
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 76 – Limiter Removed (Mind)

As Lydia saw Lute's body suddenly crawl towards her, her originally lifeless eyes regained their vigor.

"L-Lute!" Lydia calls out with a coarse voice, tears welling up in her eyes but Lute didn't look back at her, only glancing at the basket of fruits and wild vegetables lying on the ground beside her.

'Tch, I'll have to kill her quick before she gets too noisy.' Braun thought, arriving at the basket of fruits while Lydia looks at him desperately.

"Lute, are you okay? Are you fine? Did you get hurt anywhere-" Lydia shouts, but Braun swiftly grabbed a pebble beside the basket after munching on a piece of apple and quickly turning it into pure nutrition. With the gathered energy, he shoots the pebble straight to Lydia's eye, the lump eye of Lydia then splattered everywhere as she screamed frantically.

'Sigh, I miscalculated.' Braun thought, grabbing another pebble and accurately shooting it to Lydia's open mouth that screamed frantically and lodging it to her neck, stopping the air from flowing in and out, quickly shutting her screams of pain while her remaining left eye looked at Lute in horror.

"Mmm!" Lydia screams with a muffled voice, the life in her body quickly going away while Braun relentlessly ate the apples and food in the basket like a hungry boar.

'This would be enough to alter my body so that I can eat humans, if I eat Lydia, I'll have enough strength to eat remaining villagers, and if push comes to shove, eat wild beasts to break the limiter in my mind.' Braun thought, quickly expending the newly gained nutrition to alter his biological structure so that he can now eat humans without facing the repercussions of cannibalism.

Quickly standing up with a grunt as his body regained a hint of muscles, he walks up towards Lydia and look at the semen flowing down her vagina and only shook his head in disappointment.

'I have no way of storing that semen right now, sigh, such valuable DNA left useless.' Braun thought, he then grabs Lydia's arms and drags her down to the flat ground for easier devouring.


The sound of his teeth chomping on Lydia's fingers could be heard, a single bite of his cut off her fingers like carrots and he chewed on each of her fingers with a cold gaze, he ignored the disgusting taste it brought and only focused on transforming it into pure nutrition.

From fingers to forearms, the whole arm, her legs, torso, neck, and head, Braun ate it all like a wild beast.

Each bite made his body more robust; it was as if he was gaining Lydia's muscle from each bite.

And finally, after a few minutes, Braun could be seen bathed in blood as he licked the last bit of flesh on his mouth clean. The newfound physical power made him nod his head as the burning village in the distance caught his attention.

'More than an hour has passed since then, with the way the village was structured, the majority of those who were outside would still have their bodies intact.' Braun thought, quickly rushing forward and easily saw a bald man dead on the ground over a pool of blood.

Hastily grabbing his body, he dragged it away from any nearby trees and foliage and continued to find more bodies inside the village.

And by the time he was finished, Braun has made a pile of bodies numbered 17 and would bring him more than enough calories to remove the limit in his mind.

So without reserve, Braun crouched down and started a grand but heinous feast of cannibalism while the effect of removing his Brain Limiter played in his mind.

'Removing the limiter would grant me numerous effects. One is infinite potential which made me willingly remove the cheat as I had no need for its infinite potential. The other is accelerated growth due to the way how a limit acts. For example, when a guy goes to a gym, they have a phase called "Newbie Gains" where they have accelerated growth due to their body being far from its limit, but the nearer it reaches it, the slower they grow. But if I remove that limiter, I would have a growth far exceeding anyone else.' Braun thought, his body now fully covered by blood but he kept chewing, from flesh to organs and even eyeballs and brains, he ate them all like a grandeur feast for kings.

'I put the pile of bodies just near enough to the burning village that no beast would go near here, so I can safely eat without interruption.' Braun thought, continuing to eat as he was already eating the 11th body.

As Braun continued to eat, his stomach continued to bulge and expand but he didn't expend it, as he would need to slam that limiter with one big strike instead of a stream. But that caused a problem as his stomach struggled to keep the food inside, but Braun was smart and kept manipulating his body to evolve further and accommodate the stress.

*Chomp chomp chomp*

Only the sound of chomping and flesh being torn was left, as Braun ate and ate like a hungry hippo not wanting to stop. As if endless gluttony has overtaken his body.


Silence soon ensues as Braun swallows for the last time, he then closes his eyes and assesses his current body.

'The time is finally ripe.' Braun thought, he then squats down on the ground in a lotus position while his whole body became morbidly obese to accommodate all the nutrients he gathered.

Closing his eyes, Braun entered a state of pure clarity for his whole body, including his mind and soul, as if he was currently an outsider in this situation and was not looking at his own body but someone else's.

Soon, a horrendous amount of energy was rapidly expended from his body and steam started to spew out of his pores. His morbidly obese body quickly became thinner and thinner while his previously stretched skin returned to normal.

Calmly breathing in and out, Braun gathered all that energy and rapidly altered his mind as he wished, each passing second made his growth exponential and he felt the limiter, the mythical limiter only a few has broken in the vast multiverse, started to creak and break upon Braun's impact.

It was like an endless wall and the nutrition he wields was a raging tsunami, he continued to ram and slam against the sturdy wall without a break as more steam spewed out of his body.

From seconds to minutes, Braun didn't stop as he continued to do it without stopping. And as time went on, minutes finally became hours.

By the time the sun was already rising to the sky, Braun was still sitting in a lotus position. But like a rooster's scream appearing in the morning like an alarm, Braun lets out a cloud of mist from his mouth as he breathed out a sigh of relief. Opening his eyes, Braun was greeted by a much clearer sight while everything felt much calmer.

Standing up, Braun clenches his right fist and felt each of his muscles, veins, and electrical signals moving throughout his whole body clearly. Everything felt so much clearer than before, it was like a difference between being blind and having perfect vision.

'I successfully removed my Mental Limiter.' Braun thought, his previously shining violet eyes turning into a darker shade as Braun took in deep breaths.

Unclenching his fist, Braun looks up to the sky with calm eyes, the blood that has covered his skin now drying but he completely ignored it.

'This world is called Terra, a world of swords and magic. Where adventurers and monsters roam. I'm currently in the Central Continent near the Pendragon Kingdom, one of the main kingdoms in the Central Continent that contend with the Holy Kingdom. If I move west, I'll eventually reach the kingdom in a day or so. By that time, I'll hopefully have removed the limiter for my body.' Braun thought, the single glance Lute took years ago at a world map from a traveling merchant that visited their village from the Pendragon Kingdom appeared in his mind like a clear picture.

'At the Northern Continent exists the Magic Kingdom under the Sage's rule. The North Continent would be a good place to go if I want to learn magic or trade magical-related items. East is the place Demihumans live. West is where the Elves live and the place the World Tree is located. All around the world's ocean, there lives the mermaids and merfolk. And down south is where the demons live.' Braun thought, assessing the current world but he lacked a lot of knowledge due to Lute being a country bumpkin.

'Hmm, it would be interesting to have those Reincarnates as my test subjects later, but unfortunately, I lack power. For now, I'll head west and enter the Royal Capital which is the main headquarters for the Pendragon Kingdom that almost holds half of the Central Continent. They have countless subsidiary kingdoms all over the continent and are a force to be reckoned with.' Braun thought, standing up and smelled the smoke entering his lungs clearly, the sound of his footsteps echoing throughout the burnt part of the forest, the sound waves giving a clear picture to Braun's mind like echolocation.

As he arrived at the destroyed village, Braun slammed his foot to the ground and closed his eyes, he was doing this to enhance his hearing and sense where the stored money are.

'There, there, there, there…' Braun thought, plotting down points in his mental landscape while his brain continued to grow each passing second, his previous plans got overwritten and gave new ones like passing wind.

As he walks towards the house made of stone that survived the fire, Braun enters the house through the now burned wooden door and walked towards a certain spot on the wall.

Covering his still blood-red arm covered in dried blood with a piece of clothing gathered from the eaten villagers, Braun pulled on a certain part of the wall and found a secret stash of money.

Grabbing it, he easily assessed the weight and found more than 10 Gold Coins inside. To show how much that is, 1 Gold would allow a normal family to live for a month, a loaf of bread that could last for a day costs 5 – 10 copper depending on the place, a kilogram of meat usually costs 1 silver, to stay in an inn usually costs 5 – 10 silver coins.

10 Gold coins was a hefty amount of money that could allow Braun to enter the Pendragon Kingdom which costs 10 silver coins, get an inn and perhaps stay for more than a week, and join the Adventurer's and Mages Guild.

'Once I reach that place, I'll go rent an inn for a day and join the Mages Guild first to see my attribute and talent, and now that my soul is currently damaged, I can hide what my real talent is.' Braun thought, walking away from the house and going to the other houses.

By the end of his scavenging, Braun now has a new set of clothes consisting of a white tunic shirt and black pants that he still hasn't worn yet due to his body still being dirty, 20 gold coins, a sword, a knife, some stored meat which he instantly ate when found, a bow and arrow, a quiver to store arrows in, and leather armor to cover his body, but Braun quickly discards that as it would only halt his speed.

Dragging the sack that contained his scavenged items to the nearby river on the outskirts of the lake, Braun quickly took off his clothes and made a series of lists in his mind on the next set of plans he will accomplish.

'Reach Pendragon Kingdom, become a Mage (if possible) and an Adventurer, and earn money.' Braun thought as he jumped into the cold river, for his new life in another world has officially started.

AN: This is 2031 words, you're welcome.

Bruh, just watched Scream (2022) yesterday and I fucking hate how Richie lost. Like bruh moment, frankly, if the villains won in that movie (which would kill the good guys later turned legacy characters for later movies, so I kinda understand why), then it would have been a 10/10 masterpiece and I would have a brain orgasm in that situation.

Writing so much big brain plots is making me insane, so send me some powerstones.

(June 30, 2022 – 218th day of writing)