was doubtlessly beautiful, Andrew wouldn't summon the remarkably large woman just to fuck. He might if she were aware and willing, but since the Materia in his possession was a 'copy' of the original, Andrew would need to bathe it in the Lifestream to restore its ego.

"See ya around, kiddo," said Andrew, turning and departing as Chadley observed him with data streams in his eyes. He was secretly an assistant of Hojo, but after developing a certain degree of awareness, he began to rebel against his creator and Shinra. Andrew recalled him assisting Cloud and the others quite a bit before gaining his freedom, so Andrew planned to build rapport with the youthful-looking cyborg in order to convince him to pirate and reproduce Shinra's tech. Hell, even if Chadley just built him a simulation deck similar to the LV49 Training Room, Andrew would be over the moon...




As he didn't like to waste too much time simply talking, Andrew was in the shower with Tifa, relaxedly fucking her as she stood with her back against the wall and explained the plan they had come up with to sabotage Shinra and, more importantly, kill Hojo.

"Aerith said she is willing to let herself be captured like in the alternate timeline..." explained Tifa. "After that, we'll break into Shinra Building via the stairs, scale them to Hojo's laboratory, and kill him while rescuing her and Nanaki..."

"Well, it worked in the original..." conceded Andrew, even though he found the plan lacking. He could think of several ways to improve it on the spot, so after forcing Tifa to shudder and moan by leaning into her, probing her pussy to its limits, he said, "We'll do a coordinated assault. Hojo manages to escape in the original timeline. The stairs will also take too long, so the wiser course of action is to teleport next to her when Hojo's ego compels him to gloat..."

Biting her lip and furrowing her brows, Tifa looked like she had something to say, but the stimulation from her pussy was too overwhelming. Andrew had been relentless the thirteen days she had been a Proxy, so her pussy had become more sensitive than she thought possible. She also knew he wouldn't let up before cumming, so she raised her left leg, prompting him to hold it so she could raise her right in turn, permitting him to establish a deep, forceful piston that made her brain tingle with each gouging thrust.

Rewarding Tifa's compliance with her sixty-first creampie, Andrew pinned her to the wall with his body, kissing her intensely for several minutes as the water flowing over them became lukewarm. Then, as their discussion was far from over, he began a slow and steady piston while holding her ass, her remarkably toned legs wrapping around his waist like a vice as she explained how it would be best to keep their ability to move around and teleport a secret for as long as possible...




"I'm pregnant..." revealed Y'shtola, her expression and tone completely neutral as she snuggled up next to Andrew, caressing his abdomen with her left hand.

Recovering from his momentary stupor, a wry smile adorned Andrew's face as he remarked, "I suppose it's only natural, considering the number of times we fucked while you were ovulating..."

Adopting a playful smile, Y'shtola raised her head from Andrew's shoulder, drawing his face toward hers with her left hand and rewarding him with a lingering kiss. Then, with a notably catty smile, she appended, "I lied. But it pleases me that you didn't panic or have an adverse reaction..."

"You cheeky little nymph..." mused Andrew, rolling over and pinning the impish cat girl beneath him with his hands flanking her head. Any other woman might have been intimidated by this, but Y'shtola responded by drawing up her legs, holding them open as she teased, "It's not too late, you know? History can be rewritten, and falsehoods can become truth if those with power and means decide..."

"Then I hope you had nothing planned for tomorrow..." expressed Andrew, drawing his face and lips closer to Y'sthola's as he smolderingly asserted, "Because you aren't sleeping tonight..."

"It's a good thing I slept earlier today," mused Y'shtola, wrapping her legs around Andrew to show she wasn't even remotely daunted by his 'threat.' Rather, she was inciting him intentionally since she loved it most when he was rough and a bit forceful with her, just like he had been during her first time...


