
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 183 – The Turn Tables

Rolling hills of fluffy white clouds, a golden-colored sky, and a grandeur palace the size of mountains stacked atop one another. It radiated a warm golden glow comparable to the sun, yet when one stares directly at it, it wouldn't blind them and instead, an intense feeling of reverie would pervade their minds.

Inside that strange space, one can find settlements located all around the endless clouds, from houses, buildings, open gardens, marketplaces, and such. On them, there were figures eerily similar to what the media depicts as angels.

Humanoid beings with a pair of heavenly white wings strapped to their backs. They all radiated a feeling of holiness, as golden halos glowed brightly above their heads like rings of light.

Some flew through the sky, some were walking on the cloudy ground like it was solid, and it was akin to a sight of groundedness. They ate, some slept, some took walks on scenic grounds, some flew through the golden skies and enjoyed the fresh air and such.

Yet, it was still a sight one would of expect of Heaven. An endless paradise where good exists and evil are nonexistent. But can Heaven truly exist?

"Hmm," A heavenly voice hummed inside a grand throne room.

The throne room was grand, and was hundreds of meters in size, with the ceiling being so far above that it seemed endless. The ground was draped in the color of pure white, with a segment in the middle that leads directly to the throne colored a radiant gold. The walls were of the same shade of gold, with balls of golden light placed on them, illuminating the incredibly large throne room with a warm golden hue.

Sitting on the golden throne that laid atop golden stairs, a being of heavenly beauty can be seen. Her hair was like a river of gold, her pair of squinted eyes seemed incomparably divine and graceful, and her eyelashes that drooped were elegant beyond mortal comprehension. She wore a simple white robe that accentuated her curves, yet when one looks at her, they won't feel a hint of lust in their body, and only adoration and awe will remain.

In front of her, she saw an array of countless worlds stacked in rows and columns. The spherical worlds were colored gold, and many of them had golden streams that poured outwards and diffused into the air.

'Strange,' Angelica thought to herself. Her right arm was currently put on the handle of her golden throne, and she rested her chin on her open palm.

Currently, the golden spheres in front of her had some hint of darkness popping in and out from time to time, which would quickly get expunged in moments, but that only seemed to have made her more suspicious as she squinted her eyes into slits.

'Before, that revengeful Demon Lord's advancements would be much faster than this. Now, the appearance of his influence is akin to a snail's pace that even my pawns could handle them without my interference.' Angelica's eyes stared coldly at the worlds in front of her that continuously radiated a soft golden glow, where dark spots continuously appear and get taken care of.

Now that the advancements of the Demon Lord have been getting slower, it would of course make any fool happy. But she was an experienced God that has lived for thousands of years, she was the avatar and clone of an almighty multiversal entity that has countless multiverses under its grasp, she would, of course, see the strangeness of the situation instantly.

For the Demon Lord, the one she betrayed just like many other fellow avatars of herself that exist in the same series of universe she found herself in, would be filled with hate and hungry for revenge. But a few years back, a change started to happen that she slowly came to notice.

'He's getting harder to deal with.' Angelica paused for a second before snickering, 'But so what? Might means right in this dog-eat-dog world, and my might is far above that puny Demon Lord that has only recently unsealed himself a few years back and regained his full might. With each passing second, my strength rapidly rises as countless worlds under my control worship me as their Goddess, allowing my own might to rapidly increase passively.'

Angelica was a cheater through and through. With her absurd cheat where faith—Mental Energy—is transformed into her own strength, she would grow passively without even having to lift a finger! As a powerful God, she has countless worlds under her rule that constantly worship her as their one true Goddess.

To achieve such a feat, she would have of course slain countless Gods already! Do not think that her current accumulation didn't come with hardships, for worlds where life flourishes would normally have a few gods ruling over them.

To have the capability to slay countless Gods and take over their worlds, it just shows the fearsome might she wields!

As she ignored the tiny little specks of darkness that popped in and out of her worlds, she turned her head to the side where a golden screen floated in the air. On it, she saw a blank white void with nothing inside it.

'Isaac Deathwill, how far have you grown since I last saw you?' Angelica smiled lightly upon seeing two fissures in space open up in the white void.

Appearing from the two fissures, she saw Isaac Deathwill whose appearance has rapidly changed after ascending to the level of a Demigod. His hair has turned longer and silver-gray in color, and his eyes also turned the same color. He now wore a silver-gray robe constructed from a complex blueprint by nanites, which only continues to astound her as she could clearly see the intricateness of the nanites he wielded.

On the other hand, the more shocking thing was the 10-year-old Nox Aeterna hovering opposite Isaac Deathwill. His hair was like an iridescent rainbow, while his eyes were a pair of priceless rainbows crystallized into gems. Erupting from his body was fearsome killing intent and the aura of a peak Demigod being!

'Ohoho! To think the clone would have reached the peak of Demigod already before the original, I wonder how Isaac would… Hmm?'

At that moment, her eyes widened slightly upon noticing a strange scene. Upon observing Isaac Deathwill, what she saw was not a human, instead, she saw something that made her a bit surprised.

'Eh? Sky Bear, Ancient Dragon, Fire Titan, Elder Lich, Death Lord, what is this?' A hint of shock flashed through her eyes upon noticing this oddity.

All throughout Isaac Deathwill's body, she saw not a human but an amalgamation of endless entities. From entities who are alive to beings who were undead. Isaac Deathwill, in her eyes, felt more like not a singular entity but an endless being.

'Entity Creation? Life and Death Connection? Strange, truly strange! This is simply something no mere mortal can do, even if they were to be at the peak of Demigods! Isaac Deathwill, he's already halfway through reaching transcendental comprehension of Life and Death! With that, he gave himself the ability to not only connect himself to so many beings but even gain their "meaning"!'

In this universe, there comes a certain balance. Beasts are essentially stupid and are unable to comprehend the laws of reality considering they were stupid. But somehow, someway, many of them have the capability to wield the laws of reality at levels far higher than beings that have high intelligence like humans, elves, demons, and such.

From elemental beasts to Demigods, and even Gods! If normal mortal beasts have such low intelligence, how come some of them have such a high comprehension of the laws?

That is what one would call their innate understanding, an intuition of sorts that uniquely belongs to certain species. Fire Boars can innately understand the Law of Fire, Sword Spirits can innately understand the Law of Sword, etc.

Unlike humans who have to work hard and perceive the mysteries of the universe, some are just born with a high understanding of the laws of reality, hence why there are some naturally born Gods from time to time. But such beings are one in a few, and most gods who currently exist were created, not born.

But what if the intuition of countless species—alive or undead—ranging from a mere mosquito to Demigods were all given to a single being?

That means his intuition, his 'talent', is elevated to an insanely high degree!

'This… This is truly an unorthodox method that no other God of Life has achieved… But how? How was he able to achieve this? The mere complexity of even upholding the connection without permanently altering his body and making himself part beast or undead… Nanites!'

Yes, such a feat would of course be impossible for mortals, and nigh-impossible for most Gods of Life. But Isaac Deathwill is unique, for he not only has equally comprehended both the Laws of Life and Death, but his comprehension of the Law of Soul and other laws that synergizes well with his unique method allowed it to be achievable with the assistance of nanites!

And just like she expected, Nox Aeterna was completely destroyed by Isaac Deathwill like a punching bag. Even if he were to be by himself and not use his Servants, Nox Aeterna would still be completely obliterated due to the sheer foundation he has built by his Life and Death comprehension that is halfway through transcendence!

Just as Isaac Deathwill grabbed Nox Aeterna's body with mana and had him hover in front of him, an intense ominous feeling suddenly struck Angelica's mind out of nowhere.

Without even turning her head, she instantly saw the projections of the worlds that she has under her domain suddenly go through a drastic change. Dozens of worlds were instantly draped in darkness, and the darkness only continued to spread at an insanely fast rate that in a single second, many of her worlds were taken away from her.

Though she was strong, her power had a huge weakness. It relied upon the Mental Energy, the faith of others for her. The more believers she has, the faster her strength will grow, hence why she has so many inhabitants living inside her heaven-like world that is nigh-endless in size. With that, she can have a safe source of mental energy.

But as countless worlds that provided her with an endless stream of Mental Energy were suddenly draped in darkness, an immense feeling of weakness quickly overwhelmed her. Not only that, but she could feel the entire palace and realm shaking due to the sudden instability brought by the lost connection.

If one were to look outside, one'd see the golden sky and rolling hills of clouds shaking as if they were undergoing a dangerous earthquake. The fabrics of space seemed to tear, and the laws of her domain went unstable and wonky due to the sudden interference that abruptly came from nowhere.

She puked out golden blood from her mouth, and she stared at the air in front of her within the throne room, and she saw a dark cloud rapidly form into a humanoid figure of darkness and chaos.

"It truly has been a long time since we last met, Angelica."

At that moment, the entire universe seemed to have halted as danger signals erupted within Angelica's mind. She felt an intense feeling of danger emanating from the being in front of her, and with her own experience, she could quickly tell who the person was: "O-Ordo?"

"Kukuku, it seems you still remember me, Angelica. Sigh, to think the turns have truly tabled. Thanks to you, I have returned to the realm of Demigods, which eventually allowed me to return back to Godhood better than ever," Ordo said with a jovial tone, his shadowy body suddenly had both of its eyes glow a glaring scarlet light, and dim blue glow. "Alas, my purpose for invading your True World wasn't for us to meet, it is to dampen your mental state and also your source of Mental Energy, tata~"

Just like that, before Angelica could even move and react, the lump of shadow that formed a humanoid body released an intense scarlet light, and Angelica's body was destroyed without a single trace left.

The scarlet light continued to expand relentlessly and it swallowed up the entire ginormous castle. The angels of Angelica's True World clearly noticed it, but the scarlet light's expansion was simply too fast that in mere moments, kilometers of land were swallowed by the scarlet light.

But just as it was rapidly expanding, golden light quickly appeared and formed a barrier around the red light, halting its progress and saving Angelica's angels. But the damage was already done, a huge expanse of land was devoured by the light, and by the time it receded, a large gaping hole can be seen that went on for tens of kilometers.

Lumps of golden light slowly gathered, and Angelica's body stared at the destruction in front of her with a blank stare. But the intense aura emanating from her body indicated her true anger, as she gritted her teeth with rage.

She stretched out her hand to the air in front of her, and she felt a rebounding force greeting her, along with a red barrier suddenly appearing out of thin air.

"True God of Order and Chaos…" At that moment, her anger waned and she felt overwhelming danger.

'Even I, with my cheats and Law of Divinity, would be cautious against a True God of Chaos or True God of Order, but Ordo has both! How?! No, questioning things won't matter. Now I'm currently trapped inside my True World by Ordo, and beasts are already invading my worlds! This means that I'm unable to help and must be completely reliant on my pawns. Good, very good! Ordo, I truly have underestimated you!'

AN: This chapter has 2340 words.

Big hint on how the fuck Isaac Deathwill is part everything and became OP as fuck because I don't wanna write an entire chapter just to dedicate how he gained this 'Deus Ex Machina' that supposedly came out of nowhere: Who was missing from the entire fight last chapter? Who also created Gal Jum's ability to make beasts into totems?

If you had some brains and noticed that Bahamut was missing, and he is a Devourer, along with a Demigod being able to traverse the void of space... Well yeah, you can essentially put two and two together. And I know what you're thinking: "But what about that Devourer Nox fought? Wouldn't that mean that our cute widdle babwy Devourer's on Earth?"

No, Isaac can literally manipulate entities separated by entire realms, you think he can't do something as simple as sending an entity to another world and control it? You think he didn't probe Nox Aeterna's capabilities just before they fought so he can overpower Nox? Yeah, I know, my ability to scheme is impeccable.

(October 30, 2022 – 340th day of writing)

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