
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 62 – Abrupt Interruption

As a young teenage boy standing below a bridge made of rock suddenly jolts their body awake, Braun looks around the place with intrigued eyes as memories flood into his mind.

Everything went normal just like in the previous timeline, Braun argues with the system, he discusses about the world he was in within his mind and all the usual stuff, but the changes soon appeared when Braun looks at the opposite place of where he was standing which was currently below the bridge to only see a glitch appearing out of nowhere and before he knew it, Braun lets out a croaked sound from his mouth as he was raised to the air, his body being choked by the man that appeared out of nowhere.

"W-who are you!" Braun shouts, his hands desperately grabbing the arm that grabs him by the throat and he glances at the bootleg Jesus in front of him, the golden glow in his eyes illuminating the whole underbelly of the bridge in a golden light.

"I'm sorry, Freidrich. It seems like you were still innocent at this time, but your crimes shan't go unpunished, for what you have done is an inevitability that could only be fixed by interfering with time," Matt said, the golden glow in his eyes glowing brighter as Braun's eyes widen, not because he was shocked, no, because his mind instantly knew what was going on.

Without resisting, he felt more memories intrude into his brain out of nowhere as the hidden "virus" Braun implanted from the previous timeline took effect upon making contact with his new self, the virus hastily flooding into his body and enacting his final, true, real grand scheme, taking over the Multiversal God Space System that is connected to him.

As Matt felt his powers receding away out of nowhere, he looks at Braun in shock as his hand was seemingly attached to Braun's neck thoroughly, like it was stuck there forever.

"H-how! I had everything under control from the very start! I know you didn't time travel back with me, so what have you done!" Matt shouts as he tried to take his arm away but to no avail, Braun's scheme has already started, and when someone has Paranoia EXXXXXXXXXXXXX x Infinity along with a big brain squared levels of big brain, then it just means everyone is their pawn from the very start.

Remaining silent as he knew reincarnation and the such could be a problem, the reality around them warps to crazy proportions, his mind getting accustomed to the new abilities he wields and easily overpowering Matt with the power boost.

"You! You had this all planned out, didn't you! I can see it from your apathetic eyes! Your vision, your goal of bringing the world over heaven was just a trick to fool me! Shit, I should have known this from the start!" Matt shouts as his body dispersed into countless motes of golden light, for Braun has successfully slain Esper Jesus.

Waving his hand while reality around him returns to normal, he glances at his new system that he now has partial control over, he knew a simple virus that he made from the previous timeline won't be able to fully take over a hivemind system like this that encompasses potentially infinite universes with infinite hosts, and considering this system might have potentially come from a cheater, then it simply means the risk of fully taking it over is higher than just partial control.

"So it seems like most of my speculations were true. The items in the shop weren't created from nothing, they came from the users selling them to the system to sell to other members. It is also spying over me but that's simple to fix by altering the data feedback given to the potential cheater that encompasses this multiversal faction, and if the Divine Objects that can be bought from the shop is a thing I could base off, then it must have a large chunk of the multiverse for themselves, but with the virus I implanted, then it means I have one way to counteract it if push comes to shove, but only a single countermeasure is quite worrying," Braun mutters as he walks out of the underbelly of the bridge, the Phase 4 of his plan now starting.

"Come out, my Angels," Braun said while snapping his fingers and countless portals soon appears all around him causing the people around him to look at him curiously, wondering what he was about to do.

Hearing their Lord's voice, hordes of glowing humanoid beings erupted from the portal as the people around them look at the Angels in shock, thinking countless bizarre theories but that doesn't matter.

"Where shall we start the plan, my Lord," Magneto said, landing right beside him as his body became fully golden in color and wearing a white robe over his body, a pair of wings fluttering behind his back as he kneels down on the ground.

"Here, I expect the crystals to come in less than 10 seconds and have the whole world fully supernatural in a minute," Braun said as Magneto nods his head, his body disappearing with a blur as all of the angels around him bleep from existence for a split second.

Watching the countless angels around him disappear into trails of light, a gigantic construct hastily appears below the clouds above him. A black metallic jagged cube having countless cubic slots that seems to accommodate gigantic cubes, a signal booster on the top side of the black construct, and a series of floating black shards orbiting around the cube to form a spherical forcefield around it, protecting it from any harm appeared out of nowhere.

And like clockwork, a series of light trails slam into the cube and Braun sees the crystals were now residing within the cubic construct. Seeing one empty slot left, Braun snaps his fingers and watches the barrier concealing the subdimension V created being exposed to the dimension he was in, his hand seemingly enlarging to cosmic proportions that encompass the whole world of Victoria and he pinches a certain spot in orbit, his colossus hands making contact with something akin to crystal and he retracts it back and he was now holding a Rubik's cube size crystal within his hands.

Waving his hands, the crystal now appears in its certain slot on the construct above him as it whirls to life, spinning at inhumane speeds while a vortex forms above it.

"Mission done," Braun mutters as the crimson glow in his eyes retracts, his months of planning and scheming now finally completed, not only did he gain a variety of powers and a new way to gain reality warping as another backup plan, but he also has implanted a virus to a multiversal level system, gained data with the strange crystalline race and so much more.

Watching a pillar of green light erupt from the cube above him, he closes his eyes for a moment as the whole world around him evolves, from trees turning into tens and even hundreds of meters high, the plants spreading like wildfire, and countless humans suddenly glowing in their own color as their powers awakened.

The shouts of surprise, the screams of horror, the shriek of fear, the gasp of wonder, the emotions of countless humans flood into his mind while the angels around him slam into his body, their bodies entering his own as a sort of storage for them to reside in now that their job is over.

[Name: Freidrich Braun] [Title: Asura]

[Race: Human]

[Class: FIghter]

[Body: 1000]

[Mind: 1000]

[Spirit: 1000]

[Abilities: OFA(100%), Teaching(Level 1)]

[Points: 10,000]

[Main Objective: Improving a World (Complete)]

- You are tasked to transition the world from a budding C-rank to a fully grown B-rank world where the supernatural runs rampant and the maximum potential of its residents can skyrocket

[Rewards: 10,000 Points, Random Ability, Random Equipment]

[Equipment: Light Piercer (Divine) - A spear forged from the core of a dying sun and imbued with the essence of light; this spear could be thrown at light speeds with little to no effort, could change size and length, could multiply, could be controlled remotely…]

As a spear of golden light appears within the grasp of his right arm, Braun opens his eyes to see a gateway of light appear in front of him, his eyes gleaming with interest as the spear within his arms disappears into nowhere.

"So, this is the gateway to the Multiversal God Space?" Braun mutters, his face remaining stoic and his heart calm, the fruits of his labor finally showing themselves to him. Will this Multiversal God Space be overtaken by him? Will he learn new knowledge about the multiverse as a whole? Will he meet fellow cheaters? Countless possibilities lie behind that gateway of light, and without hesitation, Braun's body starts to move forward.

As his body walks through the gateway of light and fully disappears from the world he was in, the gateway of light dissipates into countless shards and Braun has finally entered the Multiversal God Space.

[Welcome to the Multiversal God Space!]

Opening his eyes, Braun was greeted by the floating text in front of him as he appears right in front of a white gateway of light that resides behind him. Taking a quick glance at the area around him, he finds himself in a pure white hallway with no sources of light in sight but he could still see without modifying his vision.

"System, where do I go next?" Braun asked, his body walking forward while the area around him starts to get mapped in his mind.

[This is the Multiversal God Space, the space that resides in the area between universes. Here, beings like you who have been chosen by the Multiversal God Space go to stay after accomplishing their tutorial world and proving themselves worthy. Here, you can meet other beings like you, make new allies, join groups to tackle new worlds, trade items directly with other members, and the such, have fun staying here!] As the screen flashes away, Braun finds a minimap in the corner of his vision and he finds that he is currently in a hallway that leads to a gateway and if he continues to walk forwards, he would find himself in what is named Sector 3798 of the Multiversal God Space, and considering the space is infinitely large, then there are countless sectors.

A sector is around the size of a large kingdom and functions like a series of rooms for a large house which was the MGS, within those sectors is a thriving population of members that has their own economy, social hierarchy, and more that has been developed after countless years of development.

Exiting the hallway, Braun finds himself out in the open streets of Sector 3798, countless humans like him roam about the street along with other species from other worlds, like humanoid reptiles, snakes that have arms for tails, hybrids between humans and animals, zombies, all kinds of wacky characters could be found walking around as a certain air was around them, and Braun could easily see that everyone here is either insane or mentally deranged in their own ways.

Taking a deep breath, Braun prepares to thoroughly explore a hundred or so Sectors and gather info about the Multiversal God Space, preparing himself for the arduous task of taking over the space and having it for himself.

'Considering a member could appear in a sector depending on which Sector they were closest to, I could probably meet the five from before and befriend them, form a bond, and have them as my fake weakness. Then I'll explore around the other worlds and find the terminal that contains the multiversal coordinates of certain universes, then maybe I'll even make a new cult-' Braun suddenly stops his train of thought as an aching feeling erupts from his very soul, no, the feeling was so archaic, primal, so deep that it felt so eldritch to Braun.

Grabbing his chest, Braun fell down to his knees while his mind became cloudy, beads of sweat drips down his forehead as the other members looks at him, wondering if he was okay.

"Hey man, you okay-" all of a sudden, as a human-crocodile hybrid walks up to him to see if he was okay, they all watch the man suddenly explode into countless bits of blood and gore, his body splattering to everyone in the area as Braun slowly stand up, a strange pressure exuding from his body as the air around him seemingly warps from the killing intent emanating from his body.

'Somebody here… has my cheat.' Braun thought, his mind finally understanding the reason for that primal feeling he felt, his paranoia that flared up further influenced the instinct that wells up within his very origin, it was as if he can't hold back whatever was taking hold of him.

Without hesitation, everyone in front of him explodes into charred meat as his body moves at faster than light speeds all of a sudden. A trail of crimson sparks run behind him and he finally found himself in front of the culprit, a young boy whose body was already through the portal, and only a strand of his hair was left on the side Braun was in, the aura of a cheater emanating from his body, and Braun instantly knew that the young boy in front of him has his original cheat, Save and Load.

'I finally found you!' Braun thought, a malicious grin cracking on his face as if his malicious thoughts took on a physical form, the whole area around him turned into a tidal wave of darkness.

As his body rushes forwards at incomprehensible speeds, his rational mind was able to take hold for a split second as he watches the body of the young boy fully walk through the portal, and that mere action overpowered his rational mind.

[Warning! Forcefully walking through a gateway that wasn't assigned to you would bring untold consequences!]

"SHUT UP!" Braun shouts as his right arm plunges into his chest and rips out the shard of the Multiversal God Space System that resides within him, looking at it, the inner workings of the system were fully ingrained into his memories within only a split second.

'Hurry up! The boy is getting away with your precious cheat!' the mysterious voice within his mind shouts, the feeling that wells within his very origin explode, and without hesitation, his body rushes straight into the gateway and ignored the warnings of his logical, rational mind and enters through the gateway in less than a nanosecond.

As this event finally came to a close within the Multiversal God bodies, the surviving members who lived through the pressure of his FTL speeds look at the destruction with horrid eyes, countless buildings now destroyed while millions died, leaving only a few thousand to survive.

Would this event change Braun's fate as a whole, will he antagonize his own cheat or will he embrace it? Will he be a slayer of cheats and eradicate them from the multiverse, or will he be the greatest cheater to ever exist? This one single moment, this one single instance, would inadvertently change the course of the entire multiverse and rile up all the beings residing within it throughout the infinite realities.

AN: This is 2581 words, you're welcome.

Was this purely for plot convenience? Yes. But is this invalidating the predetermined rules and lore? No. And also, you're probably going to hate somebody if I decided to reveal that "somebody" early on and not keep it a mystery.

Sigh, IR has so much influence on the current plot development of this story like motherfucking DID, yep, someone's going to receive the multiple identity treatment.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 21, 2022 – 209th day of writing)