
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 164 – Connection Between Cheaters

*** (A Few Hours Ago)

High above the sky, a big chunk of aerodynamic metal can be seen flying through the blue skies littered with white fluffy clouds. The appearance of the plane was far different from the one a few decades ago, it held a metallic silver color and its shape was perfectly optimized for flying a large number of passengers. It had little to no useless baggage in its design, it is a product designed for its practical usage: Flying.

It flew through the skies for hours, until finally, it slowly descended from the blue skies down to the ground where a runway can be seen. The wheels erupted from below, magical runes shown everywhere on its body as magic and technology worked in tandem, and finally, it landed on the ground with a silent halt.

The landing was extremely smooth that not even a mark was left on the ground.

Magic has changed the way the whole world functions. Magic is studied alongside technology, and products such as the magical plane have drastically altered how technological machines are constructed. Now, the safety of the plane has reached its peak as countless runes were inscribed on its metallic body to ensure the safety of the passengers. Even if it gets struck by lightning, faces a storm, or a tornado, the people inside it would be perfectly safe.

Loud cheers erupted from within the large plane as the doors opened, and a figure can be seen hopping out of the still-opening door. He landed on the ground with a loud thump, and his appearance can finally be seen.

Flowing red hair, a pair of bloody red eyes that gleamed with vigor and life, and an athletic body that can be considered the peak of the human genetic limit. He wore a black shirt and baggy black pants, but one can see the golden symbol of Seoul High placed on his back to indicate that he was a student of Seoul High. It was indeed Gal Jum, but weirdly enough, his body was a lot smaller compared to when he was previously seen in public.

"Hahaha! You are welcome, America, for this mighty emperor has graciously given you his presence!" Gal Jum laughed. His voice was booming everywhere as many cheered from the plane behind him.

"America, whoo!"

"I can't believe we're really in America! Kyaa!"

Many students of Seoul High murmured to one another as they looked around the area with curious eyes. But three figures walked out of the crowd of students to Gal Jum in the distance.

"Jum, you really should stop acting so arrogant," a boy with golden hair and golden eyes sighed. His figure, though short and weakly compared to Gal Jum, remained unperturbed by Gal Jum's fierce appearance.

"A wise man acts weak when they are strong, and strong when they are weak. Gal Jum, you should learn from the ancient wisdom of our people and hold in your boiling blood," another added. He had long black hair and a pair of eyes that shone with brilliance. He wore a black robe with the symbol of Seoul High etched on the chest.

"They're right, Jum. You'll only get yourself kicked in the gut if you act like that," the final person added. He had raven black hair and abyssal black eyes that held endless depth. Once one stares into his eyes, it would feel like they are getting sucked into an endless abyss that they can't escape from.

"Shut up, you three. I'm Gal Jum, the might Myriad Beast Emperor! No one in this world can't defeat me other than me! I'll slay God if God opposes me, I'll slay Buddha if he opposes me, I'll slay the Devil if he too opposes me!" Gal Jum laughed proudly while he patted his chest.

"Sheesh, arrogant much. Anyways, you guys wanna try out the food here? I already located some restaurants we can try out," Yokota Makoto said while showing them his phone where a list of restaurants was shown.

"Oh, food? Count me in!" Gal Jum hastily grabbed the phone and just like that, the four went and picked out a restaurant for lunch.


"God, so tired!" Yokota Makoto groaned, his body can be seen dangling on Gal Jum's neck and back as he carried him like a sack.

"You should work out, Makoto," Isaac snickered as the trio walked while Yokota Makoto continued to be carried by Gal Jum.

"Hahaha! You really are pathetic, Makoto! Unlike me, your body is like a twig! That's why you wouldn't get a girlfriend at this rate!" Gal Jum laughed loudly.

"Hey! You guys also don't have any girlfriends!" Yokota Makoto retorted angrily.

"But they are right, Makoto. A weak body leads to a weak mind. You clearly show a lack of discipline unlike us. Just like the saying goes, a strong body leads to a strong mind and spirit. What good is it to have the power to topple cities, when one only needs to tap you and you get defeated?" Qian Feng reminded.

"Ha! Qian Feng's right! And I, the Myriad Beast Emperor, have no need for a useless girlfriend! I only need strong enemies and beasts to conquer and defeat! My love for fighting will topple over my love for a woman!" Gal Jum laughed loudly.


Arriving at the hotel they rented for their trip to America, the four arrived at the door and entered the hotel. The inside of the hotel had tons of people walking around, each of them holding varying appearances with their own unique stories to tell.

Some wore suits, some wore expensive clothing, some wore elegant dresses, and some looked plain and ordinary but the brilliance they held can't be hidden. And in the distance, they saw the entirety of Class 1-A of Seoul High waving at them.

"Initiate Hotel Massacre."

A voice rang inside their heads at that moment, and instantly, a rapid change occurred in mere moments. Nanites covered the entire perimeter of the building, while magical runes were used in tandem to block anyone from discovering what would happen inside.

On the other hand, the students and teacher of Seoul High's Class 1-A charged forward without hesitation. Some took out weapons from nowhere, others used magical spells, others transformed into beasts, others summoned monsters.

Blood, brain matter, flesh, organs; a gruesome scene showed itself to the four as they too charged forward.

Gal Jum transformed into a monstrous beast, killing tens of people with one sweep of his arm as the air pressure of his swing killed the panicking people of the hotel.

Qian Feng's body pierced through the ceiling, arriving at the higher floors as a sea of swords followed behind him. With a single gaze from his eyes, sharp sword intent killed the people in his line of sight while his swords killed the people on different floors.

Yokota Makoto stomped his foot to the ground, golden electricity erupted everywhere around him as spikes erupted everywhere, killing hundreds in a single breath.

The massacre continued for a while until eventually, Isaac Deathwill's body floated to the sky as he felt his soul being ripped by a strange force, and his soul and will were transferred over to the now dead bodies of the people inside the hotel.

Like magic, the dead bodies opened their eyes and all their wounds regenerate to peak condition. If not for the bloody floors and flesh-riddled walls, nobody would assume anyone here died. But Isaac remained calm, he was of course prepared to clean the entire hotel.

Waving his arms, the magical runes formed by his nanites that surround the entire building shone faintly, yet none outside can see it due to the interference of the nanites. Not even the mages in the surrounding area could notice the surge of mana in the air.

As a strange magical power swept the entire building, the walls were cleaned, the blood was taken away, and everything reverted back to before the massacre happened. Strangely, the people who were previously killed and turned into servants went on their way, they just quietly walk out of the building like they weren't killed mere moments ago.

"Continue with the plan," Isaac ordered as he turned around with a glint in his eyes. Nodding their heads, the students of Seoul High's Class 1-A vanished instantly.

Walking out of the hotel, Isaac smiled and looked at his phone where a few hundred thousand dollars can be seen: 'Let's finally test out something I haven't been able to examine ever since my rebirth…'

'It's time to test out a cheater's luck.'

And so, the four appeared in front of Treasure Heaven Casino with a flash of white light. Even though there was a burst of white light and four figures appeared from nowhere, nobody seemed to have noticed that strange occurrence and they went on their way.

Dispelling the illusion spell casted on the four, they went towards the entrance of the casino and were interrupted by the guards standing in front of the entrance.

"ID please," the guard asked. Throughout his years, he has experienced people trying to enter the casino even though they were underage, so he has been quite cautious ever since then.

"Here," Isaac and the gang responded, showing their IDs to the guard who checked them and nodded his head upon seeing them. Opening the door, he let the four enter the casino.

And just like that, the four went to have quite a wild ride inside the casino. They experienced joy, anger, sadness, despair, and went through a lot in the time they spent inside the casino.

From Yokota Makoto and Gal Jum betting against each other and Gal Jum losing a crap ton of his money, to Qian Feng using card counting to easily earn some money. They each had their share of fun, but Isaac had a deeper meaning as to why he was gambling money.

"I bet 1000," Isaac said, his tone was light and calm and the person in front of him snickered.

"Sorry, but it seems like you better try next time."

Looking at a portion of his token getting taken away, Isaac remained calm and he noted that experience down in his mind. But he didn't stop, as he quickly went to bet another time once more: "I bet 100k."

"100k?!" The person almost reeled back in shock, but he quickly calmed down and nervously slid cards… until… until!

"HE WON!" He cried out in shock as the people watching cheered loudly from such an upheaval of luck!

From him losing a measly 1000 dollars to earning a 100k on the next game!

It was such a spectacle that it almost made everyone feel surreal at such a scene. But sadly, it was indeed true!

'A higher risk means a higher chance for me winning; a lower risk means an average chance of winning. The riskier the situation becomes, the more I can overturn the situation and earn an upheaval of fortune. It's just like when the main character turns a disaster into a lucky encounter. So it seems like my worries for any possible disasters could lessen if I play my cards carefully…' Isaac inspected before he stared at Gal Jum.

"Oi, Gal Jum, wanna bet?"

"Me? Of course, I would want to!"

"Then… I bet a million."

A pause, then loud murmurs erupted everywhere as everyone in the area heard what he said.

"You… You really are pushing your luck today, Isaac! Fine! A million it is!"

"Mine is heads."

"Sure, sure, then mine is the tail of a mighty dragon!"

Confidently walking up to the table, Gal Jum placed a coin in his hand and flicked his finger, causing the coin to fall down to the ground slowly.

Their hearts were beating, and the tension in the air was overwhelming as the money one can earn was immense from just one single flip of a coin. A million dollars, that's an immense amount of money very few can normally earn in the world unless they were a hunter or something similar.

Clang, the coin landed on the ground with a loud bang that grabbed everyone's attention, and what they saw made loud cheers erupt like roaring thunder!




In the midst of it all, Isaac calmly felt the swirls of luck surrounding him as he gained a deeper insight into its laws and heavenly principles. Luck, such a mysterious thing that he has little to no experience with in his past life, now, he holds immense luck due to his cheat.

But as he did so, he opened his eyes and felt a strange sense of connection appearing behind him. It was akin to an urge, an instinctual feeling that stems from deep within him, and as he turned his eyes, he was greeted by a pair of shining blue eyes amidst the crowd, and the whole world turned silent for the two.

'So, a cheater does attract another cheater.'

AN: This chapter has 2195 words.

Nani?! Two cheaters meet one another?! What does fate have in store for the two?! Will one die while the other lives?! Will Clover's immense luck save her from the grasps of death?! Will Isaac's gigachad status prevail in the end and kill Clover?! Find out next time in the next chapter of FBM!

(October 1, 2022 – 311th day of writing)

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