It's the end yet also a new beginning; truly a poetic event for our world.
Anywho, I'll just talk about my goals for 2023 and bla bla bla.
So first, what are my goals?
Obviously, the first is that I hope I get to reach 5k collections on IR: Re and finish the overtly complicated and long Volume 1.
Next is to improve myself in nearly all aspects of my life. From fitness to appearance and such.
Maybe I'll also plan to reach 1000 elo in chess if I have the willpower to play online and get beaten to a pulp.
Then hope to get a boywife if given a chance by our heavenly father.
I'll also probably invest more time into reading books and get new hobbies besides writing.
Those are the general goals I have in mind, though there are some that I didn't mention because they are more personal and... quite strange to say the least, so you don't need to know them.
I'm pretty confident in fulfilling a couple of those goals because I'm already doing them and just need to make them more consistent.
But besides that, pretty wacky that 2023 is already here, huh?
A whole year flew by in a flash that it feels so surreal. I mean, a lot happened this year alone, I can't even imagine what would happen in a brand new one!
Maybe somebody would even confess to me! Oh wait... somebody did kind of confess to me so I guess that's already done... kind of.
Though having someone confess to me, or even have a crush on me, is like impossible, so I don't have much hope for it in the first place.
Another unfortunate fact about the love life of your author, he's demiromantic. The chances of me being romantically smitten is barred behind stringent requirements that even I'm dumbfounded how SOD became my crush.
The exact coincidences needed for her to become my crush was so radical that it can even be considered an outright miracle if the numbers were calculated.
So yeah... love is looking real bleak for that wacky romantic high school life your author has been longing for so long.
Might as well make me aroace at this point so I can just become closer and closer to Braun.
On a side note, I do wonder how it is to normally have a crush. I mean, how does a crush even develop?! Normies, am I right?
Though maybe it's due to my abnormal character that allowed me to become who I am today, to have even reached my level of success?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this but I really am lucky that I confessed early.
Bruh, imagine getting rejected at new year, I might have actually become depressed due to that. Whew, am I glad for my past self to have been insane enough to confess.
But... but, I still consider confessing at new year a pretty good move, so why don't you cunt also confess?
I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
You realize that you fell for a huge red flag and now she has an invisible blade hanging around your throat?
I'm nearly at the worst possible scenario, and look at me, I'm still alive and well.
So just confess you little bitch, it ain't that bad.
Now... I guess that's really it.
I have nothing else I want to talk about that won't compromise my privacy and social security so sayonara!
See you next year!
On a side note before the year ends, I just wanted to say that I'm really grateful that you guys are still reading this trainwreck of a novel. I assure you that IR: Re is going to be astronomically better than this.