
Ch 25 – Illuminati

Inside a circular dome-like room with black metallic walls having weird glass pipes that glow red were ingrained along the walls of the dome.

At the far end of the room, a singular person with short stature was sitting on a golden throne, wearing a black cloak made of soft fabric that was comfortable to wear, golden lines ingrained into the cloak to form a malicious design.

A multitude of humanoid beings stand beside them also wearing a black cloak but less grand in design, only having dark silver armor below their cloaks but it was more mobile and combat-oriented in design.

"Tch, how long are they taking? Killing All Might would be easy with his weakness," the being on the throne said with a young boy's voice, their pale white skin showing through their cloak and putting his elbow on the arm of the throne, leaning his head on his palm in boredom.

But soon, a flicker appears in front of them as the 5 figures from before were seen, their cloaks and armor torn and ragged, blood and sand covering their whole body.

"M-Master! W-we failed!" the girl said, taking off the hood of her cloak to show a beautiful kingdom-toppling face, having sharp sword-like purple eyebrows, purple irises, and dark purple shoulder-length hair, her face smeared with her own blood along with blood as her eyes dilated in fear.

"What happened!" the boy said, leaning forward, confused at how they failed.

"W-when we were about to defeat All Might, a boom suddenly appears behind him and covered us in sand, blurring our view and leaving us to deal with the sand that covered our eyes. Then as the sand recedes… All Might… He's healed!" the girl said, her breath ragged and full of disbelief, her chest rising up and down from the amount of air she was sucking in.

"What do you mean?" the boy said, his head tilting to the left to show his confusion.

"W-we don't know what happened, but here's the footage we managed to record," the girl said, taking out a camera from her chest as the figure beside the boy walked towards the girl and picks up the camera, connecting it to a cord and the tv in front of them turns on.

As the footage replays back in the girl's POV, the boy stands up in shock at All Might's Detroit Smash, the power was something that he shouldn't have been able to exert.

"H-how?!" the boy said, his legs shaking subconsciously in fear.

'N-no! My plans, I should have gotten All Might and One for All in my grasp!' the boy said, his body plopping down back to his throne as his plans all came crumbling down.

'N-no, I could still salvage this. I just need to kill All for One and add him to my army! Yes! I can do that!' the boy said, calming himself down as his breath became calm and steady.

But suddenly, a golden glow suddenly appears above them from the roof which took their attention, it was as if the circular thing above them was a portal of sorts.

Then out of nowhere, a metallic ball falls through the portal and clanks down on the ground right in the middle of the room.

"Huh?" the boy said, his eyebrows rising behind his hood, that was until a hatch opens from the ball and a multitude of gun-like nozzles erupt from it.

As his eyes widen in shock, he hastily jumps down to the ground towards the figure who can teleport, hastily making contact with them.

*BADABADABADA* the sound of gunfire erupts from the ball while the two made contact, a series of bullets being blocked by a barrier of electricity appearing behind them as most of the figures wearing black cloaks died within an instant, blood and flesh bits spewing from their bodies while the two figures disappeared with a flicker.

Appearing right inside the middle of the forest, the duo lets out a sigh of relief as they take deep breaths to calm themselves down.

'We need to run away from here, whoever that portal came from must have been the one who helped All Might, but who?' the boy thought, his eyes widening once more when multiple golden portals suddenly appear around them from the trees that surround them.

With haste, the teleporter activates their quirk and both disappeared from the forest directly inside the sea, just beside Takoba Beach, their body being covered in water as sparks erupt from both due to the turbulent water pressure, it seems like they were being tracked through something and now that they saw it's gone, they let out sighs of relief after they reached the surface of the water and taking in deep big breaths.

Hastily teleporting once more, the duo arrives inside another base that they have as a backup, more figures inside wearing black cloaks lined up on the walls without moving a single muscle.

Taking off the cloak on his head, his pretty face was shown to the world as his sharp red eyes glares at the ground with ragged breaths, his black hair covered in blood, water, and sweat.

Stomping his fist to the ground, he sighs and stands up with the help of the cloaked figure beside him, he sits down on the throne inside the room that was less grand.

Gritting his teeth, he watches the tv in front of him turned on to show the footage of what happened to his previous base, all of his valuable men dying, those valuable quirks forever gone from the world.

Clicking his tongue, he glares at the golden portal and swears to himself. 'The moment I find out whoever is opposing me, I will bring a fate worse than death to them!'

But while he was wallowing in his rage, a golden portal appears back in their previous base and Braun walks through it with a cold gaze.

'I could have killed him back then, but this has been interesting. He seems to have the power quite different from a quirk, something I would like to figure out.' Braun thought, swinging his hand with a wave and watching a swarm of nanobots analyzing the dead bodies around him, and soon, data flashed in his eyes which made him raise his eyebrows.

'They're definitely alive, but their brain patterns behave quite peculiar. They seem to be connected to a transmitter of sorts that they will follow whatever that transmitter orders, and from what I heard, it shows that the trigger is that the being needs to be dead so that the guy can gain control over them, a necromancer.' Braun analyzes, his eyes gleaming with a calculating glow as a blue field covers the whole room.

'No peculiar energy seems to be around, nothing akin to a soul is around here. Hmm, I'll figure this out later, for now, I'll have to deal with those precogs and see what they have in store.' Braun thought, portalling out once more back into his lab.

Arriving right inside it, a series of nanobots swarms around him from the walls and he controls them to form the armor blueprint he has in store, a black metallic armor covering his whole body that appears to be straight out of a sci-fi.

Pointing his hands forward, a golden portal erupts in front of him.

Without reservation, he walks through it with flare and watches the same scene as before.

A series of figures wearing white cloaks having silver-white rims around them, sci-fi tanks and futuristic armored cars, giants, and devils of mythological flare.

With a grin, he simply points his hands forward and materializes a series of metallic pellets in his arms, altering their atomic structure and he feels the pellets' subatomic structure being unstable, so unstable he could do a simple trick that he will use.

Throwing it in front of him, a barrier hastily erupts in front of the army to shield them from whatever attack he may throw but unfortunately for them, the pellets soon fission and a large explosion went to envelop the whole barrier, the blue glow disappearing into motes of light with the army rushing straight towards him.

But unfortunately for them, more pellets appear right in his hand with unstable atomic structure, effectively turning into a throwable nuclear bomb.

Throwing it once more, more explosions cover the whole area in front of him, the radioactive rays being shielded by his armor as he watches the army in front of him being decimated into nothing but charred meat and goo, the ones left alive suffering a more unfortunate fate than those who died.

Connecting to his chip, multiple drones fly through the portal behind him, and watch them cool down the area, leaving no traces of the fight that happened as the destroyed ground got covered by replacement ground along with the radioactivity being taken care of by the drones.

Leaving them alone, he senses the hollow area in the distance and walks towards it, controlling the wires to open the hatch and watching the white ground retract underground while a blue barrier covers the hatch so that the vacuum of space doesn't suck in the oxygen inside the underground base.

Dropping down, his feet lands on the ground with no sound by making his body lighter, glancing around the white hallway with intrigued eyes, a series of headlights lined above him on the roof as the whole hallway was left pristine.

Shooting a portal right beside him, more drones fly through to take care of the last of this organization's members.

Waiting in place, he watches through the drones' live feed who went to shoot down the remaining guards, as he controls one drone to attach to the base, he gets the map and walks towards the main room where the servers are stored and he could simply steal the data for himself.

Walking at a slow pace, he puts his hand on the wall and drags his hands through the smooth surface of the wall.

'This was easier than I thought. But there's one threat left, the time traveler. Considering the necromancer's undead still retains their quirk, either I already killed the time traveler before he can or he takes control of the time traveler, though that would be impossible considering the kill switch I implanted into his body.' Braun thought, his grin widening while he taps the wall beside him, the thrums of metal pleasing his ears as he felt the electromagnetic field around him swishing around.

As the lightness of the moon's gravity field brings a new sense of control over the gravity field around him, the struggle against control being easier than ever before, kicking off the ground, he hovers in the air with ease as if he was a free bird flying through the open sea after being caged for so long.

Hovering forwards, he enters the server room where most of the base's data is stored, taking out a device, he stores all of the base's data into a thumb-size USB, and in a matter of seconds, petabytes of data were stored in something so small, a wonder of technology that would advance humanity a couple of years once they understand the principles of the USB, but unfortunately, Braun never plans to share his knowledge to anyone else.

Connecting to the drive through his AI chip, he prepares himself to read through the data and see what the Seer had given to them, and what forbidden knowledge this mysterious organization holds.

As his mind connects to the data, he browses through the data with intrigued eyes and finds many subjects taking his attention and curiosity, ranging from taking care of potential world-ending threats, villains who plan to disrupt the peace of the world… and.

"The Illuminati?" Braun mutters, his eyebrows raising in surprise at the one file he found stored inside many protections and encrypted files.

AN: This is 2003 words, you're welcome.

Just did 5 minutes of meditation today, I felt so peaceful and calm, 10/10 would do it again.

I'll probably start meditating daily starting today, it's pretty poggers, but you know what's better than meditation? It's that if you give me some powerstones! And did you know only 50% of my readers actually collected my novel? So go put it in your library, it's free, and if you don't do it, well I don't know, I'm just a series of words on your screen.

(May 27, 2022 – 184th day of writing)

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