
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 78 – Limiter Removal (Body) (Extra Chapter)

"That would be 5 silver coins," a lady over the counter said as Braun nods his head, quickly taking out 5 silver coins from his pocket and giving it to the lady.

"Thank you very much, we hope you have a great stay at our inn," the lady said, taking the silver coins from Braun and storing it somewhere unknown under the counter.

Grabbing his sack from the ground with one arm, many gazes at Braun with curious eyes due to his unique disposition but didn't dare to near him due to his aura.

Stopping in front of a wooden door, Braun inserts the metallic copper key given to him and opens the door. He was then greeted by the sight of a very neat room, with a large space, a clean bed with white sheets and a puffy white pillow, an open glass window that allows him to look outside the street, a lamp situated on top of the bedtable, a chair right behind the table.

Entering the room, Braun closes the door behind him and drops the sack on the ground as Braun felt the excess amount of energy stored in his body.

'I had paid for one night already at a discounted price, so I would be able to remove my limiter quickly and join the two guilds tomorrow.' Braun thought, taking off his shirt and pants with newly bought ones, a white tunic shirt made of better fabric and more durable black pants.

Quickly sitting on his bed, Braun sits down in a lotus position and returns to the same, hyperfocus state from before as the whole world around him disappears from his mind. The thing that was left was only him floating in the dark void and he was looking at his whole like an outsider.

'Start.' Braun announced, soon, he watches his whole body exude steam and his muscles, fat, and flesh quickly disappeared into pure energy he can use to fuel his body to remove the limiter.

To remove his body's limiter is a feat many magnitudes higher compared to removing the limiter for his mind. First, his body is a lot larger compared to his brain. Second, a body expends more energy compared to the brain. A whole slew of reasons played in Braun's mind but he quickly discards them to continue the process.

From converting the stored raw meat in his stomach to nutrition, sacrificing his physical strength for more energy, he used everything he has in store to remove the limiter in an uphill battle of insane proportions that would turn his body from a mortal, to those of gods, holding infinite potential and development.

Infinite potential is not something to be taken lightly, especially for his body. If he succeeds, he would have less energy expenditure to strengthen his body, his body would always grow each second passively without him even thinking about it, and even his breathing would allow his body to grow at a ridiculously fast pace.

As the sun sets down and the moon rose, Braun remained still while his lifeforce fluctuates rapidly. Every inch of his body was turned into an engine to break down the limiter.

By the time the sun was already rising, the whole room was covered in a thick mist of smoke as the general temperature increased by a few degrees yet Braun remained still like a piece of log, that was until he finally opened his eyes and lets out a sigh of relief from his mouth involuntarily.

From one breath alone, Braun sensed his lungs getting stronger by a very small margin, but when done passively throughout the day, it would increase, from 0.1 to 1 to 10, one can only imagine what he can achieve in a month of passive development, and what he would be able to do if he actively trained!

The horror of removing his limiter slowly surfaced to him, every second that he exists means one second of development and growth without stopping. One might start to slow down if they achieve this state, but Braun has no limit, meaning not only would he grow at a constant pace, he would grow at an increasing pace.

From +1 to +2 to +100, that's something he can achieve without even trying.

The calorie expenditure was also beyond this world, it was like his body was defying the laws of nature to forcefully grow without reserve, one could only think what would happen if he eats a whole kingdom of humans for growth.

Standing up, Braun felt his whole body and bones letting out pops of air and producing cracking sounds, a soothing feeling encapsulating his whole body like a warm stream.

Opening his windows to let out the mist, Braun puts on a new pair of clothes which were still the same design, and opened the door to get breakfast to regain a bit of his physical strength that has quickly dropped. A bit of food would accelerate that growth by a lot so he bought a whole plate of boar meat and porridge.

As he ate in peace on the first floor of the inn, Braun overhead the murmurs of the people around him, one, in particular, made his eyes light up in understanding.

"Those demons truly are despicable. A newborn demonic child not only burned a whole village down but also killed all the people around it. How horrendous, sigh, I hope for the day the demons get exterminated to appear."

"Good thing that the Reincarnates manage to stop that monster before its evilness spread outwards."

Upon hearing the news around him, Braun's eyes light up as he smirks.

'So that's why they burned my whole village. They killed a demonic human baby. Not only did they get reputation, but the hate for the demons also got stronger. But if that were me, I'd burn down multiple nearby villages and blame it on a demonic human.' Braun thought, nonchalantly eating his food while recounting the danger of hybrids between human and demon.

'Not only do they have access to the demon's strong magical attributes, but they also gain their advantages without the disadvantages. A demonic human would usually have a lot of potential and those who grew in power terrorized the whole world before, usually reaching Rank S and holding a huge amount of power.' Braun thought, his mind wondering if he would want to be part demon and gain their advantages.

Eating the last bit of his food, Braun stands up and leaves the inn while his sack hangs on his back. His sword continued to hang on his waist but his bow, arrows, and quiver were already stored in the sack for safekeeping.

As he got out of the inn, Braun could already feel his muscles being reinvigorated and escaping his sickly countenance, regaining a bit of his previous vigor like a wave building up its power.

'The Mages Guild, I wonder what my talent and attribute be?' Braun thought as he walks towards the Mages Guild inside the kingdom.

In Terra, magic is a complicated system of power that only a few in this world could learn. Magic requires three things: Incantations, the trigger for the spell to activate. Support, the tool to cast magic. And Attribute, what kind of spell one can cast.

In this world, there is an endless ocean of attributes one can hold. For example, there are the normal attributes such as fire, water, wind, earth, lighting, and such. But there are rare attributes like light, shadow, swords, taming, space, time, blood, etc.

And for talent, it can be distinguished into six levels and is determined by what color or purity a soul have. Each level allows one to store more mana, have an easier time casting and mastering magic, and regenerate mana faster by increasing their absorption rate.

Black, where one can only store 1-19% of mana in their soul. One can usually reach Rank E with this but any higher is near impossible.

Dark Gray, 20-39%. One can usually reach Rank D and have hope for achieving Rank C. The majority of humans have this level of talent.

Gray equates to 40-59%. One usually reaches Rank C and perhaps Rank B if one is lucky and has enough resources.

Light Gray can store up to 60-79% of mana in their souls and have a high mana regeneration rate. One usually reaches Rank B and perhaps even Rank A. A Rank A mage is usually a royal mage at that point.

White is one of the rarest talents out there, the majority of the aspiring students in the Pendragon Royal Academy have Light Gray souls, but only a few have White Souls. It allows one to store 80-99% of mana in their souls and their regeneration rate is absurd. One can achieve Rank A with enough training and perhaps even S, and perhaps the legendary Z Rank with enough luck.

And lastly, Pure White. All the Reincarnates have Pure White souls but one grand example is the Sage, a legendary Z rank mage that holds divine might. A Pure White soul means one can store their mana in their soul at 100% and their regeneration rate would be absurd.

A quick glance inside his body and Braun already saw his soul that is severely damaged glowing a dim Gray, meaning he was Dark Gray but on the higher end of the spectrum.

As he stands in front of the Mages Guild, Braun walks up to the counter and saw many mages walking around the place, conversing with other mages, taking quests to get a higher rank, buying spells, and more.

"What can I help with you, sir?" the gorgeous lady over the counter asked. Her hair was long and black, her eyes shining a dark brown, and wearing a sexy suit that would arouse any man that looks at her.

"I would like to get my talent and attribute check, and perhaps join the Guild," Braun said as the lady nods her head.

In this world, many would obviously want to check their talent and attribute but many would even fail at that, as sensing mana is an arduous task that would require a bit of talent, the majority of the human race can't even sense mana, and mana is an important thing in this world.

Even Fighters, the physical counterpart of Mages, literally need to sense mana to set out on the path of becoming a Fighter in the first place so they can reinforce their bodies.

Braun doesn't even know if he'll successfully sense mana in the first place, but he can just steal some memories, and voila, he would know what mana is like and can instantly sense it if push comes to shove.

Arriving inside a certain room that only has a wooden table in the middle with a glass orb, Braun could see blue energy swirling within it.

"You just need to grab that orb and sense the mana with my instruction. If you successfully do it, it means you have the adequate talent to set out on the path of becoming a fighter or mage. You would then need to insert the absorbed mana into the orb to see your talent and attribute," the lady said as Braun nods his head and grab the orb, instantly, he felt his already dampened soul sensing a strange energy in the air.

'I guess I was correct.' Braun thought, already considering that he wasn't able to sense the mana because his soul is damaged.

"Focus on your soul…" the lady started as Braun acted like he hasn't sensed mana yet and only opened his eyes after a while.

"Is this mana?" Braun asked, the blue energy that was swirling chaotically within the glass orb now gathered at the side where his palm was touching.

"Correct, it means you have passed the first test. Now, try gathering the mana in the air, and then directing it to the glass ball," the lady said, and Braun followed her orders and dragged some mana into his soul and sensed the passively gathered mana already stored in his soul, then he carefully moves it through his body towards the mana conduit which was the orb and saw it glowing Dark Gray while a strange set of runes appeared.

"Oh… Sacrifice?" the lady muttered, surprised at the results given.

"Sacrifice?" Braun asked the lady.

"Sigh, I pity you, I hope you don't ruin that good figure of yours in the future with your attribute. Congratulations, sir. You have Dark Gray talent and the rare attribute: Sacrifice," the lady said, walking towards the bookshelf beside her and taking out a certain book, giving it to Braun to read.

'Sacrifice, a rare magical attribute that acts as what it is named, sacrifice something for another thing of equal value. One can sacrifice their blood for magic, one can even sacrifice their lifespan for a temporary boost of strength…' Braun read through the book like a ravenous beast, his thirst for knowledge getting hungrier as he read through it, a hint of joy appearing in his mind at what this attribute entails for him.

"I would like to join the Mages Guild."

AN: This is 2212 words, you're welcome.

This world is like a shitfest of power systems and plot considering it has 9 Reincarnates. Like the Eastern Continent is gonna be fucking wack, also, the Northern Continent Arc would be exciting as heck as it would be the arc with Imerda Pinata. I'll try to make all the Reincarnates at least humane enough, for IR, I decided that Imerda would be a scummy sadistic slave owner, but then I realized she's elegant so her "flaws" will be more closely tied to her cheat.

Writing is hard, considering this is basically an original world at this point because the source material is only 2 chapters long–Cheat Slayer—so send me some powerstones.

(July 1, 2022 – 219th day of writing)